1,337 research outputs found

    A Simple Policy for Multiple Queues with Size-Independent Service Times

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    We consider a service system with two Poisson arrival queues. A server chooses which queue to serve at each moment. Once a queue is served, all the customers will be served within a fixed amount of time. This model is useful in studying airport shuttling or certain online computing systems. We propose a simple yet optimal state-independent policy for this problem which is not only easy to implement, but also performs very well

    Preserving Location Privacy in Mobile Edge Computing

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    The burgeoning technology of Mobile Edge Computing is attracting the traditional LBS and LS to deploy due to its nature characters such as low latency and location awareness. Although this transplant will avoid the location privacy threat from the central cloud provider, there still exists the privacy concerns in the LS of MEC scenario. Location privacy threat arises during the procedure of the fingerprint localization, and the previous studies on location privacy are ineffective because of the different threat model and information semantic. To address the location privacy in MEC environment, we designed LoPEC, a novel and effective scheme for protecting location privacy for the MEC devices. By the proper model of the RAN access points, we proposed the noise-addition method for the fingerprint data, and successfully induce the attacker from recognizing the real location. Our evaluation proves that LoPEC effectively prevents the attacker from obtaining the user's location precisely in both single-point and trajectory scenarios

    Stacked Deconvolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation

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    Recent progress in semantic segmentation has been driven by improving the spatial resolution under Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs). To address this problem, we propose a Stacked Deconvolutional Network (SDN) for semantic segmentation. In SDN, multiple shallow deconvolutional networks, which are called as SDN units, are stacked one by one to integrate contextual information and guarantee the fine recovery of localization information. Meanwhile, inter-unit and intra-unit connections are designed to assist network training and enhance feature fusion since the connections improve the flow of information and gradient propagation throughout the network. Besides, hierarchical supervision is applied during the upsampling process of each SDN unit, which guarantees the discrimination of feature representations and benefits the network optimization. We carry out comprehensive experiments and achieve the new state-of-the-art results on three datasets, including PASCAL VOC 2012, CamVid, GATECH. In particular, our best model without CRF post-processing achieves an intersection-over-union score of 86.6% in the test set

    Learning Approximate Stochastic Transition Models

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    We examine the problem of learning mappings from state to state, suitable for use in a model-based reinforcement-learning setting, that simultaneously generalize to novel states and can capture stochastic transitions. We show that currently popular generative adversarial networks struggle to learn these stochastic transition models but a modification to their loss functions results in a powerful learning algorithm for this class of problems

    Predicting Head Movement in Panoramic Video: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    Panoramic video provides immersive and interactive experience by enabling humans to control the field of view (FoV) through head movement (HM). Thus, HM plays a key role in modeling human attention on panoramic video. This paper establishes a database collecting subjects' HM in panoramic video sequences. From this database, we find that the HM data are highly consistent across subjects. Furthermore, we find that deep reinforcement learning (DRL) can be applied to predict HM positions, via maximizing the reward of imitating human HM scanpaths through the agent's actions. Based on our findings, we propose a DRL-based HM prediction (DHP) approach with offline and online versions, called offline-DHP and online-DHP. In offline-DHP, multiple DRL workflows are run to determine potential HM positions at each panoramic frame. Then, a heat map of the potential HM positions, named the HM map, is generated as the output of offline-DHP. In online-DHP, the next HM position of one subject is estimated given the currently observed HM position, which is achieved by developing a DRL algorithm upon the learned offline-DHP model. Finally, the experiments validate that our approach is effective in both offline and online prediction of HM positions for panoramic video, and that the learned offline-DHP model can improve the performance of online-DHP.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, published on TPAMI 201

    MoS2 Heterostructure with Tunable Phase Stability: Strain Induced Interlayer Covalent Bond Formation

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    Due to the distinguished properties offered by different structural phases of monolayer MoS2, phase engineering design are urgently required for achieving switchable structural phase. Strain engineering is widely accepted as a clean and flexible method, however, cannot be achieved in engineering monolayer MoS2 phase transition because the critical biaxial strain required (~15%) is much larger than measured elastic limit (~11%). In this study, employing density functional theoretical calculations, it has been found out that with the forming of heterostructure between MoS2 with buckled 2D materials such as silicence, germanene and stanene, only a small strain can trigger the phase transition. As being suggested by the constructed phase stability diagram, biaxial deformation as low as 3% in MoS2/silicene and MoS2/stanene sandwich structure, would be sufficient to induce the structural phase transition in MoS2 lattice. This strain falls well within experimental elastic limit, thus would be feasible to realize in experiment. The origin of such behavior can be understood as strain induced interlayer covalent bond formation, which finally make MoS2 lattice more sensitive to external strain. This theoretical work provides one realistic route for achieving flexible phase stabilities in experimental design.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Cosmological Collider Signatures of Massive Vectors from Non-Gaussian Gravitational Waves

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    The cosmological collider provides a model-independent probe of particle physics during inflation. We extend the study of cosmological collider physics to much smaller scales through gravitational wave (GW) probes. With a Chern-Simons interaction, a massive vector field can obtain a chemical potential and its particle production can cause significant non-Gaussian GW signals. We calculate the mass and spin dependences of the induced GW 3-point correlation function in the squeezed limit, and estimate its amplitude. Such signals may be detectable in the current and upcoming GW interferometer experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Does Haze Removal Help CNN-based Image Classification?

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    Hazy images are common in real scenarios and many dehazing methods have been developed to automatically remove the haze from images. Typically, the goal of image dehazing is to produce clearer images from which human vision can better identify the object and structural details present in the images. When the ground-truth haze-free image is available for a hazy image, quantitative evaluation of image dehazing is usually based on objective metrics, such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity (SSIM). However, in many applications, large-scale images are collected not for visual examination by human. Instead, they are used for many high-level vision tasks, such as automatic classification, recognition and categorization. One fundamental problem here is whether various dehazing methods can produce clearer images that can help improve the performance of the high-level tasks. In this paper, we empirically study this problem in the important task of image classification by using both synthetic and real hazy image datasets. From the experimental results, we find that the existing image-dehazing methods cannot improve much the image-classification performance and sometimes even reduce the image-classification performance

    Non-Standard Primordial Clocks from Dynamical Mass in Alternative to Inflation Scenarios

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    In the primordial universe, oscillations of heavy fields can be considered as standard clocks to measure the expansion or contraction history of the universe. Those standard clocks provide a model-independent way of distinguishing inflation and alternative scenarios. However, the mass of the heavy fields may not be a constant mass, but rather mass dynamically generated by non-minimal coupling to the Ricci scalar, or self-interactions. In the case of dynamically generated mass, the mass of the heavy field is generically of order Hubble, and thus is time-dependent in alternative to inflation scenarios. We show that such dynamically generated mass terms can be considered as non-standard primordial clocks for alternative to inflation, providing similar oscillatory frequencies as standard clocks of inflation. Additional information on scale dependence can distinguish such non-standard clocks from standard clocks.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures and 44 reference

    Design Identification of Curve Patterns on Cultural Heritage Objects: Combining Template Matching and CNN-based Re-Ranking

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    The surfaces of many cultural heritage objects were embellished with various patterns, especially curve patterns. In practice, most of the unearthed cultural heritage objects are highly fragmented, e.g., sherds of potteries or vessels, and each of them only shows a very small portion of the underlying full design, with noise and deformations. The goal of this paper is to address the challenging problem of automatically identifying the underlying full design of curve patterns from such a sherd. Specifically, we formulate this problem as template matching: curve structure segmented from the sherd is matched to each location with each possible orientation of each known full design. In this paper, we propose a new two-stage matching algorithm, with a different matching cost in each stage. In Stage 1, we use a traditional template matching, which is highly computationally efficient, over the whole search space and identify a small set of candidate matchings. In Stage 2, we derive a new matching cost by training a dual-source Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and apply it to re-rank the candidate matchings identified in Stage 1. We collect 600 pottery sherds with 98 full designs from the Woodland Period in Southeastern North America for experiments and the performance of the proposed algorithm is very competitive.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure
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