223 research outputs found

    Dirac fermions on a disclinated flexible surface

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    A self-consisting gauge-theory approach to describe Dirac fermions on flexible surfaces with a disclination is formulated. The elastic surfaces are considered as embeddings into R^3 and a disclination is incorporated through a topologically nontrivial gauge field of the local SO(3) group which generates the metric with conical singularity. A smoothing of the conical singularity on flexible surfaces is naturally accounted for by regarding the upper half of two-sheet hyperboloid as an elasticity-induced embedding. The availability of the zero-mode solution to the Dirac equation is analyzed.Comment: 6 page

    Electronic Structure of Disclinated Graphene in an Uniform Magnetic Field

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    The electronic structure in the vicinity of the 1-heptagonal and 1-pentagonal defects in the carbon graphene plane is investigated. Using a continuum gauge field-theory model the local density of states around the Fermi energy is calculated for both cases. In this model, the disclination is represented by an SO(2) gauge vortex and corresponding metric follows from the elasticity properties of the graphene membrane. To enhance the interval of energies, a self-consistent perturbation scheme is used. The Landau states are investigated and compared with the predicted values.Comment: keywords: graphene, heptagonal defect, elasticity, carbon nanohorns, 13 page

    Training of Specialized Teams of Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia

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    Presented are data on the second republican competition of sanitary and epidemiological reconnaissance groups from the Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia. The competition was held in conditions that imitated emergency situations of different origin. All stages of the competition were more complicated than those of the first one, two new stages were included in the program, radio transceivers were used to provide interactions in the group

    The Experience of Specialized Teams Training in the Republic of Mordovia

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    Described are the First Republican competitions of the teams of epidemiological reconnaissance carried out on the basis of Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia

    Effect of Mechanical Activation on Ti3AlC2 Max Phase Formation under Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis

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    In this study, we have investigated the effect of various mechanical activation (MA) modes on phase and structure formation in powder mixtures made up to produce Ti3AlC2 MAX phase. The optimal MA duration has been established which results in the maximum heat release under SHS due to accumulation of structural defects leading to the growth of internal energy. The effect of MA on the character and kinetics of combustion front propagation has been investigated. It was shown that following pretreatment of a powder mixture in a planetary ball mill, the combustion mode changes from stationary to a pulsating combustion and, consequently, the combustion rate decreases. The burning-out of the sample is partial and with interruptions (depressions). Force SHS-pressing technology was used for obtaining of compacted samples with homogeneous structure based on Ti3AlC2

    Синтез и исследование солей 2-(дифенилацетил)индандиона-1,3 со щелочными металлами

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    Some 2(diphenylacetyl)indandion-1,3 compounds with alkaly metals were synthesized and studied. Only Na and K derivatives have enough solubility for water-soluble ratycide compositions.Синтезированы и исследованы соединения щелочных металлов с 2- (дифенилацетил)индандионом-1,3. Среди синтезированных соединений лишь производные Na и К обладают достаточной растворимостью для получения на их основе водорастворимых родентицидных композиций

    Genotyping of potato samples from the GenAgro ICG SB RAS collection using DNA markers of genes conferring resistance to phytopathogens

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    Wart (a disease caused by Synchytrium endobioticum) and golden cyst potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis), which parasitize the roots of the host plant, cause significant damage to potato crop. Both of these disease factors are quarantined in the Russian Federation, and each registered variety is tested for resistance to their most common races and pathotypes. The main method of opposing such diseases is by the development of resistant varieties. An important step in this process is the selection of resistant genotypes from the population and the estimation of the resistance of hybrids obtained by crosses during the breeding process. Conducting a permanent phenotypic evaluation is associated with difficulties, for example, it is not always possible to work with pathogens, and phenotypic evaluation is very costly and time consuming. However, the use of DNA markers linked to resistance genes can significantly speed up and reduce the cost of the breeding process. The aim of the study was to screen the GenAgro potato collection of ICG SB RAS using known diagnostic PCR markers linked to golden potato cyst nematode and wart resistance. Genotyping was carried out on 73 potato samples using three DNA markers 57R, CP113, Gro1-4 associated with nematode resistance and one marker, NL25, associated with wart resistance. The genotyping data were compared with the data on the resistance of the collection samples. Only the 57R marker had a high level of correlation (Spearman R = 0.722008, p = 0.000000, p < 0.05) between resistance and the presence of a diagnostic fragment. The diagnostic efficiency of the 57R marker was 86.11 %. This marker can be successfully used for screening a collection, searching for resistant genotypes and marker-assisted selection. The other markers showed a low correlation between the presence of the DNA marker and resistance. The diagnostic efficiency of the CP113 marker was only 44.44 %. Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Spearman R = –0.109218, p = 0.361104, p < 0.05) did not show significant correlation between resistance and the DNA marker. The diagnostic efficiency of the NL25 marker was 61.11 %. No significant correlation was found between the NL25 marker and resistance (Spearman R = –0.017946, p = 0.881061, p < 0.05). The use of these markers for the search for resistant samples is not advisable

    Genomic regions of Solanum tuberosum L. associated with the tuber eye depth

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the most important food crops in the world. The genome of this potato species is autotetraploid and has a high level of heterozygosity, also this potato species is a cross-pollinated plant. These characteristics complicate the genetic analysis and breeding process. The tuber’s eye depth is an important trait that affects the suitability of potato varieties for processing. Potato breeding for this trait is based on phenotypic assessment. Identification of the loci that control tuber eye depth would allow diagnostic markers for the marker-assisted selection to be created. The aim of this study is to search for loci associated with the eye depth by analyzing Solanum tuberosum varieties from the GenAgro collection of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, genotyped using the Illumina 22K SNP potato array DNA chip. The 24 significant markers associated with the “eye depth” trait were identified using 15,214 SNP markers genotyped with the Illumina 22K SNP potato array chip and the general linear model (GLM) taking into account the population structure. Data obtained showed the presence of SNPs in four genomic regions: on chromosome 4 (1 marker in the 3.92 Mb area), 5 (1 marker in the 4.67 Mb area) and 10 (1 marker in the 4.87 Mb area and 21 markers in the region between 48.1–48.9 Mb). The results of localization in the region 48.1–48.9 Mb of chromosome 10 correspond to previously published studies, the remaining three regions were detected for the first time. DNA sections containing SNPs linked to the tuber’s eye depth were studied in the SolTub_3.0 potato genome assembly (https:// plants.ensembl.org/). KASP markers were developed based on the data obtained. It will be possible to screen the breeding material and to breed the varieties more effectively using current markers associated with a shallow tuber’s eye depth

    Комплексные соединения металлов в степени окисления (+2) с 2- ацилпроизводными индандиона-1,3

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    Complexes of Be(II), Mg(II), Zn(II), Co(II), Pd(II), Cu(II)) with 2(diphenylacetyl)- indandione-1,3 and (2-phenyl-4-chlorphenylacetyl)indandione-1,3 are synthesized and studied by various methods. These compounds are isostructural innercoordinated salts with deprotonated ligand formСинтезированы и исследованы комплексные соединения Be(II), Mg(II), Zn(II), Co(II), Pd(II), Cu(II)) с 2- (дифенилацетил)индандионом-1,3 и родственным (2-фенил-4-хлорфенил- ацетил)индандионом-1,3. Установлено, что данные соединения представляют собой изоструктурные внутри- комплексные соли с депротонированной енольной формой лиганда

    Оценка селекционно значимых морфологических признаков в популяции удвоенных гаплоидов Вrassica rapa L. в контролируемых условиях регулируемой агроэкосистемы

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    Relevance. The genus Brassica includes the most important vegetable, oilseed, spice and forage crops. Many representatives of cabbage are widely used as model objects for studying economically valuable traits. Limited publications devoted to the study of genetic aspects of the implementation of morphological quantitative features of B. rapaand the lack of data on the influence of environmental parameters on their implementation make it a very urgent task to study these features in the RAES. Material and methods.The purpose of this work is to study the influence of environmental light factors on the manifestation of economically valuable features in the mapping populations of B. rapain the RAES. The peculiarity of our research is the study of lines of mapping populations of B. rapa in strictly controlled conditions of the RAES. The studied populations were grown under optimal conditions with a 12-hour photoperiod. 21 DH 30 lines and 31 DH 38 lines were used. Several types of economically valuable traits were studied: the timing of transition to flowering, the growth rate of the plant, the habit and morphological characteristics of the leaf and leaf rosette. Results. A high degree of variation in the expression of the studied traits between lines within the population was revealed, which is consistent with previously published data [1, 2]. Highly productive genotypes, which can be used in further genetic selection work, including for obtaining genotypes, lines, and varieties adapted for growing in light culture, have been selected. The obtained data can also be used for further study of the influence of physical environmental factors on the manifestation of selectively significant quantitative traits in cabbage plants. Актуальность. К роду Brassica (семейство Капустные) относятся важнейшие овощные, масличные, пряные и кормовые сельскохозяйственные культуры. Многие представители капустных широко используются в качестве модельных объектов для изучения хозяйственно ценных признаков. Ограниченность публикаций, посвященных изучению генетических аспектов реализации морфологических количественных признаков Brassica rapa и отсутствие данных о влиянии параметров среды на их реализацию делают весьма актуальной задачей исследование этих признаков в регулируемых условиях агроэкосистемы (РАЭС). Материал и методика. Особенность нашего исследования – изучение линий картирующих популяций B. rapaв строго контролируемых условиях РАЭС. Целью настоящей работы является изучение в РАЭС влияния световых факторов среды на проявление хозяйственно ценных признаков в картирующих популяциях B. rapa. Исследуемые популяции выращивали в оптимальных условиях при 12-часовом фотопериоде. В работе были использованы 21 линия DH 30 и 31 линия DH 38. Проведено изучение нескольких типов хозяйственно ценных признаков: сроки перехода к цветению, темпы роста растения, габитус и морфологические признаки листа и листовой розетки. Результаты. Выявлена высокая степень вариации в проявлении изучаемых признаков между линиями внутри популяции, что согласуется с ранее опубликованными данными [1, 2]. Отобраны высокопродуктивные генотипы, которые могут быть использованы в дальнейшей генетико-селекционной работе, в том числе для получения генотипов, линий, и сортов, адаптированных для выращивания в светокультуре. Полученные данные также могут быть использованы для дальнейшего изучения влияния физических факторов среды на проявление селекционно значимых количественных признаков у капустных.