8 research outputs found

    Immunobiological and morphofunctional indicators with dysbacteriosis of the intestine of rabbits

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    The article presents results of research of dynamics of morphological, biochemical, haematological and immunological parameters when changing the quantity and species of microorganisms of intestinal microbiocenosis of the rabbits. With the dominance of pathogenic bacteria in rabbit intestinal microbiocenoses, the titer of bifidumbacteria was 10-5-10-4, a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, an increase in the number of enterobacteria, a correlation between the colonization index and the degree of adhesion of bacteria was revealed; an increase in the total number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, hematocrit, alanine aminotransferase level, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, total bilirubin, α-amylase, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, T-killer level, NK cells, concentration of C-reactive protein. We observed a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin, monocytes, total protein level, T-lymphocytes, T-helpers, B-lymphocytes, phagocytic index, phagocytic activity of leukocytes, NST-spontaneous, NST-stimulated. Dynamics of morphological indicators was characterized by a disorder of the circulation of organs, a predominance of dystrophic and necrotic processes in the tissues and organs of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory system. Infiltration with mononuclear and segmented leukocytes was noted, diffuse lymphoid proliferation of the mucous membranes of the organs, hyperemia, edema, multiple hemorrhages, accumulation of hemorrhagic exudate in the lumen of the respiratory, digestive and urogenital tracts. Observed catarrhal-hemorrhagic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract; mucous membrane of the stomach, small and large intestines edematic, hyperemic, with hemorrhages, covered with mucus, fibrinous films, with necrotic areas. The signs of acute diffuse interstitial nephritis, characterized by proliferation of connective tissue cells with a predominance of lipoblast and epithelioid cells, are revealed. In the presence of bacterial cells in the lumen of the tubules, the parenchyma of the cortical and medullar layers was marked by microabscesses. Accidental transformation of the thymus was observed, characterized by signs of a circulatory disorder, a decrease in the area of the cortex, the formation of cysts; signs of diffuse hyperplasia of the spleen with necrobiotic changes in the foci of proliferation, reduction of the area of lymphoid follicles, expansion of the area occupied by the red pulp of follicles, hyperplasia of follicles of white pulp with foci of necrosis. Identified multiple bacterial embolism of blood vessels, developed signs of hemorrhagic Diathesis, watched the development of sign infiltrative itch processes

    Aspects of the intensification of reproduction of the large cattle

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    The reproduction intensification directly depends on carrying out of early diagnosis of pregnancy and infertility at the inseminated highly productive dairy cows. In work are introduced ultrasonic researches of cows and young cows on a pregnancy, advantages of application of ultrasonic sound in comparison with rectal research are taped. On a findings of investigation defined sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonic diagnosis. In a findings of investigation defined times of a pregnancy of cows and young cows after an insemination. The optimal conditions of carrying out of ultrasonic diagnosis at cows and young cows are positioned


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    The article presents the results of a study of the etiological structure and differential diag-nostic signs of avian salmonellosis. When identifying bacteria isolated from 128 blood samples of chickens with the use of rapid test "Salmonella latex kit" established the dominance of cultures of the microorganisms Salmonella spp. - of 10.94% (14 samples); 10 strains (71,43%) were attributed to Salmonella gallinarum, 4 (of 28.57%) to Salmonella pullorum. The overall level of resistance of Salmonella to ampicillin - 57,58%; tetracycline - 60,61%; streptomycin - 66,67%; had to 57,58%; 60,61% and 66,67% are sensitivity to norfloxacin amounted to 69,70%, to ceftazidime - 78,79%, enrofloxacin - 57,58%, ciprofloxacin - 69,70% of the tested strains. At postmortem examination the most frequently detected signs of pericarditis, hemorrhagic pneumonia, aeroscout, catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis, perihepatitis, hyperplasia of the spleen. The most frequently detected signs of pericarditis, aeroscout, catarrhal-hemorrhagic gastroenterocolitis, perihepatitis, inflam-mation of the ovaries, hyperplasia of the spleen. Revealed signs of congestive hyperemia, macrophage reaction, hyperplasia and plasmocytomas of lymphocyte transformation, increase the permeability of microcirculatory vessels, lymphoid-cellular infil-tration of loose fibrous connective tissue, perivascular oedema, disseminated thrombosis, proliferation of lymphocytes from lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and pancreas. In violation of the porosity of the blood vessels of serous membranes of organs were observed extensive serous oedema, the output of the formed elements of blood and the loss of fibrinogen

    Immune-inflammatory concept of the pathogenesis of chronic heart failure in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Dilated cardiomyopathy is common in dogs. This form of cardiomyopathy is the main cause of death due to heart disease in dogs. Death can occur suddenly in clinically normal animals as a result of the progression of congestive heart failure (CHF). The pathogenesis of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy involves activation of the neurohumoral system and immune-mediated inflammation, which leads to further progression of the condition. Heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by the progressive loss of cardiomyocytes, apoptosis, remodeling of the left ventricle, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias, reduced cerebral blood flow, the involvement of other key internal organs, and intestinal dysbiosis. Aim: This study aimed to determine the immunological and inflammatory mechanisms surrounding the development of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy. Materials and Methods: The subjects of this study were dogs with a dilated form of cardiomyopathy (n=159), complicated by various functional classes of heart failure syndrome. Evaluation of myocardial remodeling, systolic function, and systemic hemodynamics was performed using EMP-860 Vet and PU-2200V ultrasound scanners according to the standard technique. Electrocardiography was performed with all dogs in right lateral recumbency using the EK1T-04 Midas electrocardiograph (50 mm/s speed and 1 mV gain = 1 cm). Results: In some affected animals, especially in cases of compensated dilated cardiomyopathy, leukocytosis was noted. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy complicated by heart failure syndrome of various functional classes, the number of neutrophils was significantly increased, and the number of lymphocytes was decreased by 1.9-2.1 times when compared with those in clinically normal animals. In dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy, neutrophilic leukocytosis develops with a simple regenerative shift to the left. The results of immunological studies indicate that dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy develop T lymphocytopenia as compared with clinically normal animals. Conclusion: The central component of heart failure syndrome in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is the activation of the neurohumoral system and immune-mediated inflammation. The development of CHF in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy is caused by the progressive loss of cardiomyocytes, apoptosis, remodeling of the left ventricle, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, arrhythmias, reduced cerebral blood flow, involvement of other key internal organs, and intestinal dysbiosis

    Features of formation of Yersinia enterocolitica biofilms

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    Aim: The work aimed to study the morphology of colonies and their comparison by features of the formation of Yersinia enterocolitica biofilms. Materials and Methods: Bacteria were cultured on a Yersinia Selective Agar medium ("CIN-agar") at 28°C for 24 h. The microorganisms were grown in meat-peptone broth with 1.0% glucose to measure the absolute values of the optical density of the culture. The optical density of the liquid was determined in a microplate photometric analyzer Immunochem-2100 (HTI, USA) at a wavelength of 490 nm. For the study of biofilms, the specimens were fixed for 3-5 h in pairs of 25.0% solution of glutaraldehyde (according to DV), and pairs of a 1.0% aqueous solution of osmic acid (OSO4) were used for contrasting for 2-3 min. The specimens were examined with stereoscopic microscopy "BIOMED MS-1 Stereo" (Russia) and scanning electron microscope "TM 3030 plus" (Holland). Results: With stereoscopic microscopy of the colonies of Y. enterocolitica, the S-forms had an elevated intensely colored center, radial striation along the periphery, smooth edges, d ≤ 1.0 mm. R-form colonies had a dark color and a dry surface, were tuberous and had a dense center with a peripheral ridge, rugged edges, d ≥ 1.5 mm. The optical density of the Y. enterocolitica S-form showed that this type of microorganism belongs to the moderate producers of biofilms since the optical density of the sample (density of the sample - Ds) exceeded the optical density of control (density of the control - Dc) by 3 times. In Y. enterocolitica R-form (D ≤ 0.197) weakly produced biofilms, the optical density of the sample exceeded the optical density of the control by <2 times. Conclusion: The ability to form biofilms, the variability of phenotypic features, and the multiplicity of virulence factors of bacteria significantly reduce the effectiveness of diagnostic studies. The development of accelerated methods of detection and differentiation of the virulent properties of pathogenic bacteria will allow scientifically to substantiate and develop a set of measures aimed at preventing animal diseases and obtaining safe livestock products to prevent human diseases. Thus, we need to pay attention to which forms of colonies do Y. enterocolitica form on solid nutrient media: S- or R-forms. Through this study, we know that bacteria-forming S-shaped colonies are more capable of forming biofilms than R-forms. It means that they are more pathogenic and can cause persistent infections due to adhesion and biofilm formation

    Structural uterine changes in postpartum endometritis in cows

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    Aim: The purpose of this work was to study the dynamics of structural manifestations of acute cases of postpartum endometritis in cows. Materials and Methods: The light and electron microscopy methods were used when studying structural changes in the endometrium in case of postpartum endometritis in seven cows. Sections of endometrial specimens for light microscopy, 5-7 μm thick, were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and also by Van Gieson's. For electron microscopy, semi-thin sections were stained with Azur-2 in combination with basic fuchsin, as well as contrasting by lead citrate and uranyl acetate. Results: As a result of the study, we have established the following: Necrobiosis of the epithelial layer of the mucosa, cellular infiltration with shaped elements of blood in the functional layer, swelling of the cells of the uterine gland, and single microbial cells on the surface of the mucosa. We have noted edema of the stroma of the functional layer of the endometrium, swelling of the epithelial layer of the endometrial mucosa, and swelling of fibroblastic and lymphoid cells. Ultrastructural changes in endometrial cells in case of acute postpartum endometritis in cows are accompanied by the destruction of microvilli on the apical surface of the epithelium, an abundance of coccal microflora on the surface of the epithelium, necrobiosis of epithelial cells, and partial edema of the nucleus, and cytoplasm of the histiocyte. Conclusion: We had established that acute purulent-catarrhal dystrophic processes were observed in the structural organization of the endometrium. In the depth of catarrhal mucus on the surface of the endometrium, there was an abundance of bacterial flora, with diplococci being prevalent. In ultrastructural organization of the endometrium, we observed deep dystrophic and necrobiotic processes in the parenchyma and endometrial stroma, as well as exudative processes with a change in the integrity of the microcirculatory bed. Thus, to prevent an inflammatory process from turning into a latent form, it is necessary to detect acute postpartum endometritis promptly using diagnostic methods taking into account the obtained parameters of the dynamics of structural changes in the uterine tissues

    Influence of hepatic neoplasia on life expectancy in dogs

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    Background and Aim: The present study investigated the influence of liver tumor structure on life expectancy in dogs. Diseases of the liver comprise 5-25% of all non-communicable diseases in dogs, and primary hepatic tumors account for 0.6-1.3% of tumors. This research aimed to study the post-operative life span of animals with primary or metastatic tumors of the liver. Materials and Methods: During the study period, 7124 oncological operations were performed in our clinic. In total, 128 liver tumors were detected in live animals, while 323 were detected posthumously. Forty animals underwent surgery for various liver tumors. In dogs with primary liver tumors, the average age was 11.9 years and the average body weight was 15.5 kg, while in dogs with liver metastases, the mean age was 11.4 years and the average body weight was 24 kg. Results: The ratio of males to females among dogs with primary liver tumors was about 1:1 (ten females and nine males), while that among dogs with metastatic liver damage was clearly predominantly female (14 females and two males) because females often undergo surgery for cancerous mammary glands or ovaries. Conclusion: The size of tumors and the number of affected lobes had a significant effect on the post-operative life span. With a tumor size of <5 cm and a lesion covering less than two lobes of the liver, life expectancy was significantly longer and the prognosis was more favorable. In cases of large tumors or those affecting more than two lobes, life expectancy was significantly reduced and the prognosis was cautious to unfavorable