20 research outputs found

    Pre-Bloch invariants of 3-manifolds with boundary

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    AbstractLet M be an oriented hyperbolic 3-manifold with finite volume. In [W.D. Neumann, J. Yang, Bloch invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Duke Math. J. 96 (1999) 29–59. [9]], Neumann and Yang defined an element β(M) of Bloch group B(C) for M. For this β(M), volume and Chern–Simons invariant of M is represented by a transcendental function. In this paper, we define β(M,ρ,C,o)∈P(C) for an oriented 3-manifold M with boundary, a representation of its fundamental group ρ:π1(M)→PSL(2,C), a pants decomposition C of ∂M and an orientation o on simple closed curves of C. Unlike in the case of finite volume, we construct an element of pre-Bloch group P(C), and we need essentially the pants decomposition on the boundary. The volume makes sense for β(M,ρ,C,o) and we can describe the variation of volume on the deformation space

    Finite surgeries on three-tangle pretzel knots

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    We classify Dehn surgeries on (p,q,r) pretzel knots that result in a manifold of finite fundamental group. The only hyperbolic pretzel knots that admit non-trivial finite surgeries are (-2,3,7) and (-2,3,9). Agol and Lackenby's 6-theorem reduces the argument to knots with small indices p,q,r. We treat these using the Culler-Shalen norm of the SL(2,C)-character variety. In particular, we introduce new techniques for demonstrating that boundary slopes are detected by the character variety.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures v2 - minor revisions throughou

    Exceptional surgeries on (2,p,p)(-2,p,p)-pretzel knots

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    We give a complete description of exceptional surgeries on pretzel knots of type (2,p,p)(-2, p, p) with p5p \ge 5. It is known that such a knot admits a unique toroidal surgery yielding a toroidal manifold with a unique incompressible torus. By cutting along the torus, we obtain two connected components, one of which is a twisted II-bundle over the Klein bottle. We show that the other is homeomorphic to the one obtained by certain Dehn filling on the magic manifold. On the other hand, we show that all such pretzel knots admit no Seifert fibered surgeries.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure