75 research outputs found

    A shortest path-based approach for copy number variation detection from next-generation sequencing data

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    Copy number variation (CNV) is one of the main structural variations in the human genome and accounts for a considerable proportion of variations. As CNVs can directly or indirectly cause cancer, mental illness, and genetic disease in humans, their effective detection in humans is of great interest in the fields of oncogene discovery, clinical decision-making, bioinformatics, and drug discovery. The advent of next-generation sequencing data makes CNV detection possible, and a large number of CNV detection tools are based on next-generation sequencing data. Due to the complexity (e.g., bias, noise, alignment errors) of next-generation sequencing data and CNV structures, the accuracy of existing methods in detecting CNVs remains low. In this work, we design a new CNV detection approach, called shortest path-based Copy number variation (SPCNV), to improve the detection accuracy of CNVs. SPCNV calculates the k nearest neighbors of each read depth and defines the shortest path, shortest path relation, and shortest path cost sets based on which further calculates the mean shortest path cost of each read depth and its k nearest neighbors. We utilize the ratio between the mean shortest path cost for each read depth and the mean of the mean shortest path cost of its k nearest neighbors to construct a relative shortest path score formula that is able to determine a score for each read depth. Based on the score profile, a boxplot is then applied to predict CNVs. The performance of the proposed method is verified by simulation data experiments and compared against several popular methods of the same type. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the best balance between recall and precision in each set of simulated samples. To further verify the performance of the proposed method in real application scenarios, we then select real sample data from the 1,000 Genomes Project to conduct experiments. The proposed method achieves the best F1-scores in almost all samples. Therefore, the proposed method can be used as a more reliable tool for the routine detection of CNVs

    Comparative analysis of methods for detecting interacting loci

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interactions among genetic loci are believed to play an important role in disease risk. While many methods have been proposed for detecting such interactions, their relative performance remains largely unclear, mainly because different data sources, detection performance criteria, and experimental protocols were used in the papers introducing these methods and in subsequent studies. Moreover, there have been very few studies strictly focused on comparison of existing methods. Given the importance of detecting gene-gene and gene-environment interactions, a rigorous, comprehensive comparison of performance and limitations of available interaction detection methods is warranted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report a comparison of eight representative methods, of which seven were specifically designed to detect interactions among single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), with the last a popular main-effect testing method used as a baseline for performance evaluation. The selected methods, multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR), full interaction model (FIM), information gain (IG), Bayesian epistasis association mapping (BEAM), SNP harvester (SH), maximum entropy conditional probability modeling (MECPM), logistic regression with an interaction term (LRIT), and logistic regression (LR) were compared on a large number of simulated data sets, each, consistent with complex disease models, embedding <it>multiple </it>sets of interacting SNPs, under different interaction models. The assessment criteria included several relevant detection power measures, family-wise type I error rate, and computational complexity. There are several important results from this study. First, while some SNPs in interactions with strong effects are successfully detected, most of the methods miss many interacting SNPs at an acceptable rate of false positives. In this study, the best-performing method was MECPM. Second, the statistical significance assessment criteria, used by some of the methods to control the type I error rate, are quite conservative, thereby limiting their power and making it difficult to fairly compare them. Third, as expected, power varies for different models and as a function of penetrance, minor allele frequency, linkage disequilibrium and marginal effects. Fourth, the analytical relationships between power and these factors are derived, aiding in the interpretation of the study results. Fifth, for these methods the magnitude of the main effect influences the power of the tests. Sixth, most methods can detect some ground-truth SNPs but have modest power to detect the whole set of interacting SNPs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This comparison study provides new insights into the strengths and limitations of current methods for detecting interacting loci. This study, along with freely available simulation tools we provide, should help support development of improved methods. The simulation tools are available at: <url>http://code.google.com/p/simulation-tool-bmc-ms9169818735220977/downloads/list</url>.</p

    A local outlier factor-based detection of copy number variations from NGS data

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    Comparative analysis of methods for identifying recurrent copy number alterations in cancer.

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    Recurrent copy number alterations (CNAs) play an important role in cancer genesis. While a number of computational methods have been proposed for identifying such CNAs, their relative merits remain largely unknown in practice since very few efforts have been focused on comparative analysis of the methods. To facilitate studies of recurrent CNA identification in cancer genome, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive comparison of performance and limitations among existing methods. In this paper, six representative methods proposed in the latest six years are compared. These include one-stage and two-stage approaches, working with raw intensity ratio data and discretized data respectively. They are based on various techniques such as kernel regression, correlation matrix diagonal segmentation, semi-parametric permutation and cyclic permutation schemes. We explore multiple criteria including type I error rate, detection power, Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve and the area under curve (AUC), and computational complexity, to evaluate performance of the methods under multiple simulation scenarios. We also characterize their abilities on applications to two real datasets obtained from cancers with lung adenocarcinoma and glioblastoma. This comparison study reveals general characteristics of the existing methods for identifying recurrent CNAs, and further provides new insights into their strengths and weaknesses. It is believed helpful to accelerate the development of novel and improved methods

    Analysis of breast cancer subtypes by AP-ISA biclustering

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    Abstract Background Gene expression profiling has led to the definition of breast cancer molecular subtypes: Basal-like, HER2-enriched, LuminalA, LuminalB and Normal-like. Different subtypes exhibit diverse responses to treatment. In the past years, several traditional clustering algorithms have been applied to analyze gene expression profiling. However, accurate identification of breast cancer subtypes, especially within highly variable LuminalA subtype, remains a challenge. Furthermore, the relationship between DNA methylation and expression level in different breast cancer subtypes is not clear. Results In this study, a modified ISA biclustering algorithm, termed AP-ISA, was proposed to identify breast cancer subtypes. Comparing with ISA, AP-ISA provides the optimized strategy to select seeds and thresholds in the circumstance that prior knowledge is absent. Experimental results on 574 breast cancer samples were evaluated using clinical ER/PR information, PAM50 subtypes and the results of five peer to peer methods. One remarkable point in the experiment is that, AP-ISA divided the expression profiles of the luminal samples into four distinct classes. Enrichment analysis and methylation analysis showed obvious distinction among the four subgroups. Tumor variability within the Luminal subtype is observed in the experiments, which could contribute to the development of novel directed therapies. Conclusions Aiming at breast cancer subtype classification, a novel biclustering algorithm AP-ISA is proposed in this paper. AP-ISA classifies breast cancer into seven subtypes and we argue that there are four subtypes in luminal samples. Comparison with other methods validates the effectiveness of AP-ISA. New genes that would be useful for targeted treatment of breast cancer were also obtained in this study

    WAVECNV: A New Approach for Detecting Copy Number Variation by Wavelet Clustering

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    Copy number variation (CNV) detection based on second-generation sequencing technology is the basis of much gene research, but the read depth is affected by mapping errors, repeated reads, and GC bias. The existing methods have low sensitivity to variation regions with a short length and small variation range. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the sensitivity of algorithms to short-variation fragments. This study proposes a new CNV-detection method named WAVECNV to solve this issue. The algorithm uses wavelet clustering to process the read depth and determine the normal cluster and abnormal cluster according to the size of the cluster. Then, according to the distance between genome bins and normal clusters, the outlier of each genome bin is evaluated. Finally, a statistical model is established, and the p-value test is used for calling CNVs. Through this method, the information of the short variation region is retained. WAVECNV was tested and compared with peer methods in terms of simulated data and real cancer-sequencing data. The results show that the sensitivity of WAVECNV is better than the existing methods. It also has high precision in data with low purity and coverage. In real data experiments, WAVECNV can detect more cancer genes than existing methods. Therefore, this method can be regarded as a conventional method in the field of genomic mutation analysis of cancer samples

    Stratification of Breast Cancer by Integrating Gene Expression Data and Clinical Variables

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Although gene expression profiling has led to the definition of several subtypes of breast cancer, the precise discovery of the subtypes remains a challenge. Clinical data is another promising source. In this study, clinical variables are utilized and integrated to gene expressions for the stratification of breast cancer. We adopt two phases: gene selection and clustering, where the integration is in the gene selection phase; only genes whose expressions are most relevant to each clinical variable and least redundant among themselves are selected for further clustering. In practice, we simply utilize maximum relevance minimum redundancy (mRMR) for gene selection and k-means for clustering. We compare the results of our method with those of two commonly used only expression-based breast cancer stratification methods: prediction analysis of microarray 50 (PAM50) and highest variability (HV). The result is that our method outperforms them in identifying subtypes significantly associated with five-year survival and recurrence time. Specifically, our method identified recurrence-associated breast cancer subtypes that were not identified by PAM50 and HV. Additionally, our analysis discovered three survival-associated luminal-A subgroups and two survival-associated luminal-B subgroups. The study indicates that screening clinically relevant gene expressions yields improved breast cancer stratification
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