71 research outputs found

    Monopole Vacuum in Non-Abelian Theories

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    It is shown that, in the theory of interacting Yang -Mills fields and a Higgs field, there is a topological degeneracy of Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) monopoles and that there arises, in this case, a chromoelectric monopole characterized by a new topological variable that describes transitions between topological states of the monopole in the Minkowski space (in just the same way as an instanton describes such transitions in the Euclidean space). The limit of an infinitely large mass of the Higgs field at a finite density of the BPS monopole is considered as a model of the stable vacuum in the pure Yang-Mills theory. It is shown that, in QCD, such a monopole vacuum may lead to a rising potential, a topological confinement and an additional mass of the η0\eta_0 meson. The relationship between the result obtained here for the generating functional of perturbation theory and Faddeev-Popov integral is discussed

    Bogolyubov Quasiparticles in Constrained Systems

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    The paper is devoted to the formulation of quantum field theory for an early universe in General Relativity considered as the Dirac general constrained system. The main idea is the Hamiltonian reduction of the constrained system in terms of measurable quantities of the observational cosmology: the world proper time, cosmic scale factor, and the density of matter. We define " particles" as field variables in the holomorphic representation which diagonalize the measurable density. The Bogoliubov quasiparticles are determined by diagonalization of the equations of motion (but not only of the initial Hamiltonian) to get the set of integrals of motion (or conserved quantum numbers, in quantum theory). This approach is applied to describe particle creation in the models of the early universe where the Hubble parameter goes to infinity.Comment: 13 pages, Late

    Von Neumann's Quantization of General Relativity

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    Von Neumann's procedure is applied for quantization of General Relativity. We quantize the initial data of dynamical variables at the Planck epoch, where the Hubble parameter coincides with the Planck mass. These initial data are defined via the Fock simplex in the tangent Minkowskian space-time and the Dirac conformal interval. The Einstein cosmological principle is applied for the average of the spatial metric determinant logarithm over the spatial volume of the visible Universe. We derive the splitting of the general coordinate transformations into the diffeomorphisms (as the object of the second N\"other theorem) and the initial data transformations (as objects of the first N\"other theorem). Following von Neumann, we suppose that the vacuum state is a quantum ensemble. The vacuum state is degenerated with respect to quantum numbers of non-vacuum states with the distribution function that yields the Casimir effect in gravidynamics in analogy to the one in electrodynamics. The generation functional of the perturbation theory in gravidynamics is given as a solution of the quantum energy constraint. We discuss the region of applicability of gravidynamics and its possible predictions for explanation of the modern observational and experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, updated version with extended discussio

    Heavy--light mesons in a bilocal effective theory

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    Heavy--light mesons are described in an effective quark theory with a two--body vector--type interaction. The bilocal interaction is taken to be instantaneous in the rest frame of the bound state, but formulated covariantly through the use of a boost vector. The chiral symmetry of the light flavor is broken spontaneously at mean field level. The framework for our discussion of bound states is the effective bilocal meson action obtained by bosonization of the quark theory. Mesons are described by 3--dimensional wave functions satisfying Salpeter equations, which exhibit both Goldstone solutions in the chiral limit and heavy--quark symmetry for mQm_Q\rightarrow\infty. We present numerical solutions for pseudoscalar DD-- and BB--mesons. Heavy--light meson spectra and decay constants are seen to be sensitive to the description of chiral symmetry breaking (dynamically generated vs.\ constant quark mass).Comment: (34 p., standard LaTeX, 7 PostScript figures appended) UNITUE-THEP-17/9

    Pion Polarizability in the NJL model and Possibilities of its Experimental Studies in Coulomb Nuclear Scattering

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    The charge pion polarizability is calculated in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, where the quark loops (in the mean field approximation) and the meson loops (in the 1/Nc1/N_c approximation) are taken into account. We show that quark loop contribution dominates, because the meson loops strongly conceal each other. The sigma-pole contribution (mσ2t)1(m^2_\sigma-t)^{-1} plays the main role and contains strong t-dependence of the effective pion polarizability at the region t4Mπ2|t|\geq 4M_\pi^2. Possibilities of experimental test of this sigma-pole effect in the reaction of Coulomb Nuclear Scattering are estimated for the COMPASS experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Inertial mechanism: dynamical mass as a source of particle creation

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    A kinetic theory of vacuum particle creation under the action of an inertial mechanism is constructed within a nonpertrubative dynamical approach. At the semi-phenomenological level, the inertial mechanism corresponds to quantum field theory with a time-dependent mass. At the microscopic level, such a dependence may be caused by different reasons: The non-stationary Higgs mechanism, the influence of a mean field or condensate, the presence of the conformal multiplier in the scalar-tensor gravitation theory etc. In what follows, a kinetic theory in the collisionless approximation is developed for scalar, spinor and massive vector fields in the framework of the oscillator representation, which is an effective tool for transition to the quasiparticle description and for derivation of non-Markovian kinetic equations. Properties of these equations and relevant observables (particle number and energy densities, pressure) are studied. The developed theory is applied here to describe the vacuum matter creation in conformal cosmological models and discuss the problem of the observed number density of photons in the cosmic microwave background radiation. As other example, the self-consistent evolution of scalar fields with non-monotonic self-interaction potentials (the W-potential and Witten - Di Vecchia - Veneziano model) is considered. In particular, conditions for appearance of tachyonic modes and a problem of the relevant definition of a vacuum state are considered.Comment: 51 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PEPAN (JINR, Dubna); v2: added reference

    Self - Consistent Description of e+e-gamma Plasma Created from the Vacuum in a Strong Electric Laser Field

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    In the present work a closed system of kinetic equations is obtained for the description of the vacuum creation of an electron - positron plasma and secondary photons due to a strong laser field. An estimate for the photon energy distribution is obtained. In the Markovian approximation the photon distribution has a 1/k spectrum (flicker noise).Comment: 6 pages, contribution to Proceedings of the International Bogolyubov Conference, Dubna (Russia), August 21-27, 200

    BBGKY kinetic approach for an e-e+gamma plasma created from the vacuum in a strong laser-generated electric field: The one-photon annihilation channel

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    In the present work a closed system of kinetic equations is obtained from the truncation of the BBGKY hierarchy for the description of the vacuum creation of an electron - positron plasma and secondary photons due to a strong laser field. This truncation is performed in the Markovian approximation for the one-photon annihilation channel which is accessible due to the presence of the strong external field. Estimates of the photon production rate are obtained for different domains of laser field parameters (frequency nu and field strength E). A huge quantity of optical photons of the quasiclassical laser field is necessary to satisfy the conservation laws of energy and momentum of the constituents (e-, e+, gamma) in this channel. Since the number of these optical photons corresponds to the order of perturbation theory, a vanishingly small photon production rate results for the optical region and strongly subcritical fields E << E_c. In the gamma-ray region nu <~ m the required number of laser photons is small and the production rate of photons from the one-photon annihilation process becomes accessible to observations for subcritical fields E <~ E_c. In the infrared region the photon distribution has a 1/k spectrum typical for flicker noise.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, one reference with referring text added and one citation correcte