802 research outputs found

    Negative feedback effects on star formation history and cosmic reionization

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    After considering the effects of negative feedback on the process of star formation, we explore the relationship between star formation process and the associated feedback, by investigating how the mechanical feedback from supernovae(SNe) and radiative feedback from luminous objects regulate the star formation rate and therefore affect the cosmic reionization.Based on our present knowledge of the negative feedback theory and some numerical simulations, we construct an analytic model in the framework of the Lambda cold dark matter model. In certain parameter regions, our model can explain some observational results properly. In large halos(T_vir>10000 K), both mechanical and radiative feedback have a similar behavior: the relative strength of negative feedback reduces as the redshift decreases. In contrast, in small halos (T_vir<10000 K$) that are thought to breed the first stars at early time, the radiative feedback gets stronger when the redshift decreases. And the star formation rate in these small halos depends very weakly on the star-formation efficiency. Our results show that the radiative feedback is important for the early generation stars. It can suppress the star formation rate considerably. But the mechanical feedback from the SNe explosions is not able to affect the early star formation significantly. The early star formation in small-halo objects is likely to be self-regulated. The radiative and mechanical feedback dominates the star formation rate of the PopII/I stars all along. The feedback from first generation stars is very strong and should not be neglected. However, their effects on the cosmic reionization are not significant, which results in a small contribution to the optical depth of Thomson scattering.Comment: 12 pages,6 figure

    Observe matter falling into a black hole

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    It has been well known that in the point of view of a distant observer, all in-falling matter to a black hole (BH) will be eventually stalled and "frozen" just outside the event horizon of the BH, although an in-falling observer will see the matter falling straight through the event horizon. Thus in this "frozen star" scenario, as distant observers, we could never observe matter falling into a BH, neither could we see any "real" BH other than primordial ones, since all other BHs are believed to be formed by matter falling towards singularity. Here we first obtain the exact solution for a pressureless mass shell around a pre-existing BH. The metrics inside and interior to the shell are all different from the Schwarzschild metric of the enclosed mass. The metric interior to the shell can be transformed to the Schwarzschild metric for a slower clock which is dependent of the location and mass of the shell. Another result is that there does not exist a singularity nor event horizon in the shell. Therefore the "frozen star" scenario is incorrect. We also show that for all practical astrophysical settings the in-falling time recorded by an external observer is sufficiently short that future astrophysical instruments may be able to follow the whole process of matter falling into BHs. The distant observer could not distinguish between a "real" BH and a "frozen star", until two such objects merge together. It has been proposed that electromagnetic waves will be produced when two "frozen stars" merge together, but not true when two "real" bare BHs merge together. However gravitational waves will be produced in both cases. Thus our solution is testable by future high sensitivity astronomical observations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Proceeding of the conference "Astrophysics of Compact Objects", 1-7 July, Huangshan, China. Abridged abstrac

    Possible evidence that pulsars are quark stars

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    It is a pity that the real state of matter in pulsar-like stars is still not determined confidently because of the uncertainty about cold matter at supranuclear density, even 40 years after the discovery of pulsar. Nuclear matter (related to neutron stars) is one of the speculations for the inner constitution of pulsars even from the Landau's time more than 70 years ago, but quark matter (related to quark stars) is an alternative due to the fact of asymptotic freedom of interaction between quarks as the standard model of particle physics develops since 1960s. Therefore, one has to focus on astrophysical observations in order to answer what the nature of pulsars is. In this presentation, I would like to summarize possible observational evidence/hints that pulsar-like stars could be quark stars, and to address achievable clear evidence for quark stars in the future experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; a talk at the international conference "Astrophysics of Compact Objects" (July 1-7, 2007; Huangshan, China); http://vega.bac.pku.edu.cn/rxxu/publications/index_C.htm. A mistake in Fig.1 is corrected; Correction of typo

    Phenomenology of Gamma-Ray Jets

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    We discuss some phenomenological aspects of γ\gamma-ray emitting jets. In particular, we present calculations of the γ\gamma-sphere and π\pi-sphere for various target photon fields, and employ them to demonstrate how γ\gamma-ray observations at very high energies can be used to constraint the Doppler factor of the emitting plasma and the production of VHE neutrinos. We also consider the implications of the rapid TeV variability observed in M87 and the TeV blazars, and propose a model for the very rapid TeV flares observed with HESS and MAGIC in some blazars,that accommodates the relatively small Doppler factors inferred from radio observations. Finally, we briefly discuss the prospects for detecting VHE neutrinos from relativistic jets.Comment: Proceedings, Huangshan meeting on "Astrophysics of Compact Objects

    Dynamics of Magnetized Spherical Accretion Flows

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    Transonic accretion flow with self-consistent treatment of random magnetic field is presented.Comment: in proceedings to "Astrophysics of Compact Objects", Huangshan, China, 200

    On the Efficiency of Thermal Conduction in Galaxy Clusters

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    Galaxy clusters host a large reservoir of diffuse plasma with radially-varying temperature profiles. The efficiency of thermal conduction in the intracluster medium (ICM) is complicated by the existence of turbulence and magnetic fields, and has received a lot of attention in the literature. Previous studies suggest that the magnetothermal instability developed in outer regions of galaxy clusters would drive magnetic field lines preferentially radial, resulting in efficient conduction along the radial direction. Using a series of spherically-symmetric simulations, here we investigate the impact of thermal conduction on the observed temperature distributions in outer regions of three massive clusters, and find that thermal conduction substantially modifies the ICM temperature profile. Within 3 Gyr, the gas temperature at a representative radius of 0.3r5000.3r_{500} typically decreases by ~10 - 20% and the average temperature slope between 0.3r5000.3r_{500} and r500r_{500} drops by ~ 30 - 40%, indicating that the observed ICM would not stay in a long-term equilibrium state in the presence of thermal conduction. However, X-ray observations show that the outer regions of massive clusters have remarkably similar radially-declining temperature profiles, suggesting that they should be quite stable. Our study thus suggests that the effective conductivity along the radial direction must be suppressed below the Spitzer value by a factor of 10 or more, unless additional heating sources offset conductive cooling and maintain the observed temperature distributions. Our study provides a smoking-gun evidence for the suppression of parallel conduction along magnetic field lines in low-collisionality plasmas by kinetic mirror or whistler instabilities.Comment: Slightly revised version, accepted for publication in ApJ. 11 pages, 7 figure

    "Black Star" or Astrophysical Black Hole?

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    Recently wide publicity has been given to a claim by T. Vachaspati that "black holes do not exist", that the objects known as black holes in astrophysics should rather be called "black stars" and they not only do not have event horizons but actually can be the source of spectacular gamma ray bursts. In this short essay (no flimsier than the original preprint where these extravagant claims appeared) I demonstrate that these ill-considered claims are clearly wrong. Yet they present a good occasion to reflect on some well known but little discussed conceptual difficulties which arise when applying relativistic terminology in an astrophysical context.Comment: Poster presented at "Compact Objects" meeting in Hunagshan, China, 2-7 July 2007. To be published in the AIP Conference Proceeding serie

    A simple proof of exponential decay in the two dimensional percolation model

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    Kesten showed the exponential decay of percolation probability in the subcritical phase for the two-dimensional percolation model. This result implies his celebrated computation that pc=0.5p_c=0.5 for bond percolation in the square lattice, and site percolation in the triangular lattice, respectively. In this paper, we present a simpler proof for Kesten's theorem.Comment: 9 pages and one figur

    Neutron star magnetospheres: the binary pulsar, Crab and magnetars

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    A number of disparate observational and theoretical pieces of evidence indicate that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, neutron stars' closed field lines are populated by dense, hot plasma and may be responsible for producing some radio and high energy emission. This conclusion is based on eclipse modeling of the binary pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B (Lyutikov & Thompson 2005), a quantitative theory of Crab giant pulses (Lyutikov 2007) and a number of theoretical works related to production of non-thermal spectra in magnetars through resonant scattering. In magnetars, dense pair plasma is produced by twisting magnetic field lines and associated electric fields required to lift the particles from the surface. In long period pulsars, hot particles on closed field lines can be efficiently trapped by magnetic mirroring, so that relatively low supply rate, e.g. due to a drift from open field lines, may result in high density. In short period pulsars, magnetic mirroring does not work; large densities may still be expected at the magnetic equator near the Y-point.Comment: Proceedings, Huangshan meeting "Astrophysics of Compact Objects
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