13 research outputs found

    Environmental monitoring of natural waters in Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories

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    The environmental monitoring of natural waters in Krasnodar (Uspensky and Novokubansky districts) and Stavropol (Kochubeyevsky District) Territories was conducted. In the course of study, various elements and compounds harmful to animals and humans, which exceed maximum permissible concentrations, were identified

    Peculiar Aspects of Epidemiological Situation on Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in the Russian Federation in 2011

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    Outlined is the analysis of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) in the south of the Russian Federation in 2011. Discussed are the causes of nosocomial outbreak of CHF at the Salsk district central hospital, the Rostov Region. Prognostication on CHF situation for 2012 is made based on the epizootiological monitoring

    The Current State of the Vertebrate Animals Populations and their Role in the Persistence of Natural Zoonoses Foci in the Stavropol Territory

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the current state of vertebrates populations and to determine their role in maintaining natural foci of zoonoses in the Stavropol Territory in 2015–2019. Material and methods. Organ suspensions and blood samples from small mammals and birds were studied using certified diagnostic test-systems for the markers of Crimean hemorrhagic fever, West Nile fever, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tularemia, and leptospirosis pathogens. The data were statistically processed using Wilson’s method. Results and discussion. Identified have been the main reservoirs of natural-focal infections in the Stavropol Territory at the present stage: birds – for the West Nile fever virus, mammals and birds inhabiting the areas of semi-desert landscape-geographical zone – for Crimean hemorrhagic fever agent. The main natural reservoir of orthohantaviruses in the Stavropol Territory is the common vole Microtus arvalis, which lives in all landscape-geographical zones. The circulation of tularemia and leptospirosis pathogens has been established throughout the whole territory of the region, the small wood mouse Sylvaemus uralensis is of the greatest epizootic significance. Findings indicate the need for further epizootiologic monitoring of Stavropol Territory in order to identify the biocenotic patterns of the pathogens’ existence and the reasons that determine the dynamics of the epizootic process and epidemic manifestations of natural foci. It is advisable to determine the sites of long-term monitoring over the number of carriers and vectors of natural-focal infections and strengthen the epizootiological control over the territory, especially during periods of seasonal activity in carriers and vectors of natural focal infections

    Natural Focal Viral Fevers in the South of the European Part of Russia. Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal syndrome

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    Objective of the study was to determine the modem epizootic and epidemic peculiarities of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the south of the European part of Russia. Materials and methods. Data of statistical documentation (epidemiological survey of the infectious disease focus, annual summary reports dated 2009-2018) and epizootic monitoring data submitted by the Rospotrebnadzor Administrations and the Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the constituent entities of the Southern and the North Caucasian Federal Districts were used. Descriptive, analytical methods and retrospective epidemiological analysis were applied. Results and discussion. The circulation of hantavirus in the Volgograd and Astrakhan Regions, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, Republics of Adygeya, Kalmykia and Crimea was confirmed. However, two geographically and genetically isolated groups of hantaviruses circulating in the Volgograd Region and in the mountain-foothill zone of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygeya were the most epidemiologically significant. Over the period of 2009-2018, 152 HFRS cases with annual fluctuations from 4 to 25 cases were registered. Almost all patients lived in the Volgograd Region (44 cases), where the incidence is caused by the HFRS-Puumala virus, or in the Krasnodar Territory (98 cases), where the HFRS Hantavirus Dobrava-Ap circulates. In HFRS patients with the HFRS-Dobrava-Ap virus severe clinical forms were noted at twice the rate, a fatal outcome in one patient with HFRS-Puumala was recorded. The correct preliminary diagnosis was made for 56.3 per cent of patients in the Volgograd Region and only for 31.7 per cent of patients in the Krasnodar Territory and in the Republic of Adygeya. There are different types of natural HFRS foci in the European south of Russia, they vary by the type of hosts and hantaviruses circulating in them - Puumala, Dobrava, Tula, and Dobrava-Ap. Natural foci where of HFRS-PUU and HFRS-DOB-Ap viruses circulate have high epidemic potential. Severe forms of the HFRS are more often observed in patients with the HFRS-DOB-Ap virus

    Analysis of Epidemiological Situation on Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in the Russian Federation in 2013 and Prognosis for 2014

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    Crimean hemorrhagic fever remains one of the priority infections in the South of Russia. Within the past five years morbidity rates are retained consistently high in a number of regions; mortality rates are on average 4.4 %. In 2013 registered were 79 cases of CHF in the Southern and North-Caucasian Federal Districts. Therewith performed has been analysis of epidemiological situation on CHF in the Russian Federation for 2013, summarized have been the results of epizootiological surveillance of the natural CHF focus area in the South of European Russia, discussed are the results of genetic CCHF virus typing, identified in 2011-2013 in the South of Russia. Based on epizootiological surveillance data made has been the forecast of epidemiological situation development as regards CHF for 2014

    Provision of Epidemiological Surveillance and Prophylaxis of Zika Fever in the Russian Federation

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    Epidemic outspread of Zika fever has given WHO authority to declare emergency situation in the sphere of international healthcare. Major risks for the Russian Federation are associated with the import of the disease by persons, infected in epidemiologically hazardous territory, or import of Zika virus vectors by transport means of international traffic. In this context, developed and normatively regimented is the complex of measures aimed at prevention of Zika virus disease, comprising activities to control import of the infection from enzootic territories, monitoring over the vectors of virus, Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus , and procedure for disinfection operations. Developed and introduced into practice is a home-made preparation for laboratory diagnostics and detection of Zika virus RNA using PCR. The article covers the issue of possible dissemination of the vectors in southern regions of Russia in view of climate warming. It is concluded that nowadays probability of local Zika virus transmission in “human-mosquito” cycle is extremely low and no complications of epidemiological situation on arboviral Ae. aegypti- and Ae. albopictus- borne infections are predicted

    Improvement of Lyme Borreliosis Agent Indication Methods

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    On the basis of silica - aluminosilicate, modified by carboxymethylated lignin and carbodiimide, obtained are the composite microgranulated magnetic immunoadsorbents (MIA) with high adsorption activity, which are characterized by the standardized structural characteristics and mechanical strength. Application of MIAs makes it possible, at the stage of tick samples preparation, to eliminate various admixtures via reiterative irrigations of the sorbent with the infectious agent fixed on it. Therefore negative influence of admixtures on the performed analysis is excluded, and the target agent is concentrated to the maximum limit. Thus the specificity and sensitivity of PCR-analysis enhances

    Epidemiological Situation on Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in the Russian Federation in 2019 and Forecast for 2020

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    The review presents an analysis of epidemic and epizootic situation of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in the Russian Federation in 2010–2019, summarizes the results of epizootiological monitoring of the CCHF natural focus territory in the south of European part of Russia. An unfavorable epidemiological situation regarding CCHF is maintained in the Russian Federation. In 2010–2019, 999 CCHF cases were registered in nine regions of Southern and North-Caucasian Federal Districts. In 2019, an increase in the CCHF incidence level in the entities of the SFD and NCFD was observed as compared to 2017–2018. The expansion of the territory with registered epidemic manifestations of CCHF continues. In 2010–2019, the number of imago and pre-imaginal phases of Hyalomma marginatum – the main vector of the CCHF virus in Russia, remained consistently high. High numbers of H. marginatum ticks and their CCHFV infection rates can contribute to the development of an unfavorable epidemiological situation in the south of the Russian Federation with a possible increase in the CCHF incidence in 2020

    Epidemiological situation on Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in the Russian Federation in 2021

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    The review presents an analysis of the epidemiological and epizootiological situation on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in the Russian Federation in 2021. 49 cases of CCHF were detected in 2021, which is 1.53 times higher than in 2020. The mortality rate was 6.1 %. Sporadic cases of CCHF were registered in the Stavropol Territory, Rostov, Volgograd Regions, the Republics of Dagestan and Kalmykia. The incidence rates of CCHF were below the long-term average annual values in the majority of the constituent entities. Epizootiological survey of stationary observation points has revealed that the number of Hyalomma marginatum imago corresponded to the average long-term indicators in 2021, the peak of H. marginatum activity was noted in the II–III decades of May. The proportion of Ixodidae tick pools positive for Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus markers exceeded the long-term average indexes in a number of regions. On the territory of the natural focus of CCHF, the circulation of the CCHF virus of the genetic lineages “Europe-1” and “Europe-3” was detected in 2021. Based on the analysis of the epidemiological data of the previous year and natural and climatic factors affecting the abundance and vital activity of H. marginatum ticks, risk-based quantitative forecast for the incidence of CCHF in the Stavropol Territory for 2022 has been compiled


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    Aim. To determine the characteristics of the modern dissemination, distribution and seasonal activity of Hyalomma ixodid ticks in the Stavropol region.Methods. The study of the spread of Ixodes Hyalomma ticks was conducted in all administrative districts of the Stavropol Territory in the period of 2000-2015. Collection of ixodid ticks in natural habitats, home to wild mammals and birds, was carried out according to conventional techniques.Results. Hyalomma marginatum is a two-host tick. In the region, H. marginatum of an adult stage becomes active in early spring (late March - early April); appearance of the larvae is observed in early July; the nymphs in the third decade of July. The peculiarity of biological development of H. scupense is the activation of adult species in the cold season (winter); development is only of one-host cycle. The peak number of ticks of an adult stage in cattle falls on the last days of January and February.Conclusion. Hyalomma ixodid ticks in the Stavropol region are distributed mosaicly, with the dominance of some species depending on climatic and landscape-geographical features of the territories they inhabit. The dominant species are H. marginatum and H. scupense, but H. anatolicum tick species occur sporadically in the east region