240 research outputs found

    A Two-Stage Framework in Cross-Spectrum Domain for Real-Time Speech Enhancement

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    Two-stage pipeline is popular in speech enhancement tasks due to its superiority over traditional single-stage methods. The current two-stage approaches usually enhance the magnitude spectrum in the first stage, and further modify the complex spectrum to suppress the residual noise and recover the speech phase in the second stage. The above whole process is performed in the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) spectrum domain. In this paper, we re-implement the above second sub-process in the short-time discrete cosine transform (STDCT) spectrum domain. The reason is that we have found STDCT performs greater noise suppression capability than STFT. Additionally, the implicit phase of STDCT ensures simpler and more efficient phase recovery, which is challenging and computationally expensive in the STFT-based methods. Therefore, we propose a novel two-stage framework called the STFT-STDCT spectrum fusion network (FDFNet) for speech enhancement in cross-spectrum domain. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed FDFNet outperforms the previous two-stage methods and also exhibits superior performance compared to other advanced systems.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 202

    Hypergraph Convolutional Network based Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Scene-Level Annotations

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    Point cloud segmentation with scene-level annotations is a promising but challenging task. Currently, the most popular way is to employ the class activation map (CAM) to locate discriminative regions and then generate point-level pseudo labels from scene-level annotations. However, these methods always suffer from the point imbalance among categories, as well as the sparse and incomplete supervision from CAM. In this paper, we propose a novel weighted hypergraph convolutional network-based method, called WHCN, to confront the challenges of learning point-wise labels from scene-level annotations. Firstly, in order to simultaneously overcome the point imbalance among different categories and reduce the model complexity, superpoints of a training point cloud are generated by exploiting the geometrically homogeneous partition. Then, a hypergraph is constructed based on the high-confidence superpoint-level seeds which are converted from scene-level annotations. Secondly, the WHCN takes the hypergraph as input and learns to predict high-precision point-level pseudo labels by label propagation. Besides the backbone network consisting of spectral hypergraph convolution blocks, a hyperedge attention module is learned to adjust the weights of hyperedges in the WHCN. Finally, a segmentation network is trained by these pseudo point cloud labels. We comprehensively conduct experiments on the ScanNet and S3DIS segmentation datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed WHCN is effective to predict the point labels with scene annotations, and yields state-of-the-art results in the community. The source code is available at http://zhiyongsu.github.io/Project/WHCN.html

    Socio-Economic Management Theory Related to BPM: A Case Study of Dysfunctions in Digital Transformation Strategy

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    This research claims that dynamic strategies demanded by today’s digital environment exacerbate inconsistency between an organization’s digital transformation efforts and its enterprise architecture (EA) planning process. This phenomenon leads to redundant investments, delayed implementation, and frequent failures in digital transformation projects. In order to investigate this inconsistency, we apply the socioeconomic approach to management (SEAM) theory. Through critical analysis of four case studies in a large manufacturing organization, we clarify the relationship between digital transformation and EA and reveal the dysfunction in strategic implementation from a SEAM and business process management (BPM) perspective. In practice, this research integrates digital transformation and EA to provide a context-specific approach for planning and designing enterprise digital transformation strategies

    RXFOOD: Plug-in RGB-X Fusion for Object of Interest Detection

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    The emergence of different sensors (Near-Infrared, Depth, etc.) is a remedy for the limited application scenarios of traditional RGB camera. The RGB-X tasks, which rely on RGB input and another type of data input to resolve specific problems, have become a popular research topic in multimedia. A crucial part in two-branch RGB-X deep neural networks is how to fuse information across modalities. Given the tremendous information inside RGB-X networks, previous works typically apply naive fusion (e.g., average or max fusion) or only focus on the feature fusion at the same scale(s). While in this paper, we propose a novel method called RXFOOD for the fusion of features across different scales within the same modality branch and from different modality branches simultaneously in a unified attention mechanism. An Energy Exchange Module is designed for the interaction of each feature map's energy matrix, who reflects the inter-relationship of different positions and different channels inside a feature map. The RXFOOD method can be easily incorporated to any dual-branch encoder-decoder network as a plug-in module, and help the original backbone network better focus on important positions and channels for object of interest detection. Experimental results on RGB-NIR salient object detection, RGB-D salient object detection, and RGBFrequency image manipulation detection demonstrate the clear effectiveness of the proposed RXFOOD.Comment: 10 page