4 research outputs found

    Эпидемическая ситуация по туберкулезу у детей в Калужской области в 2014-2018 гг.

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    Purpose: to study tuberculosis situation in children in Kaluga Region in 2014-2018.Subjects and methods. Tuberculosis incidence in children was analyzed and compared with tuberculosis rates in adults in 2014-2018. The primary infection of children with tuberculous mycobacteria, the structure of Dispensary Groups III and IV were studied. All new tuberculosis cases in children aged 0 to 17 years in 2014-2018 were analyzed.Results. In 2014-2018, there were mixed trends in tuberculosis incidence in children in Kaluga Region. The rate of tuberculosis incidence growth made 0.9%, which was higher than the growth in the overall incidence rate and indirectly indicated the presence of infection sources among adult population. No statistically significant correlation was found between the overall incidence of tuberculosis and the incidence of tuberculosis with a positive result of sputum test (r = 0.9; p > 0.05), as well as between the incidence of tuberculosis with with a positive result of sputum test and tuberculosis incidence in children (r = -0.48; p > 0.05). This points out at defects in the work of laboratory service as well as a poor detection of children exposed to infectious tuberculosis cases. In Kaluga Region, the average incidence in children registered as contacts of a tuberculosis case made 809.7 ± 306.1 per 100,000 children exposed to tuberculous infection in 2014-2018.Цель: изучить эпидемическую ситуацию по туберкулезу среди детского населения в Калужской области в 2014-2018 гг.Материалы и методы. Проведены анализ заболеваемости туберкулезом у детей и ее сравнение с эпидемиологическими показателями по туберкулезу у взрослых в 2014-2018 гг. Изучены первичная инфицированность детей микобактериями туберкулеза, структура III и IV ГДУ. Проанализированы все случаи впервые выявленного туберкулеза у детей в возрасте от 0 до 17 лет в 2014-2018 гг.Результаты. Показатели заболеваемости туберкулезом детей в Калужской области в 2014-2018 гг. имели разнонаправленные тенденции. Темп прироста показателя составил 0,9%, что выше прироста показателя общей заболеваемости и косвенно свидетельствует о наличии источников заражения среди взрослого населения. Не установлено статистически значимой корреляционной связи между показателями общей заболеваемости туберкулезом и заболеваемостью с бактериовыделением (r = 0,9; p > 0,05), а также между заболеваемостью с бактериовыделением и заболеваемостью туберкулезом у детей (r = -0,48; p > 0,05). Это указывает на дефекты в работе бактериологической службы, а также недовыявление детей из контактов с бактериовыделителями. Заболеваемость детей, состоящих на учете по контакту с больным туберкулезом, в Калужской области составила в среднем в 2014-2018 гг. 809,7 ± 306,1 на 100 тыс. детей из контактов

    Tuberculosis situation in children in Kaluga Region in 2014-2018

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    Purpose: to study tuberculosis situation in children in Kaluga Region in 2014-2018.Subjects and methods. Tuberculosis incidence in children was analyzed and compared with tuberculosis rates in adults in 2014-2018. The primary infection of children with tuberculous mycobacteria, the structure of Dispensary Groups III and IV were studied. All new tuberculosis cases in children aged 0 to 17 years in 2014-2018 were analyzed.Results. In 2014-2018, there were mixed trends in tuberculosis incidence in children in Kaluga Region. The rate of tuberculosis incidence growth made 0.9%, which was higher than the growth in the overall incidence rate and indirectly indicated the presence of infection sources among adult population. No statistically significant correlation was found between the overall incidence of tuberculosis and the incidence of tuberculosis with a positive result of sputum test (r = 0.9; p > 0.05), as well as between the incidence of tuberculosis with with a positive result of sputum test and tuberculosis incidence in children (r = -0.48; p > 0.05). This points out at defects in the work of laboratory service as well as a poor detection of children exposed to infectious tuberculosis cases. In Kaluga Region, the average incidence in children registered as contacts of a tuberculosis case made 809.7 ± 306.1 per 100,000 children exposed to tuberculous infection in 2014-2018

    The Analytical Applications of Dithizone

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    Water analysis

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