27 research outputs found


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    Situs viscerus inversus totalis – a complete reverse arrangement of the internal organs – is a rarely occurring congenital anomaly of development. Situs inversus with dextrocardia is more common. Congenital heart disease is observed with situs inversus with dextrocardia in 3–5% of cases, usually with transposition of large vessels. Сlinical сase of the patient P., 28 years old, with infective endocarditis of the aortic valve and atrial septal defect and situs viscerus inversus totalis also are presented. This case demonstrates the high importance of radiation methods in the diagnosis of complete transposition of organs as a congenital anomaly of development, as well as concomitant pathological conditions at the stages of surgical correction of these conditions.Situs viscerus inversus totalis – полное обратное расположение внутренних органов – является редко встречающейся врожденной аномалией развития. Situs inversus с декстрокардией встречается чаще. Врожденные пороки сердца наблюдаются при situs inversus с декстрокардией в 3–5% случаев, как правило, с транспозицией больших сосудов. Представляем клиническое наблюдение инфекционного эндокардита аортального клапана и дефекта межпредсердной перегородки у пациента П., 28 лет, с situs viscerus inversus totalis. Представленное наблюдение демонстрирует высокую значимость лучевых методов в диагностике полной транспозиции органов как врожденной аномалии развития, а также сопутствующих патологических состояний на этапах хирургической коррекции этих состояний

    Method of solving a linear dynamic problem

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    One approach to solving problems of dynamic convex programming

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    The article describes the main historical stages in the development of the science of drug dissolution and the dissolution profile test from the theoretical foundations of dissolution, developed in the first half of the 20th century, and the development of a relationship between dissolution and bioavailability in the 1950s, going to the introduction of biowaiver based on the BCS

    Comparative Analysis of Dalargin Pharmaceutical Substance Identification Methods

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    Introduction. The quality control of a medicinal product needs to be systematically improved in connection with a continuous increase in the requirements for the quality of medicines. When assessing the quality of substances and drugs, the most important indicators are authenticity, the content of the main substance and impurities. This makes it relevant to introduce modern physical and chemical methods of analysis into industrial practice in determining parameters such as authenticity, the content of the main substance and impurities. The choice and applicability of a particular method is possible only when conducting comparative studies on the application of a particular method to solve this problem. The method should preferably be recommended by the Pharmacopoeia, give unambiguous results, and the analysis should not be expensive and affordable. The methods chosen for comparative analysis are well known, but it should be noted that in recent years, instrument-making companies have significantly improved their instrument base and expanded their capabilities. Therefore, one of the objectives of this article is to demonstrate the capabilities of the selected methods for solving the problems of drug quality control using dalargin as an example.Aim. To develop methods for determining the authenticity of the active substance in a substance - Dalargin powder using NMR spectroscopy, IR spectrometry, and Mass spectroscopy. Conduct a comparative analysis of the applicability of the selected methods to solve the problem.Materials and methods. To determine the authenticity of the substance - the powder «Dalargin» used the methods of mass spectrometry, 13C NMR and 1H NMR spectrometry and IR spectrometry.Results and discussions. Methods have been developed for determining the authenticity of the test substance by NMR, IR, and mass spectrometry. A comparative study of the possibilities of the selected methods in solving the problem. Conclusions were drawn about the applicability of the NMR method not only in determining the authenticity of dalargin, but also in solving the problem of determining the content of the main substance and impurities.Conclusion. Authenticity methods have been developed in the substance - Dalargin powder by Mass, IR, and NMR spectrometry. It has been established that 1H NMR spectrometry is a more informative method for authenticating