15 research outputs found

    Recent regional policy developments in the member states and Norway

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    This paper aims to provide a comparative review of recent regional policy developments in the countries of the EU and Norway, concentrating particularly on the period of 2007. The papers has been prepared by the European Policies Research Centre (EPRC) under the aegis of EoRPA (European Regional Policy Research Consortium), which is a grouping of national government authorities from countries across Europe. The Consortium provides sponsorship for the EPRC to undertake regular monitoring and comparative analysis of teh regional policies of European countries and the inter-relationships with EU Cohesion and Competition policies

    Neue Entwicklungen in der europaeischen Regionalpolitik

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    This chapter is concerned with new developments in the European regional policy

    Nuovi quadric e nuovi approcci: sviluppo recenti delle politiche regionali degli Stati Membri dell'UE

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    This article discusses recent developments of regional policies of EU member states

    Conditioning and fine-tuning Europeanization: negotiating regional policy maps under the EU's competition and cohesion policies

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    Most studies of Europeanization tend to adopt a top-down conceptual perspective exploring the impact of the EU on Member States' policies, polities and politics. Whilst it is generally recognized that Europeanization involves reciprocal relationships between the EU and Member States, few studies seek to explore the nature of such interaction. This study sheds light on such processes by exploring the negotiation of regional policy maps under the EU's competition and cohesion policies. Approaching Europeanization from this angle shifts analytical attention towards actors, their preferences and strategies, and the bargaining opportunities through which they may attain their goals over time

    Regional policy under crisis conditions: recent regional policy developments in the EU and Norway

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    This paper examines regional policy under crisis conditions in the EU and Norwway

    Where does all the money go? Operationalising the allocation of funding under EU and national regional policy

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    Paper describes the the allocation of funding under EU and national regional policy

    The future of peaks in the Delta: relevant European experience

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    This report discusses the future of Delta (Dutch Expedition for Life, Science Technology and Atmopsheric Research)

    The impact of structural funds programmes in Scotland 1994-2006, European policy research papers, No 60

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    The aim of this study was to examine the operation and impacts of the European Structural Funds programmes (excluding Community Initiatives)in Scotland in the period 1994-2006. The specific objectives were: to assess the overall effects of the 1994-99 and 2000-06 programmes; (b) to provide detailed analyses of a small number of Structural Funds projects; and (c)to identify examples of good practice and value-for-money

    Cohesion policy reform : some implications for Spain and its regions

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    The last negotiation of the EU budget and the associated reform of EU Cohesion policy have had major policy implications for Spain, the country in receipt of most Cohesion policy support in the previous programming period. EU enlargement, combined with relatively rapid growth in Spain, impacted on the eligibility of Spanish regions for cohesion support while also taking the country as a whole beyond the eligibility threshold for the Cohesion Fund. This paper reviews how it carried out the reform of the Cohesion policy, what were the results of the negotiations for Spain and its regions in terms of budgetary allocations, as well as the political and institutional impact of these results. Moreover, it focuses on showing the economic effects of the Cohesion policy (1989-2006), and examine the economic implications of the new policy Framework 2007-2013, which form the axis around which has turned the debate on the last negotiation of the EU budget