45 research outputs found

    Клинический случай парадоксальной эмболии, вызвавшей острый инфаркт миокарда после тромбоза глубоких вен

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    Paradoxical thromboembolism due to the presence of an patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a rather rare phenomenon, especially when an embolism results in acute myocardial infarction (MI). The presented clinical case of the paradoxical embolism is interesting for several reasons: firstly, the patient's primary disease was deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary artery thromboembolism (PATE); secondly, apparently, it was due to PATE and the subsequent overload of the right side of the heart that thelatent embolism became apparent; thirdly, the paradoxical embolism was apparently caused by the fragments of alarge thrombus stuck in PFO, fourthly, the current clinical situation was ambiguous with respect to medical decisions, primarily concerning antithrombotic therapy.Парадоксальная тромбоэмболия из-за наличия открытого овального окна (ООО) - явление довольно редкое, тем более когда в результате эмболии развивается острый инфаркт миокарда (ИМ). Представленный клинический случай парадоксальной эмболии интересен по нескольким причинам: во-первых, первичным заболеванием у пациента стал тромбоз глубоких вен (ТГВ) и тромбоэмболия легочной артерии (ТЭЛА), во-вторых, по-видимому, именно из-за ТЭЛА и последующей перегрузки правых отделов сердца скрытое ООО стало явным, в-третьих, причиной парадоксальной эмболии стали, по-видимому, фрагменты большого тромба, застрявшего в ООО, в-четвертых, сложившаяся клиническая ситуация была неоднозначной в отношении принятия медицинских решений, в первую очередь касающихся антитромботической терапии

    Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision

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    A technique for automated face detection and its pose estimation using single image is developed. The algorithm includes: face detection, facial features localization, face/background segmentation, face pose estimation, image transformation to frontal view. Automatic face/background segmentation is performed by original graph-cut technique based on detected feature points. The precision of face orientation estimation based on monocular digital imagery is addressed. The approach for precision estimation is developed based on comparison of synthesized facial 2D images and scanned face 3D model. The software for modelling and measurement is developed. The special system for non-contact measurements is created. Required set of 3D real face models and colour facial textures is obtained using this system. The precision estimation results demonstrate the precision of face pose estimation enough for further successful face recognition

    Shape-Based Image Matching Using Heat Kernels and Diffusion Maps

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    2D image matching problem is often stated as an image-to-shape or shape-to-shape matching problem. Such shape-based matching techniques should provide the matching of scene image fragments registered in various lighting, weather and season conditions or in different spectral bands. Most popular shape-to-shape matching technique is based on mutual information approach. Another wellknown approach is a morphological image-to-shape matching proposed by Pytiev. In this paper we propose the new image-to-shape matching technique based on heat kernels and diffusion maps. The corresponding Diffusion Morphology is proposed as a new generalization of Pytiev morphological scheme. The fast implementation of morphological diffusion filtering is described. Experimental comparison of new and aforementioned shape-based matching techniques is reported applying to the TV and IR image matching problem

    A real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision

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    The paper addresses a promising visualization concept related to combination of sensor and synthetic images in order to enhance situation awareness of a pilot during an aircraft landing. A real-time algorithm for a fusion of a sensor image, acquired by an onboard camera, and a synthetic 3D image of the external view, generated in an onboard computer, is proposed. The pixel correspondence between the sensor and the synthetic images is obtained by an exterior orientation of a "virtual" camera using runway points as a geospatial reference. The runway points are detected by the Projective Hough Transform, which idea is to project the edge map onto a horizontal plane in the object space (the runway plane) and then to calculate intensity projections of edge pixels on different directions of intensity gradient. The performed experiments on simulated images show that on a base glide path the algorithm provides image fusion with pixel accuracy, even in the case of significant navigation errors