19 research outputs found

    The role of nutritional fiber deficiency in the pathogenesis and course of gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    Aim of the Review. To analyze current data about possible influence of nutritional fiber on the course of GERD.Key points. Systematic review in PubMed/Medline databases was performed with keywords food, dietary fiber in combination with gastroesophageal reflux, GERD. The review contains data concerning influence of nutritional fiber on the pathogenetic mechanisms of GERD and illuminates results of epidemiological studies suggesting positive correlation between quantities of nutritional fiber in the patient’s diet and manifestations of the disease. The main features of pathogenesis caused by the lack of nutritional fiber include slow gastric emptying, increased gastric volume, increased risk of obesity and hiatal hernia, reduced lower esophageal sphincter pressure. The epidemiological studies suggest the higher incidence of GERD symptoms, higher prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma in patients who consume low quantity of nutritional fiber.Conclusion. Despite the lack of interventional studies the literature data about impact of nutritional fiber on the manifestations of GERD show probable approach for the correction of diet in GERD patients. There is a need for prospective studies evaluating correction of diet on the course of the disease

    Влияние режима закалки контрастными температурами на всходы новых для России теплолюбивых овощных культур

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    Under conditions of low temperature, seedlings of heat-loving vegetable crops are more strongly affected by various pathogenic micromycetes, and the content of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of plants decreases. Using fungicides cannot constantly interrupt the spread of pathogens and the death of plants. The authors determined the effect of the hardening regime, including the four-day keeping of germinating seeds of Momordica (Momordica charantia L.), asparagus cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), kiwano (Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey. ex Naudin), Benincasa (Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.) and anguria (Cucumis anguria L.) at a variable temperature during the day - hardening (10℃) at night and optimal (30℃) during the day for keeping pigments in leaves and damage to seedlings by pathogenic micromycetes at low temperatures (6–15 ℃). This effect allowed authors to assess the therm adaptive potential in experiments conducted in 2018–2022. Microbiological analysis of the soil on PDA medium (potato dextrose agar) showed the presence of Fusarium spp. in the amount of 290 CFU/g of earth. The trap method revealed the presence of Pythium Pringsh in the soil. The most significant reduction in the death of seedlings was achieved in seedlings of anguria - 29 times, Kivano, Benincasa and cowpea - 2.5, 2.0 and 1.3 times, respectively. Periodic hypothermia in 3 cultures out of 5 - Kiwano, Cowpea, and Benincasa - reduced the ascorbic acid content in the leaves by 17%, 36% and 3%. The range of photosynthetic pigments - chlorophylls (a + b) in the variant with hardening increased, respectively, in 4 (except cowpea) crops out of 5 by 8–40%, and carotenoids in 3 crops - Momordica, Anguria and Benincasa - by 46, 3 and 8% respectively. The ratio of chlorophylls a/b in most cultures, both in control (at the optimum temperature) and after low-temperature exposure, was close to 2.0. Only in Anguria did this ratio decrease from 2.8 to 2.1. Asparagus cowpea showed a decrease in the content of both ascorbic acid (by 36%) and photosynthetic pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) - by 6–8% in the hardening option.В условиях низкой температуры всходы теплолюбивых овощных культур сильнее поражаются различными патогенными микромицетами, а в листьях растений снижается содержание фотосинтетических пигментов. Использование фунгицидов не всегда способно прервать распространение патогенов и гибель растений. Для оценки термоадаптивного потенциала в опытах, проведенных в 2018–2022 гг., определяли влияние режима закалки, включающего четырехдневное выдерживание прорастающих семян момордики (Momordica charantia L.), спаржевой вигны (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), кивано (Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey. ex Naudin), бенинказы (Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.) и ангурии (Cucumis anguria L.) при переменной в течение суток температуре – закаливающей (10℃) ночью и оптимальной (30℃) днем, на содержание пигментов в листьях и поражение сеянцев патогенными микромицетами в условиях пониженных температур (6–15 ℃). Микробиологический анализ почвы на среде КДА показал наличие  Fusarium spp.  в количестве 290 КОЕ/г почвы. Методом ловушек выявлено присутствие в почвогрунте Pythium Pringsh. Наибольшее снижение гибели всходов достигнуто у сеянцев ангурии –  в 29 раз, кивано, бенинказы и вигны – в 2,5; 2,0 и 1,3 раза соответственно. Периодическая гипотермия у 3 культур из 5 − кивано, вигны, бенинказы – снизила содержание аскорбиновой кислоты в листьях соответственно на 17; 36 и 3%.  Содержание фотосинтетических пигментов ‒ хлорофиллов (a + b) в варианте с закалкой увеличилось соответственно у 4 (за исключением вигны) культур из 5 на 8–40%, а каротиноидов у 3 – момордики, ангурии и бенинказы – на 46; 3 и 8% соответственно. Соотношение хлорофиллов a/b у большинства культур как в контроле (при оптимальной температуре), так и после низкотемпературного воздействия было близким к 2,0. Лишь у ангурии это соотношение уменьшилось с 2,8 до 2,1.  Спаржевая вигна показала уменьшение содержания в варианте закалки как аскорбиновой кислоты (на 36%), так и фотосинтетических пигментов (хлорофиллов и каротиноидов) – на 6–8%

    Исследование острой токсичности монокатионного производного хлорина е6 – перспективного фотосенсибилизатора для антимикробной и противоопухолевой фотодинамической терапии

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    In this experimental work the acute toxicity of a chemically modified derivative of the natural pigment chlorophyll a called monocationic chlorin e6, which is a promising photosensitizer (PS) for antimicrobial and antitumor photodynamic therapy, was studied using white rats. The advantages of the PS under investigation are an intense absorption in the long-wavelength region of the visible spectrum, a sufficiently high quantum yield of singlet oxygen generation, pronounced amphiphilic properties along with an appropriate solubility in water, and a high level of photocytotoxic- ity in relation to both malignant HeLa cells and antibiotic-resistant hospital strains of E. сoli bacteria., P. aerugenosa and others. It has been shown that the value of LD50 of the considered PS can be calculated as the value of 100 mg/kg. In the reproduced experimental model of acute toxicity, pathomorphological changes in the vital organs of laboratory animals indicate a pronounced vasopathic effect of the drug with the development of cerebral edema and respiratory distress syndrome, which have become the main signs of thanatogenesis.На белых крысах изучены особенности острой токсичности химически модифицированного производного природного пигмента хлорофилла а монокатионного хлорина e6 – перспективного фотосенсибилизатора (ФС) для антимикробной и противоопухолевой фотодинамической терапии. Преимуществами ФС являются интенсивное поглощение в длинноволновой области видимого спектра, достаточно высокий квантовый выход генерации синглетного кислорода, выраженные амфифильные свойства наряду с хорошей растворимостью в воде и высокий уровень фотоцитотоксичности в отношении как злокачественных клеток линии HeLa, так и антибиотикорезистентных госпитальных штаммов бактерий E. coli, P. Aerugenosa и других. Величина ЛД50 для монокатионного хлорина e6 составляет 100 мг/кг массы тела. В воспроизведенной экспериментальной модели острой токсичности патоморфологические изменения жизненно важных органов лабораторных животных свидетельствуют о выраженном вазопатическом действии препарата с развитием отека головного мозга и респираторного дистресс-синдрома, ставшими основными звеньями танатогенеза

    Anaerobic endodontic microflora in dynamics of chronic apical periodontitis treatment

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    26 patients with chronic apical periodontitis had clinical and laboratory examinations with a following treatment. The anaerobic microflora of 40 dental root canals were examined before and after a week treatment to assess the efficacy of the antiseptic paste «Metapex». The sampling and PCR study of the root canal contents indicate the insufficient efficacy of a single paste application. Thus, metronidazole-containing compositions effectively suppressing the anaerobic microflora of root canals are more preferable in a dental practice


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    Humoral immune response and ciliary activity of tracheal mucosa of poultry, vaccinated against infectious laryngotracheitis using ciliostatic test, was studied. Regardless of the vaccination route the vaccines decreased the ciliary activity by 5–9 % on Days 3 to 7 post vaccination. Herewith the vaccine ocular application in some chicks induced oneeye serous conjunctivitis, which resolved subsequently. Oral vaccination did not cause any clinical changes. Serological monitoring revealed an earlier and stronger immunity in poultry vaccinated by ocular route. The required seroprotection level in test groups was higher than the minimal value (80%) starting from Day 16 post vaccination. The period of immunity development after oral vaccination correlated with the vaccine dose volume. Moreover the domestic vaccine was highly competitive with foreign vaccines in immunogenicity and reactogenicity


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    Aim. To study the association of hereditary sick sinus syndrome (SSS) with connexin 40 gene (Cx40) polymorphism. Material and methods. 29 families with hereditary SSS were involved into prospective study. Probands were 20 women and 9 men (aged 58±0.15). Relatives, I-III degree of kinship, were 65 men and 68 women (aged 39±0.13). Clinical and instrumental examination was performed in all probands and their relatives. Diagnosis of SSS was verified by transesophageal atrial electrostimulation. Molecular genetic investigation of SSS patients and their relatives was carried out in laboratory of medical genetics of Research Institute of Therapy , Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Results. 71 SSS patients, 44 their healthy relatives, I-III degree of kinship, 197 subjects of control group were genotyped for the polymorphism of 44G>A of gene Cx40. According to allele-specific polymerase chain reaction 3 types of genotypes ADRA2B (II — homozygous wild, ID — heterozygous, DD — homozygous mutant) were found in SSS patients, their relatives and healthy subjects of control group. Conclusion. Significant predominance of the heterozygous genotype 44G>A was found in SSS (45,07±5,9%) patients in comparison with subjects of the control group (29,44±3,2%)

    Investigation of the Antiviral Activity of Experimental Samples Obtained from the Grass and Roots of Alchemilla vulgaris L. Against Vaccinia Virus and Ectromelia Virus

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    Introduction. The abolition of smallpox vaccination after its elimination in 1980 led to a decrease in the immunocompromised immunity in humans. Zoonotic monkeypox, camelpox, buffalopox and cowpox viruses that are close to the variola virus also pose a danger to humans. In Russia today there are no effective and safe medicines for the prevention and treatment of smallpox and other orthopoxvirus infections in humans and animals. The Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) is a promising source for the development of new antiviral drugs. Previous studies have found that Alchemilla vulgaris shows activity against influenza virus and herpes simplex virus.Aim. The aim of this work was to study the chemical composition and antiviral activity of extracts from the roots and the grass of Alchemilla vulgaris against orthopoxviruses.Materials and methods. Qualitative analysis of the samples was performed by high performance liquid chromatography. Quantitative analysis was performed using a complex of spectrophotometric methods. To determine the toxicity and antiviral activity of experimental samples from Alchemilla vulgaris in vitro, a transplantable Vero cell culture was used. Antiviral activity of the obtained preparations was evaluated by reducing the infectivity (titer) of orthopoxviruses in the monolayer of Vero cells infected with orthopoxviruses in the presence of preparations with different concentrations relative to the cell culture infected with orthopoxviruses without the preparations.Results and discussion. It was shown that the experimental sample from Alchemilla vulgaris obtained by the method of ethyl acetate extraction from the roots of the studied plant and purified with chloroform contains mainly catechins and leucoanthocyanins (70 %). In parallel, extract from the raw mass of the grass of the plant purified with chloroform and ethanol contains the amount of flavonoids (71 %). Wherein the content of flavonoids in unpurified ethanol extracts from the roots and the grass of Alchemilla vulgaris composed 5 % and 6 %, respectively. It was revealed that purified preparations obtained from Alchemilla vulgaris roots when using ethyl acetate and ethanol as extractants showed antiviral activity against vaccinia virus and ectromelia virus, as well as preparations obtained from grass by ethanol extraction.Conclusion. Thus, purified ethyl acetate extracts from the roots and ethanol extracts from the wet grass mass of Alchemilla vulgaris exhibit antiviral activity against orthopoxviruses in vitro