89 research outputs found

    AdaNAS: Adaptively Post-processing with Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search for Ensemble Rainfall Forecasts

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    Previous post-processing studies on rainfall forecasts using numerical weather prediction (NWP) mainly focus on statistics-based aspects, while learning-based aspects are rarely investigated. Although some manually-designed models are proposed to raise accuracy, they are customized networks, which need to be repeatedly tried and verified, at a huge cost in time and labor. Therefore, a self-supervised neural architecture search (NAS) method without significant manual efforts called AdaNAS is proposed in this study to perform rainfall forecast post-processing and predict rainfall with high accuracy. In addition, we design a rainfall-aware search space to significantly improve forecasts for high-rainfall areas. Furthermore, we propose a rainfall-level regularization function to eliminate the effect of noise data during the training. Validation experiments have been performed under the cases of \emph{None}, \emph{Light}, \emph{Moderate}, \emph{Heavy} and \emph{Violent} on a large-scale precipitation benchmark named TIGGE. Finally, the average mean-absolute error (MAE) and average root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the proposed AdaNAS model are 0.98 and 2.04 mm/day, respectively. Additionally, the proposed AdaNAS model is compared with other neural architecture search methods and previous studies. Compared results reveal the satisfactory performance and superiority of the proposed AdaNAS model in terms of precipitation amount prediction and intensity classification. Concretely, the proposed AdaNAS model outperformed previous best-performing manual methods with MAE and RMSE improving by 80.5\% and 80.3\%, respectively

    Gradual Network for Single Image De-raining

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    Most advances in single image de-raining meet a key challenge, which is removing rain streaks with different scales and shapes while preserving image details. Existing single image de-raining approaches treat rain-streak removal as a process of pixel-wise regression directly. However, they are lacking in mining the balance between over-de-raining (e.g. removing texture details in rain-free regions) and under-de-raining (e.g. leaving rain streaks). In this paper, we firstly propose a coarse-to-fine network called Gradual Network (GraNet) consisting of coarse stage and fine stage for delving into single image de-raining with different granularities. Specifically, to reveal coarse-grained rain-streak characteristics (e.g. long and thick rain streaks/raindrops), we propose a coarse stage by utilizing local-global spatial dependencies via a local-global subnetwork composed of region-aware blocks. Taking the residual result (the coarse de-rained result) between the rainy image sample (i.e. the input data) and the output of coarse stage (i.e. the learnt rain mask) as input, the fine stage continues to de-rain by removing the fine-grained rain streaks (e.g. light rain streaks and water mist) to get a rain-free and well-reconstructed output image via a unified contextual merging sub-network with dense blocks and a merging block. Solid and comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate that our GraNet can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods by removing rain streaks with various densities, scales and shapes while keeping the image details of rain-free regions well-preserved.Comment: In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2019

    Investigating the Impact of Seawater Intrusion on the Operation Cost of Groundwater Supply in Island Aquifers

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    Managing fragile island freshwater resources requires identifying pumping strategies that trade off the financial cost of groundwater supply against controlling the seawater intrusion (SWI) associated with aquifer pumping. In this work, these tradeoffs are investigated through a sensitivity analysis conducted in the context of an optimization formulation of the groundwater management problem, which aims at minimizing the groundwater supply operation cost associated with groundwater pumping and desalination treatment, subject to constraints on SWI control, as quantified by the water table drawdown over the well (∆s), the reduction in freshwater volume (∆FV) in the aquifer, or the salt mass increase (∆SM) in the aquifer. This study focuses on a simplified two-dimensional model of the San Salvador Island aquifer (Bahamas). Pumping strategies are characterized by the distance of the pumping system from the shoreline (WL), the abstraction screen depth (D) and overall pumping rate (Q), constituting the decision variables of the optimization problem. We investigate the impacts of pumping strategies on the operation cost, ∆s, ∆FV and ∆SM. Findings indicate increasing D or decreasing WL reduces ∆s, ∆FV and ∆SM, thus preserving the aquifer hydrogeologic stability, but also leads to extracting saltier groundwater, thus increasing the water treatment requirements, which have a strong impact on the overall groundwater supply cost. From a financial perspective, groundwater abstraction near the island center and at shallow depths seems the most convenient strategy. However, the analysis of the optimization constraints reveals that strategies where the pumping system approaches the island center tend to cause more severe SWI, highlighting the need to trade off groundwater supply cost against SWI control

    TimeBench: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Temporal Reasoning Abilities in Large Language Models

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    Understanding time is a pivotal aspect of human cognition, crucial in the broader framework of grasping the intricacies of the world. Previous studies typically focus on specific aspects of time, lacking a comprehensive temporal reasoning benchmark. To address this issue, we propose TimeBench, a comprehensive hierarchical temporal reasoning benchmark that covers a broad spectrum of temporal reasoning phenomena, which provides a thorough evaluation for investigating the temporal reasoning capabilities of large language models. We conduct extensive experiments on popular LLMs, such as GPT-4, LLaMA2, and Mistral, incorporating chain-of-thought prompting. Our experimental results indicate a significant performance gap between the state-of-the-art LLMs and humans, highlighting that there is still a considerable distance to cover in temporal reasoning. We aspire for TimeBench to serve as a comprehensive benchmark, fostering research in temporal reasoning for LLMs. Our resource is available at https://github.com/zchuz/TimeBenchComment: Resources at: https://github.com/zchuz/TimeBenc