15 research outputs found

    Effect of Microstructure on the Compressive Mechanical Properties of Ti-20Zr-6.5Al-4V Alloy

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    The effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties of Ti-20Zr-6.5Al-4V alloy after solution and aging treatment was investigated by compression tests. The results showed that the microstructure was consisted of a duplex phase αʺ + β structure after solution treatment. With increasing solution treatment temperature, the size of β phase grain increased and the amount of αʺ phase decreased. The ultimate compressive strength and elongation decreased with increasing solution treatment temperature, while the yield strength increased. After aging-treatment at 700 ºC for 1.5 h, the microstructure consisted of a large amount of globular α phase, a little amount of fine acicular α phase and bulk β phase for the samples solution-treated at 850 ºC for 0.5 h. With increasing initial solution treatment temperature, the amount of globular α phase and bulk β phase decreased, however, the amount and size of acicular α phase increased after aging treatment. The ultimate compressive strength and elongation decreased with increasing initial solution treatment temperature, whereas the yield strength firstly increased, and then slightly decreased.</p

    The Effect of Annealing on the Microstructure and Properties of Ultralow-Temperature Rolled Mg–2Y–0.6Nd–0.6Zr Alloy

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    Mg–2Y–0.6Nd–0.6Zr alloy was first deformed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), then rolled and deformed under ultralow temperature conditions (liquid nitrogen immersion), and finally annealed. Optical microscopy (OM), electron backscatter diffraction technology (EBSD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to analyze the evolution of the multiscale microstructure and changes in the mechanical properties of the alloy under ultralow temperatures and various annealing conditions. The results showed that the alloy treated with ECAP obtained fine grains, and a large number of fine twins were formed during the ultralow-temperature rolling process, which promoted the improvement of its hardness and strength and provided numerous preferential nucleation sites. The annealing made it easier to induce recrystallization and improve the recrystallization nucleation rate. The twin boundary produced by the alloy after ultralow-temperature rolling and the uniform fine grains formed by annealing resulted in excellent strength and plasticity of the alloy. The twins formed after rolling under ultralow temperatures were mainly {101-2} &lt;1-011&gt; tensile twins. The alloy had comprehensive mechanical properties with a tensile strength of 186.15 MPa and an elongation of 29% after annealing at 350 °C for 10 min

    The Effect of Annealing on the Microstructure and Properties of Ultralow-Temperature Rolled Mg–2Y–0.6Nd–0.6Zr Alloy

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    Mg–2Y–0.6Nd–0.6Zr alloy was first deformed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), then rolled and deformed under ultralow temperature conditions (liquid nitrogen immersion), and finally annealed. Optical microscopy (OM), electron backscatter diffraction technology (EBSD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to analyze the evolution of the multiscale microstructure and changes in the mechanical properties of the alloy under ultralow temperatures and various annealing conditions. The results showed that the alloy treated with ECAP obtained fine grains, and a large number of fine twins were formed during the ultralow-temperature rolling process, which promoted the improvement of its hardness and strength and provided numerous preferential nucleation sites. The annealing made it easier to induce recrystallization and improve the recrystallization nucleation rate. The twin boundary produced by the alloy after ultralow-temperature rolling and the uniform fine grains formed by annealing resulted in excellent strength and plasticity of the alloy. The twins formed after rolling under ultralow temperatures were mainly {101-2} 1-011> tensile twins. The alloy had comprehensive mechanical properties with a tensile strength of 186.15 MPa and an elongation of 29% after annealing at 350 °C for 10 min

    Effects of Double-Ageing Heat Treatments on the Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of a Ti-3.5Al-5Mo-4V Alloy

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    In this work, the effect of double-ageing heat treatments on the microstructural evolution and mechanical behaviour of a metastable &beta;-titanium Ti-3.5Al-5Mo-4V alloy is investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The double-ageing treatments are composed of low-temperature pre-ageing and high-temperature ageing, where the low-temperature pre-ageing is conducted at 300 &deg;C or 350 &deg;C for different times, and the high-temperature ageing is conducted at 500 &deg;C for 8 h. The results show that the phase transformation sequence is altered with the time spent during the first ageing stage, the isothermal &omega; phase is precipitated in the pre-ageing process of the alloy at 300 &deg;C and 350 &deg;C with the change in the ageing time, and the &omega; phase is finally transformed into the &alpha; phase with the extension of pre-ageing time. The existence time of the &omega; phase is shortened as the pre-ageing temperature increases. The microhardness of the alloy increases with increasing pre-ageing time and temperature. Compared with single-stage ageing, the &omega; phase formed in the pre-ageing stage changes the response to subsequent high-temperature ageing. After the two-stage ageing treatment, the precipitation size of the &alpha; phase is obviously refined after the double-ageing treatment. A microhardness test shows that the microhardness of the two-stage aged alloy increases with extended pre-ageing time

    Hot Deformation Behavior and Constitutive Modeling of H13-Mod Steel

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    The H13-mod steel optimized by composition and heat treatment has reached the performance index of the shield machine hob. The hot deformation behavior of the H13-mod steel was investigated by compression tests in the temperature range from 900 to 1150 &deg;C and the strain rate range from 0.01 to 10 s&minus;1. The true stress-strain curve showed that the rising stress at the beginning of deformation was mainly caused by work hardening. After the peak stress was attained, the curve drop and the flow softening phenomenon became more obvious at low strain rates. The flow behavior of the H13-mod steel was predicted by a strain-compensated Arrhenius-type constitutive equation. The relationship between the material constant in the Arrhenius-type constitutive equation and the true strain was established by a sixth-order polynomial. The correlation coefficient between the experimental value and the predicted value reached 0.987, which indicated that the constitutive equation can accurately estimate the flow stress during the deformation process. A good linear correlation was achieved between the peak stress (strain), critical stress (strain) and the Zener‒Hollomon parameters. The processing maps of the H13-mod steel under different strains were established. The instability region was mainly concentrated in the high-strain-rate region; however, the microstructure did not show any evidence of instability at high temperatures and high strain rates. Combined with the microstructure and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) test results under different deformations, the optimum hot working parameters were concluded to be 998&ndash;1026 &deg;C and 0.01&ndash;0.02 s&minus;1 and 1140&ndash;1150 &deg;C and 0.01&ndash;0.057 s&minus;1

    Effect of heat input on microstructure and mechanical properties of GH159 and GH4169 dissimilar joints by laser beam welding

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    Co-based superalloy GH159 and Ni-based superalloy GH4169 have been successfully joined by laser beam welding and the effect of heat input on microstructure and properties of dissimilar joints were investigated systematically. The results showed that weld seams exhibited a nail shape and full penetration was attained at all dissimilar joints. Increasing grain size towards the fusion zone (FZ) were observed in the heat affected zone (HAZ) on the GH159 side while an increasing dissolution of γ ′ and γ ′ towards the FZ was attained at the HAZ on the GH4169 side. These resulted in decreasing microhardness towards FZ. Tensile failure was found in the FZ with the lowest microhardness. Meanwhile, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the dissimilar joints increased with the decreasing of heat input. The high UTS of dissimilar joint with low heat input can be ascribed to the lower volume fraction of the Laves phase and the smaller dendrite arm spacing

    A Multi-Task Network Based on Dual-Neck Structure for Autonomous Driving Perception

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    A vision-based autonomous driving perception system necessitates the accomplishment of a suite of tasks, including vehicle detection, drivable area segmentation, and lane line segmentation. In light of the limited computational resources available, multi-task learning has emerged as the preeminent methodology for crafting such systems. In this article, we introduce a highly efficient end-to-end multi-task learning model that showcases promising performance on all fronts. Our approach entails the development of a reliable feature extraction network by introducing a feature extraction module called C2SPD. Moreover, to account for the disparities among various tasks, we propose a dual-neck architecture. Finally, we present an optimized design for the decoders of each task. Our model evinces strong performance on the demanding BDD100K dataset, attaining remarkable accuracy (Acc) in vehicle detection and superior precision in drivable area segmentation (mIoU). In addition, this is the first work that can process these three visual perception tasks simultaneously in real time on an embedded device Atlas 200I A2 and maintain excellent accuracy

    Initial β Grain Size Effect on High-Temperature Flow Behavior of Tb8 Titanium Alloys in Single β Phase Field

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    The high-temperature flow behavior of TB8 titanium alloys with two different grain sizes was investigated in this present work. Results show that a significant characteristic of stress drop is visible at the start stage of the hot deformation process when the strain rates are 100 and 10&minus;1 s&minus;1. With the further increasing of strain, the flow stress initially rises to a maximum value and subsequently attains a plateau for the strain rates of 100 s&minus;1 and a slight decrease for the strain rates of 10&minus;1 s&minus;1. Only dynamic recovery occurs under these deformation conditions. When the strain rates drop to 10&minus;3 s&minus;1, the dynamic recrystallization takes place during hot deformation. The values of deformation activation energy and materials constants at different strains were calculated. The processing maps at different strains were established for the fine- and coarse-grained alloys. The optimal processing parameter for hot processing was attained to be 900 &deg;C/10&minus;3 s&minus;1 for fine-grained alloys and 950 &deg;C/10&minus;3 s&minus;1 for coarse-grained alloys, respectively

    Hot deformation behavior of 51.1Zr–40.2Ti–4.5Al–4.2V alloy in the single β phase field

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    The hot deformation behavior of a newly developed 51.1Zr–40.2Ti–4.5Al–4.2 V alloy was investigated by compression tests in the deformation temperature range from 800 to 1050 °C and strain rate range from 10−3 to 100 s−1. At low temperatures and high strain rates, the flow curves exhibited a pronounced stress drop at the very beginning of deformation, followed by a slow decrease in flow stress with increasing strain. The magnitude of the stress drop increased with decreasing deformation temperature and increasing strain rate. At high temperatures and low strain rates, the flow curves exhibited typical characteristics of dynamic recrystallization. A hyperbolic-sine Arrhenius-type equation was used to characterize the dependences of the flow stress on deformation temperature and strain rate. The activation energy for hot deformation decreased slightly with increasing strain and then tended to be a constant value. A microstructural mechanism map was presented to help visualize the microstructure of this alloy under different deformation conditions

    Effect of Hot Working Parameters on Microstructure and Texture Evolution of Hot-Deformed Zr-45Ti-5Al-3V Alloy

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    The effect of hot working parameters on the microstructure and texture evolution of the hot-deformed Zr-45Ti-5Al-3V alloy was studied by the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. It was found that a high density of dislocations were generated when the alloy was deformed at 700 &deg;C/0.001 s&minus;1 and 800 &deg;C/1 s&minus;1. With the increment in hot-deformation temperature and the decrease in strain rate, the dislocation density decreased due to the increase in dynamic recrystallization (DRX) degree. The discontinuous dynamic recrystallization (DDRX) and continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) mechanisms co-existed during the hot working of the Zr-45Ti-5Al-3V alloy at a true strain of 0.7. The texture evolution of the alloy during hot working was characterized and the texture component mainly consisted of {001}&lt;100&gt;, {011}&lt;100&gt;, {110}&lt;112&gt;, and {112}&lt;110&gt; textures. The volume fractions of {001}&lt;100&gt; and {011}&lt;100&gt; textures obviously rose with the reduction in strain rate, whereas those of {110}&lt;112&gt; and {112}&lt;110&gt; textures gradually decreased. At a given strain rate, an increase trend in the volume fraction of the {001}&lt;100&gt; texture was observed with rising hot-deformation temperature, while the volume fraction of the {011}&lt;100&gt; texture first increased and then decreased. An opposite trend was visible in the {112}&lt;110&gt; and {110}&lt;112&gt; texture compared with {011}&lt;100&gt; textures