87 research outputs found

    К проблеме рудоносности черных сланцев Вишерско-Кутимского антиклинория (Северный Урал)

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    В пределах Вишерско-Кутимского антиклинория известны рудопроявления золота, пространственно сопряженные с россыпными месторождениями. Исследование рудных минералов показало наличие большого разнообразия сульфидов, сульфоарсенидов, теллуридов и самородных элементов (в том числе благородных металлов), кристаллизовавшихся в несколько стадий. Выделены две перспективные площади в ранге прогнозируемых золоторудных узлов – Мартайский узел и Верхневагранская зона, расположенные над погребенными гранитными массивами, предполагаемыми по геофизическим данным. Изучение особенностей локализации и состава золоторудной минерализации позволяет предположить возможность присутствия здесь золоторудных месторождений сухоложского типа


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    The Northern Timan is an uplifted block of Late Precambrian basement of the Timan Ridge, where Neoproterozoic sedimentary-metamorphic rocks of the Barmin Group are cut by intrusive rocks of different composition and all unconformably overlain by Lower Silurian limestone. To determine the age of granites, U-Pb dating of zircons was carried out using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Two episodes of Neoproterozoic granite magmatism were established. Granite rocks of the Bolshoy Kameshek (613 ± 6 Ma) and Cape Bolshoy Rumyanichny (614 ± 11 Ma) plutons are interpreted to be associated with the formation of Central Iapetus Magmatic Province and record the Ediacaran stage of Rodinia breakup. The granites of the Sopki Kamennyie pluton (723‒727 Ma) formed in Cryogenian time and are assumed to represent an earlier episode of Rodinia breakup. Their ages correlate with the age of the Franklin LIP that existed in Northern Laurentia and is believed to have spread to South Siberia.Северный Тиман представляет собой приподнятый блок позднедокембрийского фундамента Тиманской гряды, где неопротерозойские осадочно-метаморфические образования барминской серии прорываются интрузивными породами различного состава и перекрываются известняками нижнего силура. Для установления возраста гранитов проведено U-Pb датирование цирконов методом масс-спектрометрии вторичных ионов (SIMS), в результате чего в эволюции Северного Тимана установлено два эпизода гранитоидного магматизма. Граниты массивов Большой Камешек (613±6 млн лет) и мыса Большой Румяничный (614±11 млн лет) могли быть связаны с формированием Магматической Провинции Центрального Япетуса и фиксируют эдиакарский этап распада Родинии. Граниты массива Сопки Каменные (723‒727 млн лет) образовались в криогении и коррелируются с более ранним эпизодом распада Родинии. Они одновозрастны с Франклинской крупной магматической провинцией, существовавшей в Северной Лаврентии и, как полагают, захватывающей Южную Сибирь

    A theorem of Sibony and Wong

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    To Reconstruction of the Source Rock Composition and Provenance of Triassic Sediments from Yen-Yakha Superdeep Borehole SG-7, Northern Part of the Western Siberia

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    Анализ микроэлементного состава глинистых пород триаса, вскрытых сверхглубокой скважиной Ен-Яхинская, показал, что в их формировании принимали участие как местные/локальные источники сноса, так и источники далекие, в роли которых могла выступать интенсивно размывавшаяся в это время Уральская складчатая область.Analysis of trace-element composition of the Triassic argillites, which were intersected by the Yen-Yakha superdeep borehole, showed that these sedimentary rocks could form from both local and remote sources such as the intensively eroded at that time the Urals Fold Belt

    Subharmonic functions of finite order in a cone. II (General theory)

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    Systematization of u-pb zircon ages of granitoids from the copper porphyry deposits on the urals

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    There is a generalization of U-Pb age of zircons from the copper-porphyry deposits of the eastern slope of the Urals. Approved reserves of the largest ones are about 1.4-1.8 Mt of Cu (at an average content of 0.4-0.6 wt % of Cu). Porphyry mineralization is confined to the small massifs of quartz-diorite composition, localized exclusively within sub-meridional volcanic areas of island-type separated by sialic zones. U-Pb ages were determined by LA ICP-MS, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany), by SHRIMP-II, VSEGEI (St.Petersburg, Russia) and by SHRIMP-IIe/mc, IBERSIMS, Granada University (Spain). In the South Urals lateral section from east to west (approximately 160 km) the age of some quartz diorite porphyry deposits decreased from D1-2 (390 and 380 Ma, the Gumeshky and small Voznesensk deposits in Tagilo-Magnitogorsk Megazone) to D2-C11 (362 and 356 Ma, major Mikheyevsk deposit Tarutinsk deposit in the eastern part of the East-Ural volcanic megazone) and C12 (336 and 335 Ma, Benkalinsk, Zhaltyrkol’sk deposits in Valeryanovka zone). In addition, in the western part of the East-Ural volcanic megazone (in Uvelka allochthonous tectonic structure) there are S1-2 ore-bearing porphyry quartz-diorite massifs. They include the large industrial Tomino-Bereznyaki ore cluster with epithermal and porphyry mineralization (427-429 Ma) and of Zelenodolsk porphyric deposit (418 Ma) located at the distance of 25 km to the South. In indicated direction, ore specificity also changеs: Cu-(Au)- and Au-Cu-porphyric deposits are replaced by Cu-(Au, Mo)-porphyric ones. Within the Magnitogorsk zone from the early- to the late island-arc stage, the age of ore-bearing granitoids decreases (390, 381, 374 and 362 Ma), at that time their composition changes from diorite to shoshonite. Isotopic and petrogeochemical data suggest that considered island-type diorite is perhaps the result of selective melting of metabasalts of low crust or of depleted mantle (mantle wedge). This melting occurred repeatedly according to the displacement in time of its source from the west to the east of the Urals

    The microelements in crude oils of Romashkinskoye oil field satellite deposits (Tatarstan Republic)

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    The article describes the results of studies of crude oils microelements composition in Chekan, Tumutuk and Tumutuk-Chekan satellite deposits of Romashkinskoye oil field. It was found that mentioned deposits belong to the group enriched in microelements. Median content of trace element in different producing horizons differ markedly. Investigated crude oils are characterized by very high V/Cu and V/Pb, which may indicate a slight manifestation of catagenetic changes. However such conclusion contraries to the rather low values of V/Fe which imply a significant elaborateness of naphthides. Median values of Ni/Cu (from 146 to ~330) suggest the absence of significant migration of naphthides as well as a sufficiently low level of their catagenetic transformations. It was established that on the diagram GdN/YbN-Eu/Eu* majority of data points of crude oil are localized in the field typical of fine-grained clastic formations, in which a significant or dominant role belongs to the products of erosion of primitive Archean substrates. The median value of Pt/Pd in the whole oils of Romashkinskoye field is ~60. Crude oils of Chekan, Tumutuk and Tumutuk-Chekan deposits according to the ratio of platinum group elements belong to the ruthenium-rhodium type