2 research outputs found
Recent progress in x-ray spectral diagnostics of contrast dependent plasma at relativistic intensities of ~10^22 W/cm^2
At PW-class laser facilities pulse intensities of the order of 10^21 – 10^22 W/cm^2 can be reached by focusing high quality laser beams to spots of a few microns size. Under such conditions, during fs- time intervals a huge amount of optical energy is concentrated into a tiny volume and by the interaction with solid targets creates a plasma with high energy density. Such plasma can be sources of non-linear phenomena, among known and predicted by theory there is the acceleration to high energy of protons, ions, electrons and neutrons, generation of HOH and gamma-flare, creation of exotic states of hollow ions and WDM. The observed phenomena are defined by the type of target, laser energy and strongly depend on the prepulse condition. Achieving highly ionized states for elements with medium Z allows to effectively perform x-ray diagnostics of plasma parameters and preplasma conditions by means of high-resolution spectroscopy based on the analysis of spectra of H-like and He-like ions.Here we l present a review on the recent results on application of x-ray spectroscopic diagnostics of plasmas generated in the interaction of J-KAREN-P ultra-high intensity laser pulses with solid and clusters targets under conditions of different intrinsic laser contrast and under the cases of specially incorporated prepulse for controlled preplasma formation. Plasma parameters were evaluated by means of time integrated x-ray spectroscopic measurements and kinetic modeling using the code PrismSPECT. Certain line intensity relations, including the relations (Ly_a / He_b), (Ly_a / Ly_a satellites), relation between Ly_a satellites, as well as broadening and the shape of line, were used as the main tools for evaluation of plasma parameters. Each of the tools has preferred dependences on plasma electron temperature, electron density, electric and magnetic field strength. Four types of experiments are under consideration.3rd International Conference on Nuclear Photonics NP202