22 research outputs found
Currently, train stations are still busy for train passengers, parking capacity requirements are also being considered. This research is motivated by the problem of parking capacity, where there are several points that cause congestion and the direction of the parking lane is less than optimal at Poncol Semarang Station. In overcoming this problem, it is necessary to analyze parking capacity, evaluate problems and alternatives that can be used to solve existing problems. The method used in this research is a descriptive approach. This means that the data collected is not in the form of numerical data, but rather data originating from interview scripts, field notes, personal documents, researcher notes or memos and other official supporting documents which aim to enable researchers to describe the empirical reality behind the conditions that occur at train stations. Poncol Semarang. This research produces parking capacity at the station where the parking area can accommodate 554 SRP for cars and 241 SRP for motorbikes with the most parking accumulation getting the most results on Sunday, August 20 2023, namely in the morning at 06.00-09.00 WIB. Amounting to 157 motorbikes and 100 cars. Alternatives for handling traffic jams during peak parking hours are: moving the motorbike taxi post, improving the direction of the parking lane and moving entrance 2.Keywords: parking, capacity, alternative, statio
IDENTIFIKASI JENIS KERUSAKAN JALAN (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Kedungmundu-Meteseh)
Jalan merupakan salah satu jenis prasarana transportasi darat yang memegang peranan penting bagi pengembangan suatu daerah. Ruas jalan Kedungmundu-Meteseh merupakan jalan Kolektor yang mempunyai frekwensi lalu lintas tinggi sebagai penghubung Semarang Selatan dengan Semarang Timur. Kerusakan-kerusakan yang terjadi tentu akan berpengaruh pada keamanan dan kenyamanan pemakai jalan. Kerusakan jalan dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya air, perubahan suhu, cuaca, temperatur udara, material konstruksi perkerasan, kondisi tanah dasar yang tidak stabil, proses pemadatan di atas lapisan tanah dasar yang kurang baik dan tonase atau muatan kendaraankendaraan berat yang melebihi kapasitas serta volume kendaraan yang semakin meningkat. Jenis kerusakan yang mendominasi pada ruas jalan tersebut berupa bleeding sebesar 482 m² atau 39,18 % serta retak rambut dan retak kulit buaya sebesar 456 m 2 atau 37,07 % dari total kerusakan yang terjadi sepanjang ruas jalan tersebut. Bleeding dapat disebabkan pemakaian kadar aspal yang tinggi pada campuran aspal, pemakaian terlalu banyak aspal pada pekerjaan prime coat atau tack coat sehingga permukaan menjadi licin. Pada temperatur tinggi, aspal menjadi lunak dan akan terjadi jejak roda. Sedangkan kerusakan retak rambut dapat meresapkan air kedalam lapis permukaan. Retak rambut dapat berkembang menjadi retak kulit buaya. Retak kulit buaya dapat diresapi pula oleh air sehingga jika tidak segera ditangani dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya lubang–lubang kecil akibat terlepasnya butir-butir. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan sangat tidak nyamannya pengendara menggunakan jalan tersebut
Metode Perbaikan Kerusakan Retak pada Ruas Jalan Kedungmundu – Metesih
Ruas jalan Kedungmundu-Metesih merupakan jalan Kolektorbersamaan dengan perkembangan kawasan dilingkungan kedungmundu, Metesih, Sendangmulyo kecamatan Tembalang, maka semakin berkembangan jumlah penduduk yang berada di kawasan tersebut sehingga pemakai jalan semakin tahun semakin bertambah dengan semakin bertambahnya kendaraan yang melewati ruas jalan Kedungmundu-metesih baik kendaraan kecil maupun kendaraan besar sehingga diperlukan perbaikian rutin yang pendanaanya melalui anggaran APBD sehingga dari segi pemanfaat akan merasa nyaman dan aman. Berdasar penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa kerusakan ruas Jalan Kedungmundu Metesih dikelompokkan dalam lima kategori yaitu Retak (Cracking),distorsi (distorsion), Cacat permukaan (disintegration),Pengausan (polished aggregate) danKegemukan (bleeding of flushing) dengan metode perbaikannya menggunakan standart Bina Marga
Public transportation acts as a sustainable mode of transportation to reduce the increasing level of pollution and traffic congestion. Public transportation has many types, in Jakarta, for example, online transportation and Transjakarta buses. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of online transportation travellers and Transjakarta buses, analyze the chances of choosing between the two modes of public transportation, and determine the level of service according to the community. Data collection using questionnaires distributed at Gambir station. Characteristics of travelers were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The probability of choosing a mode is analyzed using the binary logit difference model with the help of multiple linear regression equations. The level of service of the two modes of public transportation was analyzed using a Likert scale. The results showed that the characteristics of online transportation travellers are dominated by female, of productive age, highly educated, worked as an employee, earned quite a lot of money, traveled for vacation or recreational purposes, and the reason for choosing the mode was getting to the destination quickly. The characteristics of Transjakarta bus travellers are dominated by male, productive age, highly educated, work as an employee, earn quite high, travel for vacation or recreational purposes, and the reason for choosing the mode is the low price. The dominant choice of public transportation mode is online transportation. The level of online transportation services for the security and convenience aspects is in the good category, and the ease and reliability aspects are in the very good category.Keywords: characteristics of travellers, transportation mode, likert scal
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kekurangan lahan parkir disalah satu tempat wisata yaitu Taman wisata air panas guci, kabupaten Tegal yang tepatnya ada di tempat ruang parkir mobil B desa Bojong,bumijawa, kabupaten Tegal. Pada tempat ruang parkir mobil B sudah dilakukannya perubahan pengaturan manajemen perpakiran dengan menambah kantong – kantong parkir yang telah disediakan namun belum maksimal.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hasil survei lapangan sebagai berikut akumulasi parkir, durasi parkir, volume parkir, pergantian parkir, indeks parkir, kapasitas statis, dan serta kapasitas dinamis di tempat ruang parkir mobil B pada Taman Wisata Air Panas Guci kabupaten Tegal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dalam perhitungan yang dilakukan dengan cara umum ke khusus dengan pengumpulan data baik secara data primer maupun data sekunder. Data primer dengan cara pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan dengan metode observasi dan dokumentasi di Taman Wisata Air Panas Guci kabupaten Tegal, sedangkan data sekunder yaitu data penujang seperti kabupaten Tegal, peta lokasi, dan jumlah penduduk kabupaten Tegal 2021. Teknik pengambilan data primer dengan cara mengambil perhitungan jumlah akumulasi parkir, durasi parkir, volume parkir, pergantian parkir, indeks parkir, kapasitas statis, dan serta kapasitas dinamis di tempat ruang parkir mobil B pada Taman Wisata Air Panas Guci kabupaten Tegal. Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan akumulasi parkir sebesar 51 mobil, durasi parkir sebesar 59 mobil, volume parkir sebesar 129 mobil, pergantian parkir sebanyak 1 – 2 kali, indeks parkir sebanyak 72,9 %, kapasitas statis sebesar 70 SRP dan serta kapasitas dinamis sebesar 350 mobil.Kata Kunci: ruang parkir, karakteristik parkir, kapasitas parki
Unsignalized intersection Jl. Raya Cangkiran - Jl Cangkiran Gunung Pati, Tambangan kec.Mijen, Semarang is a three-way intersection that has access to the Cupan Terminal. Many people pass through this intersection. In conditions at these intersections, traffic jams occur during rush hours, and there is no traffic light which makes traffic conditions even more irregular, the safety of motorists is also threatened. Therefore, this study was carried out to analyze unsignalized intersections, planning the use of traffic lights, and knowing the traffic characteristics of Jl. Raya Cangkiran - Jl. Gunungpati Cup, Semarang. Data collection was carried out for 3 days, namely Saturday 25 February 2023, Monday 27 February 2023, and Wednesday, 1 March 2023 by taking peak hours at 06.00 WIB - 08.00 WIB, 12.00 WIB - 13.00 WIB, and 16.00 WIB - 18.00 WIB. Data collection methods used are capacity, degree of saturation, delays, queue opportunities, and Traffic Signaling Devices (APILL). The performance analysis of this unsignalized intersection uses the 1997 Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI) to calculate the degree of saturation. As for the level of service using the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 96 PM 2015. The results of the research are that in the existing conditions, alternative B is chosen as the best alternative for planning traffic lights with 2 phases of the 1-hour peak scenario on Saturday morning with a degree of saturation of 0.823 pcu/hour, a queue length of 103,045 m on the West approach, and a value delay of 14,784 veh/sec. From the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the results of calculating the traffic evaluation for the current conditions obtained that the highest vehicle volume occurred on Monday, 27 February 2023. Then Jl. Raya Cangkiran – Boja, Semarang, fulfills the criteria for installing traffic lights and needs to install traffic lights or traffic control lights. As well as from the 3 planned alternatives, alternative B was chosen to install a 2-phase traffic signal light
Penggaron Terminal is a type B terminal in the Pedurungan District area which serves departments such as Mangkang, Karang Ayu, Solo, Wonosobo, Kebumen, Cepu, Purwodadi, and cities or regencies within the province of Central Java. This research aims to determine the level of service at the Penggaron terminal using the importance performance analysis (IPA) method. This research was conducted at the Penggaron type-B terminal for two weeks, the first week the questionnaires were distributed to respondents on Mondays and Sundays in the morning at 07:00-10:00 WIB and in the afternoon at 16:00-18:00 WIB. This research is included in the quantitative research with a descriptive research approach. Data collection uses primary data, namely data obtained from the answers of the respondents to the questions posed by the researcher. Secondary data from literature study in the form of documents, laws and regulations, journals, scientific papers, supporting data relating to the problem under study. Based on the results of data analysis and processing using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method in the Cartesian diagram, the service facilities at the Penggaron bus terminal are dominant in quadrant 2, which shows high expectations and reality, and quadrant 4, which means expectations of low use and high reality. However, there are a small number of service facilities that are in the quadrant, which means that the expectations from users are high but the reality is low. So, based on user evaluation, the service at the Penggaron terminal is quite good
Puri Market, which is located on Jalan Colonel Sunandar, precisely in the center of Pati Regency, is a traditional market which is the basis for the people of Pati to sell and buy all life-sustaining needs. This needs to be taken into account considering that the existence of an activity center must have as few parking areas as possible. Therefore, this study was carried out with the aim of providing recommendations for parking characteristics, parking space capacity and planning the most optimal parking layout for Puri Pati Market. Conditions are reviewed on 1 weekend and 3 weekdays. Namely Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. From 06.00 to 12.00. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The results of the research are that the characteristics of motorbike parking spaces for the Puri Pati Market area are 345 SRP which is in accordance with the 1996 Directorate General of Land Transportation standards. At Puri Pati Market There are also no entrances and exits that use electronic parking. With the existing motorbike parking space capacity of 280 SRP at Puri Pati Market, it can still meet existing parking needs. From the calculations that have been carried out, it is known that the need for motorbike parking space at Puri Pati Market is 345 SRP. In planning the parking layout using a 90º angle in the motorbike and car parking area as planned, namely being able to accommodate 280 motorbikes and 100 cars. With a comparison using an angle of 60º, we get only 152 motorbikes and 80 cars per plot
Analysis of Parking Space Needs At Ratu Jepara Market
Abstract. Jepara Satu Market is a traditional market built by the Jepara Regency government. With the large number of sellers in the market, indirectly the number of visitors also increases every day. This is what causes Ratu Jepara Market to have the necessary facilities, namely the need for parking space. This research aims to analyze the capacity and need for parking space in the Ratu Jepara Market area and plan optimal parking patterns for motorbike and car parking. From the results of the analysis, the need for motorbike and car parking space in the Ratu Jepara Market parking area still meets existing capacity, namely of 390 SRP. The motorbike parking pattern used for on street motorbike parking in the Ratu Jepara market area uses a one-sided parking pattern, namely a 90° angle. Meanwhile, the on-street car parking pattern at Ratu Jepara market parking uses a 45° angle pattern, while the off-street car parking pattern uses a 90° angle parking pattern.Keywords: Need for parking space, Ratu Jepara Market, Parking are
Indonesia as an agricultural country is very interested in the availability of water to support the agricultural sector. One of the efforts to maximize agricultural production results is the utilization of water resources through proper and efficient management of water allocation. D.I Dolok has a large enough land area and of course requires quite a lot of water, so it is necessary to analyze the needs and availability regarding the control of irrigation water for optimal agricultural land. The purpose of this study is to determine the availability of water and the need for irrigation water in D.I Dolok. In this study using Dr. method. FJ. Mock, after we have calculated the data we got from the results of the field survey, the results obtained for the total discharge that can enter the Barang Weir is 51.058 m3/s, and for the amount of water availability in Barang Weir it increases in the rainy season and decreases in the dry season with the largest discharge occurred in January, namely 4,800 m3/sec and the smallest discharge occurred in August, namely 0,160 m3/sec. As for the irrigation water needs of the Barangay Dam, it was obtained 32,967 m³/s with an area of 1296 Ha. Then for the calculation of the water balance by comparing the value of the mainstay discharge with the need for irrigation water with the selected cropping pattern, it can be concluded that the need for irrigation water can be fulfilled from the available mainstay discharge