371 research outputs found

    Clean development mechanism in China: Regional distribution and prospects

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    Late in 2012, when the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol came to an end, it was further extended to December 2020. This was based on the strong realisation that the clean development mechanism (CDM) projects have been playing an important role globally, particularly in promoting clean development in China. Based on a review of international and domestic sources, the paper analyses the progress in the development of CDM projects both globally and in China.China has attracted the lion share of CDM investment in terms of projects located in this country and the global annual certified emission reductions under this mechanism. Due to the relative easiness of implementation, the main area of investment is new and renewable energy. China's fast economic development, open door investment policy, political stability, high educational and technological standards and reliable infrastructure are all encouraging the interest of foreign investors seeking to reduce their domestic carbon footprint. In order to facilitate the location of CDM projects, the Chinese government formulated a series of policies and regulations as well as established national coordinating groups for climate change, CDM Designated National Authorities and projects auditing boards, which are responsible for projects application, auditing and management.There are however large differences in the regional distribution of Chinese CDM projects. Provinces, such as Yunnan, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Hunan and Gansu (located in central and western China) are attracting more projects because of their rich hydro and wind resources while there are very few projects in the eastern already developed parts of the country. This trend is consistent with the CDM's main goal to assist less developed regions to achieve a more sustainable development

    Constructivist Perspective on Developing a Multidimensional Blended Teaching Model Fostering Deep Learning

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    To promote high-quality development of higher education, it is imperative to facilitate students’ transition from surface learning to deep learning. Compared with surface learning that focuses on rote memorization, deep learning emphasizes meaningful learning based on understanding and transfer. It involves three progressively advanced cognitive stages of knowing: "learning for understanding," "learning for application," and "learning for innovation," which ultimately enable the internalization, transfer, and creative application of knowledge. How to foster deep learning in students has been an urgent issue of higher education. This study, grounded in constructivist learning theory, explores a multidimensional blended teaching model fostering deep learning. It also develops an evaluation system assessing learning outcomes from the perspectives of ideological, political and moral education, knowledge, and competencies. We conducted an empirical study to test the effectiveness of this multidimensional blended teaching model. Findings will provide theoretical and practical implications for teaching reforms of similar courses

    IL28B is associated with outcomes of chronic HBV infection

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    Purpose The role of IL28B gene variants and expression in hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections are not well understood. Here, we evaluated whether IL28B gene expression and rs12979860 variations are associated with HBV outcomes. Materials and Methods IL28B genetic variations (rs12979860) were genotyped by pyrosequencing of DNA samples from 137 individuals with chronic HBV infection [50 inactive carriers (IC), 34 chronic hepatitis B (CHB), 27 cirrhosis, 26 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)], and 19 healthy controls. IL28A/B mRNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was determined by qRT-PCR, and serum IL28B protein was measured by ELISA. Results Patients with IL28B C/C genotype had greater IL28A/B mRNA expression and higher IL28B protein levels than C/T patients. Within the various disease stages, compared to IC and healthy controls, IL28B expression was reduced in the CHB, cirrhosis, and HCC cohorts (CHB vs. IC, p=0.02; cirrhosis vs. IC, p=0.01; HCC vs. IC, p=0.001; CHB vs. controls, p&#60;0.01; cirrhosis vs. controls, p&#60;0.01; HCC vs. controls, p&#60;0.01). When stratified with respect to serum HBV markers in the IC and CHB cohorts, IL28B mRNA and protein levels were higher in HBeAg-positive than negative individuals (p=0.01). Logistic regression analysis revealed that factors associated with high IL28B protein levels were C/C versus C/T genotype [p=0.016, odds ratio (OR)=0.25, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.08-0.78], high alanine aminotransferase values (p&#60;0.001, OR=8.02, 95% CI=2.64-24.4), and the IC stage of HBV infection (p&#60;0.001). Conclusion Our data suggest that IL28B genetic variations may play an important role in long-term development of disease in chronic HBV infections.</p

    Risk analysis of GM crop technology in China: modeling and governance

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    This paper aims at analyzing risks management of genetically modified (GM) crop technology in China, including risk classification, risk generating mechanisms and its governance. Firstly, we seek to create a three-dimensional model capable of assessing the risks of GM crop technologies. Based on this model, the risks of GM crop technologies can be divided into eight types, depending on the high or low risks levels associated with social hazard, technology uncertainty and economic harm. China’s GM technology is currently located in the high risk zone of thismodel, particularly in themarket of GMsoybean. In order to tackle this risk, the article introduces the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) as a useful tool to explore its risk assessment and governance. Lastly, we suggest the Chinese government needs to construct an efficient governancemechanismwhich should be able to balance actors’ interests and reduce or avoid risks induced by GM crop technologies

    Utilization of Polislidae Wasp Venom as Potential New Insect Drugs in the R&D of Wellness Industry

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    The Polislidae wasp, one species of omnivorous social insects mainly living in the bush or under the leaves. The wasp has a venom sac in its tail, and the venom secreted by a sting can cause a series of body reactions and diseases. Multiple organ failure could be the outcome of wasp sting, if timely treatment or rescue has not been performed. Based on published reports on wasp sting related to medical concerns in recent years, this review summarizes the symptoms caused by wasp sting and corresponding mechanisms of actions. The medical application and relational utilization of the title insect is suggested derived from findings of the systematic review. Furthermore, we herewith sketch the perspectives of R&amp;D on the venom of Polislidae wasp. It is expected to afford comprehensive references and be useful for broader study on the natural components and pharmacological effects of wasp venom
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