14 research outputs found

    An Overview of Pituitary Incidentalomas: Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Management

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    Pituitary incidentalomas are tumors or mass lesions of the pituitary gland. These are incidentally discovered during imaging studies for symptoms that are not causally related to pituitary diseases. The most common symptom that triggers an examination is headache, and the most common type of pituitary incidentalomas are pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) and Rathke cleft cysts. The existing treatment strategy is controversial; however, surgical resection is recommended in cases of clinically non-functioning PitNETs with optic chiasm compression. In contrast, cystic lesions, such as Rathke cleft cysts, should be followed if the patients are asymptomatic. In this case, MRI and pituitary function tests are recommended every six months to one year; if there is no change, the follow-up period should be extended. The natural history of PitNET is partially known, and the management of pituitary incidentalomas is determined by this history. However, the pathogenesis of PitNET has significantly changed with the new World Health Organization classification, and follow-up is important based on this new classification. Therefore, a high level of evidence-based research is needed to consider treatment guidelines for pituitary incidentalomas in the future

    Applicability of Anti-Human Estrogen Receptor β Antibody PPZ0506 for the Immunodetection of Rodent Estrogen Receptor β Proteins

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    Several lines of controversial evidence concerning estrogen receptor β (ERβ) remain to be solved because of the unavailability of specific antibodies against ERβ. The recent validation analysis identified a monoclonal antibody (PPZ0506) with sufficient specificity against human ERβ. However, the specificity and cross-reactivity of PPZ0506 antibody against ERβ proteins from laboratory animals have not been confirmed. In the present study, we aimed to validate the applicability of PPZ0506 to rodent studies. The antibody exhibited specific cross-reactivity against mouse and rat ERβ proteins in immunoblot and immunocytochemical experiments using transfected cells. In immunohistochemistry for rat tissue sections, PPZ0506 showed immunoreactive signals in the ovary, prostate, and brain. These immunohistochemical profiles of rat ERβ proteins in rat tissues accord well with its mRNA expression patterns. Although the antibody was reported to show the moderate signals in human testis, no immunoreactive signals were observed in rat testis. Subsequent RT-PCR analysis revealed that this species difference in ERβ expression resulted from different expression profiles related to the alternative promoter usage between humans and rats. In conclusion, we confirmed applicability of PPZ0506 for rodent ERβ studies, and our results provide a fundamental basis for further examination of ERβ functions

    Exploring endocrinological pitfalls in pituitary surgery in the elderly

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    Background: Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (ETSS) is performed more frequently in elderly patients. We investigated endocrinological pitfalls in pituitary surgery in the elderly by a comparative study focusing only on elderly patients. Methods: Ninety-nine elderly patients aged 65 years and over with non-functioning pituitary adenoma (NFPA) who underwent ETSS were retrospectively examined and classified into the early (aged 65–74 years) and late (aged 75 years and over) elderly groups. The baseline characteristics and anterior pituitary function were compared between the groups. Results: Seventy patients were assigned to the early elderly group and 29 to the late elderly group. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) response in preoperative and postoperative thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) tests revealed a significant difference between the groups. Preoperative and postoperative TSH responses were significantly correlated in both groups. Residual analysis of the correlation between preoperative free triiodothyronine (T3) secretion quantity and preoperative TSH response in both groups, which was significant, indicated that preoperative TSH response was significantly normal when preoperative free T3 secretion quantity was normal in the early elderly group, but preoperative free T3 secretion quantity was significantly lower regardless of preoperative TSH response in the late elderly group. Conculsions: The present study suggested that preoperative and postoperative TSH secretory capacity was presumed to be normal when preoperative free T3 levels were normal in the early elderly patients with NFPA. On the other hand, TSH secretory capacity in the late elderly patients could only be assessed by the TRH test, which should be taken into account

    Concurrent IgG4-related hypophysitis and clinically nonfunctioning gonadotroph pituitary neuroendocrine tumor

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    Abstract Background Some patients develop immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related hypophysitis associated with systemic diseases. More than 30 cases of IgG4-related hypophysitis have been reported. However, biopsy has rarely been performed in these patients, and none have had an associated pituitary neuroendocrine tumor (PitNET). We present a case of concurrent IgG4-related hypophysitis and PitNET. Case presentation A 56-year-old Japanese man arrived at the hospital with visual impairment, bitemporal hemianopia, and right abducens nerve palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed pituitary body and stalk swelling as well as a small poorly enhanced right anterior lobe mass. Laboratory and loading test results suggested hypopituitarism. Because IgG4 level was elevated, a systemic examination was performed; multiple nodules were found in both lung fields. The diagnosis was based on an endoscopic transnasal biopsy of the pituitary gland. A histopathological examination revealed a marked infiltration of plasma cells into the pituitary gland, which was strongly positive for IgG4. The histological features of the resected tumor were consistent with those of gonadotroph PitNET, which was immunohistochemically positive for follicle-stimulating hormone-β and steroidogenic factor-1, and no plasma cell infiltration was observed. Based on the histopathological examination results, steroid therapy was initiated, which reduced pituitary gland size and serum IgG4 levels. Discussion and Conclusions This is the first reported case of IgG4-related hypophysitis with PitNET. Although no pathological findings indicating a relationship between the two conditions were found, we were able to preoperatively differentiate multiple lesions via detailed diagnostic imaging