51 research outputs found

    The first monograph of Ukrainian soil scientists on the Holocene evolution of soils

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    Review of the first monograph of Ukrainian soil scientists on Holocene evolution of soil

    Dynamics of the soil cover in the southeast of Europe and in the southern Trans-Ural region during the subboreal period

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    An inventory of published data on the natural evolution of forest-steppe, steppe, and semidesert soils in the southern part of the East European Plain and in the southern Trans-Ural region during the Subboreal period of the Holocene has been performedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Trends of the natural evolution of chernozems on the East European Plain

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    A generalized chronosequence of changes in the morphometric parameters of chernozems in the past 5100 years is analyzed. It is shown that the development of chernozems in the center of the East European Plain is characterized by both longterm (interglacial, encompassing the entire Holocene) and shortterm (within separate climatic periods of the Holocene) trendsyesBS

    Influence of long- and short-term climatic changes on chernozem soils : Central Chernozem region of Russia

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    The main purpose of this article is the identification of forest-steppe and steppe chernozem soils (Eastern European Mollisols) reactions to climate change with different periodicitiesyesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Regional specificity of the climatic evolution of soils in the southern part of Eastern Europe in the second half of the Holocene

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    The analysis of characteristic features of chernozems and chestnut soils of different ages that have been formed in the south of the East European Plain in the past 5000 years attests to the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the rate and direction of pedogenetic processes, i.e., to the metachronous development of the soil cove

    Evolution of chernozems in the southern forest-steppe of the Central Russian upland under long-term cultivation examined in the agro-chronosequences

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    Chernozems are the major component of soil cover in the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland. From our point of view, the best way to observe the effect of ploughing on Chernozems is the examination of soils with different durations of cultivation based on an agrochronosequence approach which was used in this stud

    Regional manifestations of changes in atmospheric circulation in the Central Black Earth region : by the example of Belgorod region

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    The aim of this work is the estimation of the reasons of occurrence of the area of dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena and the analysis of the circulation processes, leading to the establishment of extreme weather conditions in the region. Using the calendar of the consistent changes of elementary circulation mechanisms and daily observations of the weather in the south of Central Black Earth region (by the example of Belgorod region).yesBelgorod State National Research Universit

    Evolution of forest pedogenesis in the south of the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland in the Late Holocene

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    The Late Holocene stage of forest pedogenesis has been studied on the interfluves along river valleys in the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland. The development of gray forest soils from the former chernozems as a result of the Late Holocene advance of forest vegetation over steppes is discusse

    Soils with the second humus horizon, paleochernozems, and the history of pedogenesis at the border between forest and steppe areas

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    We consider the history of studies, systematization, geographic distribution, and modern properties of the SHH. On the basis of the analysis of Holocene paleosols, we try to characterize the prototype of the SHH, to estimate its age, and to trace stages of its development in the Holocen