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11 research outputs found
Recurrent model of the dependence of a recessive lethal mutation on fitness components and its solution
A.M. Kulikov
D.L. Hartl
+9Â more
H. Jungen
J. Benedic
K. Mather
R. Halliburton
S. Wright
T. Dobzhansky
T. Mukai
Y.A. Kostitzin
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Identification of the Type of Population Dynamics of the Green Oak Tortrix with a Generalized Discrete Logistic Model
A.A. Lyapunov
A.S. Isaev
+27Â more
A.S. Isaev
E.C. Pielou
G.F. Lakin
H. McCallum
H. Tonnang
H.E.Z Tonnang
H.E.Z. Tonnang
H.W. Lilliefors
J. Maynard Smith
J. Maynard Smith
L.N. Bol’shev
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
M.D. Korzukhin
N.R. Draper
S.N. Wood
S.N. Wood
S.S. Shapiro
T.P. Hettmansperger
V.V. Rubtsov
V.V. Rubtsov
Y. Bard
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The principles of forecasting the geom structure of the Prebaikalia under climate change
A. A. Frolov
A.A. Frolov
+17Â more
A.A. Velichko
A.G. Isachenko
A.K. Cherkashin
E. Odum
E.G. Kolomyts
E.G. Kolomyts
E.V. Bezrukova
E.V. Bezrukova
F. Harari
J. Kemeny
V.A. Belova
V.B. Sochava
V.M. Plyusnin
V.S. Mikheev
V.V. Ryumin
Yu.G. Puzachenko
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
First Integrals and Periodic Solutions of a System with Power Nonlinearities
A. A. Kosov
A. A. Kosov
+12Â more
A. D. Polyanin
A. M. Meirmanov
A. P. Prudnikov
E. I. Semenov
G. A. Rudykh
G. A. Rudykh
J. D. Murray
M. G. Slin’ko
N. I. Akhiezer
S. N. Vassilyev
V. A. Galaktionov
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Mathematical modeling and evaluation of bioinvasion status of barnacles on the shelf of Japan
A.I. Kafanov
A.I. Kafanov
+19Â more
A.I. Lobanov
A.N. Chetyrbotskii
A.Yu. Zvyagintsev
A.Yu. Zvyagintsev
A.Yu. Zvyagintsev
E. Oran
E.P. Turpaeva
G.B. Zevina
G.B. Zevina
G.B. Zevina
J.A. Calcagno
M. Kendall
M. Otani
N.N. Moiseev
O.P. Poltarukha
P.I. Rudakov
R.G. Strongin
V.L. Andreev
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Model estimates of climate change impact on habitats of zonal vegetation for the plain territories of Russia
A.A. Tishkov
A.V. Kozharinov
+24Â more
D.L. Urban
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
E. A. Denisenko
E. Roeckner
G.V. Gruza
H. Baltzer
H. Lieth
I.I. Mokhov
K.I. Kobak
L. L. Golubyatnikov
L.L. Golubyatnikov
L.R. Holdridge
M. Collins
M.E. Mann
M.I. Budyko
N.I. Bazilevich
N.V. Belotelov
O.S. Grebenshchikov
S.F. Kurnaev
S.I. Chumachenko
T.L. Root
V.K. Petoukhov
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Two-level hierarchical model of optimal biological diversity
A. Hector
A.B. Pfisterer
+41Â more
A.J. Symstad
A.P. Levich
A.S. Severtsov
D. Lurie
D. Tilman
D. Tilman
D.P. Vazquez
D.S. Pavlov
D.U. Hooper
E. Bond
E. N. Bukvareva
E. Pianka
E.M. Spehn
E.N. Bukvareva
G. M. Aleshchenko
G.G. Mittelbach
G.M. Aleshchenko
G.M. Aleshchenko
G.M. Dlusskii
J. Norberg
J. Wagensberg
J.W. MacArthur
M. Bigon
M. Loreau
P. Balvanera
P. Giller
P.V. Fursova
R.H. MacArthur
R.H. MacArthur
R.M. May
S. Naeem
S.P. Hubbell
S.P. Hubbell
U.R. Eshbi
V.F. Levchenko
Yu.B. Germeier
Yu.I. Chernov
Yu.M. Fatkin
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Yu.P. Altukhov
Yu.P. Odum
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Analyzing the Fine-Scale Dynamics of Two Dominant Species in a Polytrichum–Myrtillus Pine Forest. I. A Homogeneous Markov Chain and Cyclicity Indices
A. Baasch
A.A. Maslov
+37Â more
A.A. Maslov
A.A. Maslov
B.V. Vinogradov
B.V. Vinogradov
C.C. Horvitz
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
D.O. Logofet
E. Maarel van der
F.R. Gantmakher
H. Caswell
J.G. Kemeny
J.J. Borelli
J.N.R. Jeffers
J.T. Wootton
L.P. Rysin
M.F. Hill
N. Keyfitz
O.V. Smirnova
R. Makipaa
R. Salguero-Gómez
R.J. Hobbs
S.D. Tuljapurkar
T.P. Balandina
T.P. Balandina
V.N. Fedorchuk
Yu.I. Samoilov
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Analysis of cyclic fluctuations in larch bud moth populations with discrete-time dynamic models
A. Fischlin
A.A. Berryman
+49Â more
A.A. Berryman
A.A. Berryman
A.A. Berryman
A.A. Berryman
A.A. Berryman
A.D. Bazykin
A.S. Isaev
A.S. Isaev
B.E. Kendall
C. Auer
D.K. Varley
G.C. Varley
G.C. Varley
H. Tonnang
H. Tonnang
J. Maynard Smith
J. Maynard Smith
J.G. Skellam
L. Edelstein-Keshet
L.N. Bol’shev
L.R. Ginzburg
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
L.V. Nedorezov
M.D. Hunter
M.P. Hassell
N. Draper
N.R. Draper
P. Turchin
P. Turchin
P. Turchin
P.A.P. Moran
R. Hilborn
R.F. Morris
R.M. Andersen
R.M. May
S.N. Wood
S.N. Wood
S.S. Shapiro
SmithJ. Maynard
T. Royama
T.S. Bellows Jr.
V. Dellucchi
V.A. Kostitzin
W.E. Ricker
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Modes of colony foundation by females of different morphotypes in the paper wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistes Latr.)
A. B. Fateryga
A.A. Zakharov
+67Â more
A.G. Kreslavskii
A.S. Severtsov
C. K. Starr
C.K. Starr
C.K. Starr
C.K. Starr
D.C. Queller
D.L. Gibo
E. Giannotti
E. Giannotti
E.A. Tibbets
E.A. Tibbets
E.N. Knyazeva
E.N. Panov
E.O. Grechka
G.A. Viktorov
G.J. Gamboa
G.J. Gamboa
G.M. Dlusskii
H.K. Reeve
I. Prigogine
I. Yu. Rusin
I.A. Shilov
I.A. Shilov
I.A. Shilov
I.I. Schmalhauzen
J.A. Dropkin
J.D. Sullivan
J.E. Strassmann
J.E. Strassmann
J.E. Strassmann
J.R. Krebs
K.M. Noonan
K.S. Perfil’eva
L. A. Firman
L. Pardi
L. Yu. Rusina
L.Yu. Rusina
L.Yu. Rusina
L.Yu. Rusina
L.Yu. Rusina
L.Yu. Rusina
M.A. Cant
M.I. Setrov
M.I. Setrov
M.J. West
M.J. West-Eberhard
N. Gobbi
N.P. Naumov
P.-F. Röseler
P.-F. Röseler
P.-F. Röseler
P.-F. Röseler
P.-F. Röseler
P.-F. Röseler
R. Wall
R.L. Jeanne
R.L. Jeanne
S. Turillazzi
S. Turillazzi
S. Turillazzi
S.A. Glantz
S.O. Sergievskii
W.M. Enteman
Y. Itô
Y. Itô
Yu.M. Svirezhev
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text