9 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Efficacy of Synbiotic Mouthwash in Patients with Dyscirculatory Encephalopathy: Observational Clinical Study

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    Background. At present, the priority direction of medical science and practice is the prevention of dental diseases, especially in patients with somatic pathology. Patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy develop a complex of neurological disorders, accompanied by impaired motor functions of hands, lips and chewing muscles, which leads to ineffective cleansing of the oral cavity from food residues and formation of soft and mineralized dental deposits on the dental surface. Therefore, these patients should use additional personal hygiene products.Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of hygienic care in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy using mouthwash with synbiotic complex.Methods. An observational clinical study was conducted on the basis of Neurology Unit No. 2 of Research Center of Neurology, Department of Cariology and Endodontics and Department of Biological Chemistry, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State Medical and Dental University. The study enrolled 82 patients aged from 45 to 74 years with cerebrovascular disease, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, decompensation (I68.7, according to ICD-10). Patients were divided into two study groups: group 1 (n = 44) — patients who used mouthwash with synbiotic complex; group 2 (n = 38) — patients who did not use mouthwash. The efficacy of mouthwash with synbiotic complex was assessed by using an index score of a simplified Greene Vermillion Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S), Russell Periodontal Index (PI), Papillary Bleeding Index (PBI), and physicochemical parameters of the oral fluid. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using Stat Plus 7 (Analyst Soft Inc., USA).Results. The comparative analysis proved the efficacy of mouthwash with synbiotic complex. The hygienic status improved to (1.50 ± 0.12) points, the state of periodontal tissues — to (PI = (1.94 ± 1.45) points; PBI = (1.12 ± 0.11) points). The hydrogen index (pH) of the oral fluid decreased to weakly alkaline values — (7.92 ± 0.22) points; the activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased by a factor of 1.4, lactate dehydrogenase — by half, aminotransferases — by a factor of 1.3, and D-dimer — by a factor of 1.2.Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate the efficacy of mouthwash as an additional means for personal hygiene. Mouthwash with synbiotic complex should be included in the daily oral hygiene care for patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy

    Morphometric analysis of surface changes in XP-endo group files after root canal instrumentation

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    Aim. In the last decades, the field of Endodontics has seen a number of developments. In particular, the creation of the nickel-titanium MaxWire alloy with two fundamental prosperities such as superelasticity and shape memory allow to FKG Dentaire SA to create a completely new generation of instruments. This study aimed to investigate the surface changes of XP-Endo Shaper, XP-Endo Finisher and XP-Endo Finisher R files before and after several uses in vivo as well as after they were immersed in irrigation solutions and sterilization procedures.Material and methods. A total of 18 instruments were used, which were divided into 3 main groups (n = 6). Root canals of 45 extracted mandibular molars were selected and instrumented according to the traditional protocol. The instruments’ surface changes were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).Results. Morphometric changes such as the presence of machining grooves, plastic deformation, microcracks, craters, disruption of the cutting edges and fracture could be visualized by SEM on instruments’ surfaces and EDS revealed the existence of Ni, Ti, Si, O. XP-endo Finisher/R groups showed significant deteriorations after the third use. XP-endo Shaper files exhibited a statistically higher number of surface deteriorations after the fifth use (P < 0.05). It appears that XP-endo group files have a high margin of working capacity and durability as they keep effectiveness up to the third time they have been used. In addition to nickel and titanium, other compounds are present in the elemental composition of these instruments, which can have an impact on the increased strength and endurance of the instruments

    Molecular markers of pulp inflammation (a literature review)

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    A new stage of development has molecular and biological diagnostics of pulp diseases In the tield of modern dentistry. Recent studies Indicate that molecules expressed at different stages of the In'flammatory process can serve as diagnostic blomarkers of pulp diseases. The review article presents relevant sclentfTc data regarding In^ammatlon markers In various pulp pathologies. Including Initial pulpitis

    Reliability assessment of the aesthetic restoration quality: objective or subjective approach?

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    It is very difficult to perform a qualitative aesthetic tooth restoration, and it is even more difficult to give an objective assessment of the restoration. The previously developed clear scheme and criteria for evaluation simplified the procedure for determining the quality of the restoration made by doctors. However, the objectivity of such assessment is still in question due to the biased attitude to own work. Involvement of independent specialists into the evaluation procedure, as well as patients and their relatives, will increase the degree of analysis objectivity and increase the number of errors detected at the initial stage, when there is a possibility to correct them. Consequently, the more demanding and objective the assessment of the completed tooth restoration is, the higher will be its quality

    Teeth restoration features for patients with amelogenesis imperfecta

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    Amelogenesis Imperfecta is a serious disease which affects not only the oral health, but although the general health and the quality of life of the patients. This article describes the causes of amelogenesis imperfecta and associated pathologies. Cites data on their psychosocial condition. Also presents management of the patients with amelogenesis imperfecta and suggests the complex treatment plan with future prognosis of aesthetic and functional rehabilitation

    Modern view on physiotherapeutic methods of prevention and treatment hyperesthesia of teeth

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    Purpose. To analyze modern data on physiotherapeutic methods of prevention and treatment of hyperesthesia of teeth.Materials and methods. 30 information sources studied, both domestic and foreign authors from 2002 to 2019, containing information on the use of physiotherapeutic methods in the prevention and treatment of hypersensitivity of teeth, were studied.Results. Today, none of the known methods of physiotherapy is sufficiently effective, safe and able to replace the use of chemical and pharmacological drugs to eliminate the symptoms of dental hyperesthesia. A promising direction may be the development of technologies that use nanoparticles to obturate the dentin tubules of the tooth

    Justification of the choice of composite material for the restoration of teeth after endodontic treatment

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    Relevance. The forecast of the functionality of the tooth after endodontic treatment, when resistance to mechanical loads is significantly reduced, depends on the choice of method and material for the restoration.Aim. The aim of the work was to compare the physicomechanical and clinical qualities of composite materials used to restore posterior teeth after endodontic treatment.Materials and methods. Studies were carried out according to GOST 31574-2012 – determination of the curing depth, strength with diametral rupture, bending and determination of water absorption and water solubility, as well as the integrity of the restorations, the presence of chips, the development of secondary caries after 24 months.Result of research. Based on a comparison of the physicomechanical and clinical qualities of the composite materials Tetric EvoCeram (Ivoclar Vivadent) and SDR (Dentsply) used to restore the posterior teeth after endodontic treatment, as well as the timing of the time spent on treatment, the choice of a composite material for the restoration is justified.Conclusions. Indicators for all the parameters studied composite materials Tetric EvoCeram and SDR more perfect than required by GOST. The time spent on the restoration of the posterior teeth using a two-layer technique using the composite SDR as the basis and restoring the occlusal surface with the Tetric EvoCeram composite is significantly on average 10 minutes less than with a tooth restoration using the multilayer Tetric EvoCeram composite material ( p ≤ 0.05)

    Clinical and biochemical assessment of the state of oral tissue in patients with paranoid schizophrenia of continuous flow

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    Research objective. To assess the state of oral tissue in patients with paranoid schizophrenia of continuous flow according to biochemical indices of mixed saliva and to compare with clinical parameters. Material and methods. 57 patients with continuous paranoid schizophrenia were divided into 5 groups according to age. The rate of salivation, pH was calculated, the activity of AST, ALT, APF, LDH, total protein, IL-1β, —4, —6, —10, TNF-α was determined in saliva. All the results obtained were processed by variational statistics, correlation analysis by Spearmen. Results and discussion. Patients with paranoid schizophrenia of the continuous course revealed an unfavorable clinical status of the oral tissues, which correlates with the parameters of mixed saliva

    Apparatus methods for monitoring dental treatment of patients with cervicobrachyalgia

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    Relevance. Pain localized in the anatomical areas adjacent to the temporomandibular joint is an actual problem for doctors of various specialties.Aim. To develop a diagnostic algorithm and a comprehensive program for the treatment of patients with cervicobrachialgia combined with pathological dental occlusion.Materials and methods. The study involved 90 people of both sexes aged 18 to 55 years; they were divided into 3 clinical study groups (25 people each) and 1 control group (15 healthy individuals). The comparison was carried out depending on the chosen treatment tactics: manual therapy was used in group 1, dental treatment was performed in group 2, a combination of manual therapy and dental rehabilitation with correction of occlusal relationships of the jaws was in group 3.Results. All patients were prescribed pharmacotherapy with NSAIDs to relieve myofascial pain at the level of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. As a result of the study, the most effective algorithm for diagnosis and complex treatment of patients with cervicobrachialgia was identified.Conclusions. Namely, statistically significant positive results were observed in patients of group 3, where manual therapy, pharmacotherapy and complex dental treatment was conducted. In “difficult” patients it is advisable to carry out 3D X-ray visualization, computer functional methods for studying the maxillofacial area and adjacent areas to identify the cause and interrelationships of the patient's disease