177,207 research outputs found

    The nuclear electric polarizability of 6He

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    We present an estimate of the nuclear electric polarizability of the 6He halo nucleus based on six-body microscopic calculations. Wave functions are obtained from semi-realistic two-body interactions using the hyperspherical harmonics expansion method. The polarizability is calculated as a sum rule of the dipole response function using the Lanczos algorithm and also by integrating the photo-absorption cross section calculated via the Lorentz integral transform method. We obtain alpha_E=1.00(14) fm^3, which is much smaller than the published value 1.99(40) fm^3 extracted from experimental data. This points towards a potential disagreement between microscopic theories and experimental observations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, minor changes, added error analysi

    Probes for 4th generation constituents of dark atoms in Higgs boson studies at the LHC

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    The nonbaryonic dark matter of the Universe can consist of new stable charged species, bound in heavy neutral "atoms" by ordinary Coulomb interaction. Stable Uˉ\bar U (anti-UU)quarks of 4th generation, bound in stable colorless (UˉUˉUˉ\bar U \bar U \bar U ) clusters, are captured by the primordial helium, produced in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, thus forming neutral "atoms" of O-helium (OHe), a specific nuclear interacting dark matter that can provide solution for the puzzles of direct dark matter searches. However, the existence of the 4th generation quarks and leptons should influence the production and decay rates of Higgs boson and is ruled out by the experimental results of the Higgs boson searches at the LHC, if the Higgs boson coupling to 4th generation fermions with is not suppressed. Here we argue that the difference between the three known quark-lepton families and the 4th family can naturally lead to suppression of this coupling, relating the accelerator test for such a composite dark matter scenario to the detailed study of the production and modes of decay of the 125.5 GeV boson, discovered at the LHC.Comment: Prepared for the Special issue "Dark atoms and dark radiation" of Advances in High Energy Physic

    Toward an understanding of thermal X-ray emission of pulsars

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    We present a theoretical model for the thermal X-ray emission and cooling of isolated pulsars, assuming that pulsars are solid quark stars. We calculate the heat capacity for such a quark star, and the results show that the residual thermal energy cannot sustain the observed thermal X-ray luminosities seen in typical isolated X-ray pulsars. We conclude that other heating mechanisms must be in operation if the pulsars are in fact solid quark stars. Two possible heating mechanisms are explored. Firstly, for pulsars with little magnetospheric activities, accretion from the interstellar medium or from the material in the associated supernova remnants may power the observed thermal emission. In the propeller regime, a disk-accretion rate M˙{\dot M}\sim1% of the Eddington rate with an accretion onto the stellar surface at a rate of 0.1\sim 0.1% {\dot M} could explain the observed emission luminosities of the dim isolated neutron stars and the central compact objects. Secondly, for pulsars with significant magnetospheric activities, the pulsar spindown luminosities may have been as the sources of the thermal energy via reversing plasma current flows. A phenomenological study between pulsar bolometric X-ray luminosities and the spin energy loss rates presents the probable existence of a 1/2-law or a linear law, i.e. LbolE˙1/2L_{\rm bol}^{\infty}\propto\dot{E}^{1/2} or LbolE˙L_{\rm bol}^{\infty}\propto\dot{E}. This result together with the thermal properties of solid quark stars allow us to calculate the thermal evolution of such stars. Thermal evolution curves, or cooling curves, are calculated and compared with the `temperature-age' data obtained from 17 active X-ray pulsars. It is shown that the bolometric X-ray observations of these sources are consistent with the solid quark star pulsar model.Comment: Astroparticle Physics Accepte

    Conformal self-dual fields

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    Conformal self-dual fields in flat space-time of even dimension greater than or equal to four are studied. Ordinary-derivative formulation of such fields is developed. Gauge invariant Lagrangian with conventional kinetic terms and corresponding gauge transformations are obtained. Gauge symmetries are realized by involving the Stueckelberg fields. Realization of global conformal symmetries is obtained. Light-cone gauge Lagrangian is found. Also, we demonstrate use of the light-cone gauge for counting of on-shell degrees of freedom of the conformal self-dual fields.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX-2e, v3: Discussion of realization of conformal algebra symmetries on field strengths added to Sections 3,5. Appendices B,C,D and one reference added. Typos correcte

    Correlation femtoscopy of small systems

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    The basic principles of the correlation femtoscopy, including its correspondence to the Hanbury Brown and Twiss intensity interferometry, are re-examined. The main subject of the paper is an analysis of the correlation femtoscopy when the source size is as small as the order of the uncertainty limit. It is about 1 fm for the current high energy experiments. Then the standard femtoscopy model of random sources is inapplicable. The uncertainty principle leads to the partial indistinguishability and coherence of closely located emitters that affect the observed femtoscopy scales. In thermal systems the role of corresponding coherent length is taken by the thermal de Broglie wavelength that also defines the size of a single emitter. The formalism of partially coherent phases in the amplitudes of closely located individual emitters is used for the quantitative analysis. The general approach is illustrated analytically for the case of the Gaussian approximation for emitting sources. A reduction of the interferometry radii and a suppression of the Bose-Einstein correlation functions for small sources due to the uncertainty principle are found. There is a positive correlation between the source size and the intercept of the correlation function. The peculiarities of the non-femtoscopic correlations caused by minijets and fluctuations of the initial states of the systems formed in pppp and e+ee^+e^- collisions are also analyzed. The factorization property for the contributions of femtoscopic and non-femtoscopic correlations into complete correlation function is observed in numerical calculations in a wide range of the model parameters.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures. In the version 4 some stylistic improvements were made, some misprints were corrected. The results and conclusions are not change

    Quantum Cohomology of a Product

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    The operation of tensor product of Cohomological Field Theories (or algebras over genus zero moduli operad) introduced in an earlier paper by the authors is described in full detail, and the proof of a theorem on additive relations between strata classes is given. This operation is a version of the Kuenneth formula for quantum cohomology. In addition, rank one CohFT's are studied, and a generalization of Zograf's formula for Weil-Petersson volumes is suggested.Comment: AMSTex file, 30 pages. Figures (hard copies) available from Yu. Manin. Main paper by M. Kontsevich, Yu. Manin, appendix by R. Kaufman

    Phase Transition in the Random Anisotropy Model

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    The influence of a local anisotropy of random orientation on a ferromagnetic phase transition is studied for two cases of anisotropy axis distribution. To this end a model of a random anisotropy magnet is analyzed by means of the field theoretical renormalization group approach in two loop approximation refined by a resummation of the asymptotic series. The one-loop result of Aharony indicating the absence of a second-order phase transition for an isotropic distribution of random anisotropy axis at space dimension d<4d<4 is corroborated. For a cubic distribution the accessible stable fixed point leads to disordered Ising-like critical exponents.Comment: 10 pages, 2 latex figures and a style file include