21,229 research outputs found

    Constraining fast radio burst progenitors with gravitational lensing

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    Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are new transient radio sources discovered recently. Because of the angular resolution restriction in radio surveys, no optical counter part has been identified yet so it is hard to determine the progenitor of FRBs. In this paper we propose to use radio lensing survey to constrain FRB progenitors. We show that, different types of progenitors lead to different probabilities for a FRB to be gravitationally lensed by dark matter halos in foreground galaxies, since different type progenitors result in different redshift distributions of FRBs. For example, the redshift distribution of FRBs arising from double stars shifts toward lower redshift than of the FRBs arising from single stars, because double stars and single stars have different evolution timescales. With detailed calculations, we predict that the FRB sample size for producing one lensing event varies significantly for different FRB progenitor models. We argue that this fact can be used to distinguish different FRB models and also discuss the practical possibility of using lensing observation in radio surveys to constrain FRB progenitors.Comment: 14 pages, including 6 figures and 1 tabl

    Search for strong gravitational lensing effect in the current GRB data of BATSE

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    Because gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) trace the high-z Universe, there is an appreciable probability for a GRB to be gravitational lensed by galaxies in the universe. Herein we consider the gravitational lensing effect of GRBs contributed by the dark matter halos in galaxies. Assuming that all halos have the singular isothermal sphere (SIS) mass profile in the mass range 1010hβˆ’1MβŠ™<M<2Γ—1013hβˆ’1MβŠ™10^{10} h^{-1} M_\odot < M < 2\times 10^{13} h^{-1}M_\odot and all GRB samples follow the intrinsic redshift distribution and luminosity function derived from the Swift LGRBs sample, we calculated the gravitational lensing probability in BATSE, Swift/BAT and Fermi/GBM GRBs, respectively. With an derived probability result in BATSE GRBs, we searched for lensed GRB pairs in the BATSE 5B GRB Spectral catalog. The search did not find any convincing gravitationally lensed events. We discuss our result and future observations for GRB lensing observation.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Decoherence of quantum gates based on Aharonov-Anandan phases in a multistep scheme

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    We study quantum decoherence of single-qubit and two-qubit Aharonov-Anandan (AA) geometric phase gates realized in a multistep scheme. Each AA gate is also compared with the dynamical phase gate performing the same unitary transformation within the same time period and coupled with the same environment, which is modeled as harmonic oscillators. It is found that the fidelities and the entanglement protection of the AA phase gates are enhanced by the states being superpositions of different eigenstates of the environmental coupling, and the noncommutativity between the qubit interaction and the environmental coupling.Comment: 7 pages, published in EP

    Correlation-driven chiral superconductivity and chiral spin order in doped kagome lattice

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    We study the electronic instabilities of the Hubbard model in the 1/6 hole-doped Kagome lattice using the variational cluster approach. The 1/6 hole doping is unique in the sense that the Fermi level is at the von Hove singularity and the Fermi surface has a perfect nesting. In this case, a density wave is usually realized. However, we demonstrate here that the chiral dx2βˆ’y2+idxyd_{x^{2}-y^{2}}+id_{xy} superconducting state is most favorable when a small Hubbard interaction U(U<3.0t) is introduced, and a scalar chiral spin order is realized at large U(U>5.0t). Between them, a spin-disordered insulating state is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Phase Transition in Hall Conductivity on an Anisotropic Kagome Lattice

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    We study the quantum Hall effect(QHE) on the Kagom\'{e} lattice with anisotropy in one of the hopping integrals. We find a new type of QHE characterized by the quantization rules for Hall conductivity Οƒxy=2ne2/h\sigma_{xy}=2ne^{2}/h and Landau Levels E(n)=Β±vF(n+1/2)ℏBeE(n)=\pm v_{F}\sqrt{(n+1/2)\hbar Be} (nn is an integer), which is different from any known type. This phase evolves from the QHE phase with Οƒxy=4(n+1/2)e2/h\sigma_{xy}=4(n+1/2)e^{2}/h and E(n)=Β±vF2nℏBeE(n)=\pm v_{F}\sqrt{2n\hbar Be} in the isotropic case, which is realized in a system with massless Dirac fermions (such as in graphene). The phase transition does not occur simultaneously in all Hall plateaus as usual but in sequence from low to high energies, with the increase of hopping anisotropy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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