4 research outputs found

    Historical and Sociological Analysis of the Value World of the Cultural Policy of the Siberian Tatars (The Case Study of the Russian Archive Documents of the 18th – 19th Centuries)

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    The nature of the cultural policy of the Siberian Tatars and its connection with the value world is described for the first time. This material singles out and describes three levels in the development of the anthroponymys value world in the national cultural policy (ancient, middle-aged, and new Turkic). The authors used comparative methods (investigation of archives) and empirical methods, namely, the generalization of the great human experience, which is formed at the levels of cultural policy forming (ancient, middle-aged, and new Turkic). According to the level of religiousness of the ancient Turks, the system of ideas, which is reflected in the needs and desires due to naive mental activity, the authors singled out the ancient model of constructing their cultural policy or the first ancient level of values in the cultural policy of the Siberian Tatars. The anthroponyms system of the Siberian Tatars is an axiological worldview observing objective and subjective evaluative attitudes. The subject in the cultural policy becomes familiar with the value world of name-giving, the system of ideas or ideology appears, which is transformed into a certain stage of development. Cultural policy in the ancient period was created but it is changed in the modern world. The novelty of the study is in the fact that the object category was studied in the cultural policy of Siberian Tatars indefinitely. Our investigation showed interrelation between human being and his experience (object and subject). Our motivation to study the value world of the cultural policy of the Siberian Tatars is supported by the idea that harmony and peace between cultures is possible only in the way of value world and its priorities understanding. New research results complement theoretical generalizations, open up new conceptual opportunities in solving national problems, and make it possible to formulate new strategic goals in our multinational state. They can improve the implementation of cultural policy by social society in goal setting and identification of national cultural values and priorities in the creation on their basis of targeted programs and expenses

    Clinical case of combined diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome in a patient with craniocerebral and spinal injury

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    Introduction. Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome and diabetes insipidus are serious complications of craniocerebral injury and spinal cord injuries. Each of the syndromes in some cases causes a life-threatening condition. This determines the importance of timely diagnosis and emergency intensive care measures. In the literature, there are only single descriptions of combinations of these symptoms in one patient.Clinical case report. A victim with craniocerebral injury and cervical spinal cord injury underwent, according to emergency indications, emptying and drainage of a tense subgaleal hematoma of the fronto-parieto-occipital region, spinal cord decompression, and stabilization of the spine. Postoperative follow-up and intensive care: on the 1st day the rate of diuresis was 2.5 mL/kg/h, blood glucose level – 14.18 mmol/L, and sodium level – 148–158 mmol/L. The patient was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, and a therapy with desmopressin at a dose of 0.6 mg/day, restoration of fluid volume with hypotonic solutions, and correction of hyperglycemia was started. On the 4th day blood sodium level was 133 mmol/L, and blood glucose level – 8.67 mmol/L. On the 5th day, hyponatremia of 126–115 mmol/L was noted with a diuresis rate of 4 mL/kg/h and glicemya level of 7.86 mmol/L. The development of cerebral salt-wasting syndrome was diagnosed, and the infusion of hydrocortisone 400 mg/day and of 10% NaCl solution was started. On the 6th day glucose level returned to normal. On the 9th day of follow-up, an increase in the volume of diuresis was again observed, and desmopressin therapy was continued. Stable normalization of water-electrolyte balance, urine output, and glucose levels were observed on the 16th day of follow-up.Conclusion. Monitoring of fluid balance and electrolyte composition of blood serum, and adequate replacement therapy were the conditions for successful treatment of a rare combination of diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome in patients with concomitant craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries

    Оптимизация лечебно-диагностического процесса у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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    PURPOSE: To create an optimal scientifically based system of management of diagnosis and treatment process (diagnosis, follow-up, rational medication treatment, surgical treatment) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. METHODS: The final protocol of combined analytical research and clinical multicenter study conducted from July to November 2015 included data from 591 patients (824 eyes). Age, disease duration, disease stage, IOP level and visual field parameters during treatment and treatment regimens were analyzed. Regimen included various combinations of medical, laser and surgical treatment used in the disease management. RESULTS: Average patients' age at the time of diagnosis establishment was 64.3 (57.5; 70.4). Mean disease duration was 4.1 years (2.0; 7.1). The administered regimen was considered to be effective when IOP level was below 20 mm Hg. The IOP level between 21 and 25 mm Hg was considered to be a sign of reduced treatment effectiveness and need for change of the regimen. 8 regimen changes were analyzed in total, though 90% of cases had 1-5 regimen changes. The first three regimens were used for 1.2 (0.4; 2.6), 1.3 (0.5; 2.5) and 1.1 years (0.5; 2.4) respectively. B-blockers and prostaglandin analogues monotherapy was used as a first-line therapy in 40.1% and 20.8% of cases respectively. Treatment was started with combination therapy in 27.82% of cases. Proportion of surgical treatment was 9.9% in regimen 2 and achieved 73% in regimen 5. Laser treatment was started from regimen 3 though the frequency of administration did not exceed 20%. Combination treatment using 3 and more components was found starting from regimen 5 (57.3%). CONCLUSION: First line therapy choice is still not rational in many cases. Laser and surgical treatment are used ineffectively after 3-4 years from the diagnosis.ЦЕЛЬ. Создать оптимальную научно обоснованную систему управления (диагностика, динамическое наблюдение, рациональная фармакотерапия, хирургическое лечение) лечебно-диагностическим процессом у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой. МЕТОДЫ. В итоговый протокол комбинированного аналитического научно-клинического многоцентрового исследования, проведенного в июле-ноябре 2015 года, были включены данные 591 человека (женщин - 352 (59,6%), мужчин - 239 (40,4%); 824 глаза). Были проанализированы: возраст, анамнез, стадии заболевания, уровни офтальмотонуса и характеристики поля зрения на фоне лечения и лечебная тактика (режимы назначений от момента обнаружения заболевания). Под понятием «режим» понимались различные варианты медикаментозного, лазерного и хирургического лечения, использованные в тактике лечебно-диагностического процесса. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Средний возраст пациентов на момент диагностирования глаукомы (все стадии, без деления на гендерные группы) составил 64,30 (57,50; 70,40) года, а на момент включения в исследование - 68,80 (64,10; 75,60) года. Средний анамнез заболевания составил 4,10 (2,00; 7,10) года. Назначенный режим лечения оценивался исследователями как эффективный при показателях офтальмотонуса не выше 20 мм рт.ст., при этом за понижение эффективности лечения и необходимость перевода на другой режим принимались показатели ВГД в диапазоне от 21 до 25 мм рт.ст. Всего было проанализировано 8 смен схем режимов, при этом в режимах 1-5 были проанализированы более 90% всех назначений. Продолжительность использования первых последовательных трех режимов составила: первого - 1,20 (0,40; 2,60) года, второго - 1,30 (0,50; 2,50) года, третьего - 1,10 (0,50; 2,40) года. Доля бета-адреноблокаторов в монотерапии в первом режиме составила 40,1%, значительно снизившись ко второму - до 3,16%, и полностью отсутствовала в последующих назначениях. Доля аналогов простагландинов в монотерапии также уменьшается от режима к режиму: на старте их применяют в 20,8% случаев, а при режиме № 3 - в 6,7% (снижение в три раза). В лечебной тактике второго режима начинает использоваться хирургический компонент (9,9%). Наиболее наглядно выглядят компоненты, использованные в режиме № 5. Действительно, активное применение схем комбинированной терапии, включая применение трех и более компонентов, было установлено начиная с режима № 5 (57,3%). В это же время в 9,6% случаев становится актуальным повторное хирургическое лечение. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Учитывая, что продвинутые стадии заболевания превалируют при обнаружении глаукомы, следует обратить внимание на нерациональную тактику выбора терапии первой линии у таких лиц. Недостаточно эффективно применяется лазерное и хирургическое лечение, которое становится актуальным только в режимах №№ 3-4, т. е. после 3-4 лет от обнаружения болезни