151 research outputs found

    Variable selection besed on global score estimation and its numerical investigation

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    A variable selection method using global score estimation is proposed, which is applicable as a selection criterion in any multivariate method without external variables such as principal component analysis. This method selects a reasonable subset of variables so that the global scores, e.g. principal component scores, which are computed based on the selected variables, approximate the original global scores as well as possible in the context of the least squares. Three computational steps are proposed to estimate the scores according to how to satisfy the restriction that the estimated global scores are mutually uncorrelated. Three different examples are analyzed to demonstrate the performance and usefulness of the proposed method numerically, in which three steps are evaluated and the results obtained using four cost-saving selection procedures are compared

    Considering variable selection criteria in correspondence analysis

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    Ordinary goodness of fit criteria in correspondence analysis are considered as variable selection criteria in case correspondence analysis which is one of multivariate methods without external variables can be applied. The goodness of fit criteria focused here are proportion of cumulative eigenvalues, proportion of cumulative squared-eigenvalues and proportion of cumulative off-diagonal fitness. Each criterion is applied to a couple of real data sets and evaluated with interpretation of the selection process and result (selected subset of variables). Four selection procedures such as backward elimination and forward-backward selection are also performed to compare with each other as well as with all possible selection procedure. These results illustrate that the criteria can be used as selection criteria to select a subset of variables in correspondence analysis and to assess categorical items (questions) in a survey (questionnaire)

    Preliminary Analysis of Individual Differences of the Perceived Encoding and Decoding Abilities (2)

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    Our first study attempted to construct the Perceived Encoding Ability (PEA) and Perceived Decoding Ability (PDA) scale for Japanese based on by scale developed by Zuckerman and Larrance. This second study examined internal consistent reliability, split half reliability and construct validity. The scale was administered to 392 participants. Reliability of all PEA and PDA scales appears quite adequate. Factor analysis showed that participants distinguished between these two nonverbal skills


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    視線行動の表出に関する研究I : 視線の「接近-回避モデル」の検討

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    視線行動と親和、拒否・回避欲求の関係を説明しようとする理論的枠組みの1つに親和葛藤理論がある。この理論によると、対面する二者の一方の直視量を増やす方向の力を接近力と表現し、減らす方向の力を回避力と表現すると、この相対立する力の均衡が一方の最適な直視量及び二者間の最適な相互視量を決定する(視線の「接近-回避モデル」Argyle & Dean)。しかし、このモデルについてのデータには一貫性がない。従来の研究結果を見る限り、モデルが支持されているとは言い難い。そこで、接近力と回避力を規定する先行条件として、欲求に代わり対人感情を導入した修正モデルを提案する。これによって接近-回避のモデルを包括的に表現することができ、明確な予測や説明ができるようになり、利用価値も高まると考えられる


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    Preliminary Analysis of Individual Differences of the Perceived Encoding and Decoding Abilities (1)

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    The present study attempted tp construct the Perceived Encoding Ability (PEA) and Perceived Decoding Ability (PDA) scale for Japanese based on the scale made by Zuckerman and Larrance (1979). The scale was administered to 153 females and 66 males. PEA correlated positively with PDA. Both sexs reported that they were poor judges of their own encoding abilities. Females had higher scores on both the PEA and the PDA scales. Among females, perceived deconding ability was modestly correlated with self-monitoring scale


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