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    ABSTRACT. The possibilities of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of intussusception in children and disinvagination by hydroechocolonoscopy have been studied. The study was conducted in 2014–2015 at the Children’s Regional hospital of Tver. The age of children varied from 3 months up to 12 years. The disease duration before admission was 3–63 hours. The X-ray study confirmed the intussusception in all patients. In all cases, mesenteric lymphadenitis was revealed. Of 28 children, disinvagination was sucsessfuly performed with an aid of hydroechocolonoscopy in 26 (92.8%) patients. In 2 cases (7.2%), we failed to eliminate intussusception and children underwent the surgery. Three patients had recurrence; re-elimination of intussusception with hydroechocolonoscopy was performed. No complications were observed after disinvagination. Conclusion: The use of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of intussusception eliminates radiation exposure, and allows the cause of intussusceptions to be determined as well. Disinvagination with hydroechocolonoscopy is technically simple, highly effective and safe. РЕЗЮМЕ. Изучены возможности УЗИ в диагностике инвагинации кишечника (ИК) у детей и дезинвагинации методом гидроэхоколоноскопии (ГЭС). Исследование проведено с 2014 по 2015 г. на базе Детской областной больницы Твери. Возраст детей от 3 мес до 12 лет. Длительность заболевания до поступления в стационар — 3–63 ч. При УЗИ диагноз инвагинации кишечника подтвержден у всех пациентов. Во всех случаях выявлен мезентериальный лимфаденит. Из 28 детей дезинвагинация методом ГЭС успешно выполнена 26 пациентам (92,8%). У 2 (7,2%) инвагинат расправить не удалось — дети были оперированы. У 3 пациентов возник рецидив заболевания, выполнено повторное расправление ИК методом ГЭС. Осложнений после дезинвагинаций не было. Заключение: использование УЗИ в диагностике и лечении инвагинации кишечника у детей полностью исключает лучевую нагрузку, а также позволяет установить причину инвагинации. Дезинвагинация методом ГЭС технически проста, высокоэффективна и безопасна.


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    ABSTRACT. The possibilities of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of intussusception in children and disinvagination by hydroechocolonoscopy have been studied. The study was conducted in 2014–2015 at the Children’s Regional hospital of Tver. The age of children varied from 3 months up to 12 years. The disease duration before admission was 3–63 hours. The X-ray study confirmed the intussusception in all patients. In all cases, mesenteric lymphadenitis was revealed. Of 28 children, disinvagination was sucsessfuly performed with an aid of hydroechocolonoscopy in 26 (92.8%) patients. In 2 cases (7.2%), we failed to eliminate intussusception and children underwent the surgery. Three patients had recurrence; re-elimination of intussusception with hydroechocolonoscopy was performed. No complications were observed after disinvagination. Conclusion: The use of ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of intussusception eliminates radiation exposure, and allows the cause of intussusceptions to be determined as well. Disinvagination with hydroechocolonoscopy is technically simple, highly effective and safe