1,257 research outputs found

    Pseudogap, Superconducting Energy Scale, and Fermi Arcs in Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors

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    Through the measurements of magnetic field dependence of specific heat in La2xSrxCuO4La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 in zero temperature limit, we determined the nodal slope vΔv_\Delta of the quasiparticle gap. It is found that vΔv_\Delta has a very similar doping dependence of the pseudogap temperature TT^* or value Δp\Delta_p. Meanwhile the virtual maximum gap at (π,0\pi,0) derived from vΔv_\Delta is found to follow the simple relation Δq=0.46kBT\Delta_q=0.46k_BT^* upon changing the doping concentration. This strongly suggests a close relationship between the pseudogap and superconductivity. It is further found that the superconducting transition temperature is determined by both the residual density of states of the pseudogap phase and the nodal gap slope in the zero temperature limit, namely, TcβvΔγn(0)T_c \approx \beta v_\Delta \gamma_n(0), where γn(0)\gamma_n(0) is the extracted zero temperature value of the normal state specific heat coefficient which is proportional to the size of the residual Fermi arc karck_{arc}. This manifests that the superconductivity may be formed by forming a new gap on the Fermi arcs near nodes below TcT_c. These observations mimic the key predictions of the SU(2) slave boson theory based on the general resonating-valence-bond (RVB) picture.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Topcolor assisted technicolor models and muon anomalous magnetic moment

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    We discuss and estimate the contributions of the new particles predicted by topcolor assisted technicolor(TC2) models to the muon anomalous magnetic moment aμa_{\mu}. Our results show that the contributions of Pseudo Goldstone bosons are very small which can be safely ignored. The main contributions come from the ETC gauge boson xμx_{\mu} and topcolor gauge boson ZZ^{\prime}. If we demand that the mass of ZZ^{\prime} is consistent with other experimental constrains, its contributions are smaller than that of xμx_{\mu}. With reasonable values of the parameters in TC2 models, the observed BNL results for aμa_{\mu} could be explained.Comment: latex file, 11 pages, several figures and references adde

    Probing Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor from Top-Charm Associated Production at LHC

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    We propose to probe the topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) model from the top-charm associated productions at the LHC, which are highly suppressed in the Standard Model. Due to the flavor-changing couplings of the top quark with the scalars (top-pions and top-Higgs) in TC2 model, the top-charm associated productions can occur via both the s-channel and t-channel parton processes by exchanging a scalar field at the LHC. We examined these processes through Monte Carlo simulation and found that they can reach the observable level at the LHC in quite a large part of the parameter space of the TC2 model.Comment: Version to appear in PRD (Rapid Communication

    Real-time Communication using Foundation Fieldbus

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    Two-loop Barr-Zee type Contributions to (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu in the MSSM

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    We consider the contribution of a two-loop Barr-Zee type diagram to (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). At relatively large tanβ\tan\beta, we show that the contribution of light third generation scalar fermions and neutral CP-even Higgs, h0(H0)h^0(H^0), can easily explain the very recent BNL experimental data. In our analysis (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu prefers negative AfA_{f} and positive μ\mu. It is more sensitive to the chirality flipping h^0(H^0)\wt{f}_R^*\wt{f}_L rather than chirality conserving couplings.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, references adde

    Optimiranje podloge za proizvodnju 5\u27-fosfodiesteraze iz plijesni Penicillium citrinum primjenom metode odzivnih površina

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    Medium optimization for 5’-phosphodiesterase production from Penicillium citrinum was studied by applying one-factor-at-a-time method, orthogonal array method and response surface methodology in this paper. The one-factor-at-a-time method was used to study the effects of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and metal ion sources on 5’-phosphodiesterase production. Among various carbon and nitrogen sources used, glucose and peptone were the most suitable substances for 5’-phosphodiesterase production, respectively. Subsequently, the concentrations of glucose, peptone, groundnut meal, Zn2+ and KH2PO4 were optimized using the orthogonal array method. Response surface methodology was also applied for medium optimization. Glucose concentration (X1), peptone concentration (X2) and groundnut meal (X3) were selected as the independent variables. Results showed that the regression models adequately explained the data variation and represented the actual relationships between the parameters and responses. The optimum conditions were glucose at a fraction of 6.5 %, peptone at a fraction of 0.45 % and groundnut meal at a fraction of 1.0 %. Maximum enzyme activity was 353 U/mL under the optimum conditions. Maximum 5’-phosphodiesterase activity in media optimized by orthogonal method and response surface methodology was about 1.286 and 1.456 times, respectively, greater than in the medium optimized by one-factor-at-a-time method.U ovom je radu provedeno optimiranje podloge za proizvodnju 5\u27-fosfodiesteraze iz plijesni Penicillium citrinum trima metodama: jednofaktorskom, ortogononalnom i metodom odzivnih površina. Primjenom jednofaktorske metode istražen je utjecaj izvora ugljika, dušika, fosfora i iona metala na proizvodnju 5\u27-fosfodiesteraze. Upotrijebljeni su razni izvori ugljika i dušika, među kojima su glukoza i pepton bili najprikladniji za proizvodnju 5\u27-fosfodiesteraze. Nakon toga su, primjenom ortogonalne metode, optimirane koncentracije glukoze, peptona, sačme od neoljuštena orašca, Zn2+ iona i KH2PO4. Optimiranje podloge provedeno je i metodom odzivnih površina. Kao nezavisne varijable određene su koncentracija glukoze (X1), peptona (X2) i sačme orašca (X3). Pokazalo se da su regresijski modeli bili najprikladniji za objašnjenje rezultata i prikazivanje stvarnog odnosa parametara i odziva. Optimalni su uvjeti postignuti s udjelom glukoze od 6,5 %, peptona 0,45 % i sačme orašca 1,0 %. Maksimalna aktivnost enzima 5\u27-fosfodiesteraze u optimalnim uvjetima iznosila je 353 U/mL, te je u podlozi optimiranoj ortogonalnom metodom bila 1,286 puta veća, a metodom odzivnih površina 1,456 puta veća nego u podlozi optimiranoj jednofaktorskom metodom

    Conformal Affine Toda Soliton and Moduli of IIB Superstring on AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5

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    In this paper we interpret the hidden symmetry of the moduli space of IIB superstring on AdS5×S5AdS_{5}\times S^{5} in terms of the chiral embedding in AdS5AdS_{5}, which turns to be the CP3\mathbb{CP}^{3} conformal affine Toda model. We review how the position μ\mu of poles in the Riemann-Hilbert formulation of dressing transformation and how the value of loop parameters μ\mu in the vertex operator of affine algebra determines the moduli space of the soliton solutions, which describes the moduli space of the Green-Schwarz superstring. We show also how this affine SU(4) symmetry affinize the conformal symmetry in the twistor space, and how a soliton string corresponds to a Robinson congruence with twist and dilation spin coefficients μ\mu of twistor.Comment: Final version, Misprints corrected, Note adde

    Study on the rare radiative decay BcDsγB_c \to D_s^*\gamma in the standard model and multiscale walking technicolor model

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    Applying the perturbative QCD ( PQCD ) method, we study the decay BcDsγB_c\rightarrow D_s^*\gamma in the standard model and multiscale walking technicolor model. In the SM, we find that the contribution of weak annihilation is more important than that of the electromagnetic penguin. The presence of Pseudo-Goldstone-Bosons in the MWTCM leads to a large enhancement in the rate of BcDsγB_c\rightarrow D_s^*\gamma, but this model is in conflict with the branching ratio of ZbbZ\rightarrow b\overline b ( RbR_b ) and the CLEO data on the branching ratio BR ( bsγb\rightarrow s\gamma ). If topcolor is further introduced, the calculated results in the topcolor assisted MWTCM can be suppressed and be in agreement with the CLEO data for a certain range of the parameters.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, no macros, 1 figure(in Latex), hard copy is available upon request. to appear in Phys. Rev.