26 research outputs found

    On the Over-Memorization During Natural, Robust and Catastrophic Overfitting

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    Overfitting negatively impacts the generalization ability of deep neural networks (DNNs) in both natural and adversarial training. Existing methods struggle to consistently address different types of overfitting, typically designing strategies that focus separately on either natural or adversarial patterns. In this work, we adopt a unified perspective by solely focusing on natural patterns to explore different types of overfitting. Specifically, we examine the memorization effect in DNNs and reveal a shared behaviour termed over-memorization, which impairs their generalization capacity. This behaviour manifests as DNNs suddenly becoming high-confidence in predicting certain training patterns and retaining a persistent memory for them. Furthermore, when DNNs over-memorize an adversarial pattern, they tend to simultaneously exhibit high-confidence prediction for the corresponding natural pattern. These findings motivate us to holistically mitigate different types of overfitting by hindering the DNNs from over-memorization natural patterns. To this end, we propose a general framework, Distraction Over-Memorization (DOM), which explicitly prevents over-memorization by either removing or augmenting the high-confidence natural patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in mitigating overfitting across various training paradigms

    FlatMatch: Bridging Labeled Data and Unlabeled Data with Cross-Sharpness for Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) has been an effective way to leverage abundant unlabeled data with extremely scarce labeled data. However, most SSL methods are commonly based on instance-wise consistency between different data transformations. Therefore, the label guidance on labeled data is hard to be propagated to unlabeled data. Consequently, the learning process on labeled data is much faster than on unlabeled data which is likely to fall into a local minima that does not favor unlabeled data, leading to sub-optimal generalization performance. In this paper, we propose FlatMatch which minimizes a cross-sharpness measure to ensure consistent learning performance between the two datasets. Specifically, we increase the empirical risk on labeled data to obtain a worst-case model which is a failure case that needs to be enhanced. Then, by leveraging the richness of unlabeled data, we penalize the prediction difference (i.e., cross-sharpness) between the worst-case model and the original model so that the learning direction is beneficial to generalization on unlabeled data. Therefore, we can calibrate the learning process without being limited to insufficient label information. As a result, the mismatched learning performance can be mitigated, further enabling the effective exploitation of unlabeled data and improving SSL performance. Through comprehensive validation, we show FlatMatch achieves state-of-the-art results in many SSL settings.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Regularly Truncated M-estimators for Learning with Noisy Labels

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    The sample selection approach is very popular in learning with noisy labels. As deep networks learn pattern first, prior methods built on sample selection share a similar training procedure: the small-loss examples can be regarded as clean examples and used for helping generalization, while the large-loss examples are treated as mislabeled ones and excluded from network parameter updates. However, such a procedure is arguably debatable from two folds: (a) it does not consider the bad influence of noisy labels in selected small-loss examples; (b) it does not make good use of the discarded large-loss examples, which may be clean or have meaningful information for generalization. In this paper, we propose regularly truncated M-estimators (RTME) to address the above two issues simultaneously. Specifically, RTME can alternately switch modes between truncated M-estimators and original M-estimators. The former can adaptively select small-losses examples without knowing the noise rate and reduce the side-effects of noisy labels in them. The latter makes the possibly clean examples but with large losses involved to help generalization. Theoretically, we demonstrate that our strategies are label-noise-tolerant. Empirically, comprehensive experimental results show that our method can outperform multiple baselines and is robust to broad noise types and levels.Comment: 16 pages, 11 tables, 9 figure

    Winning Prize Comes from Losing Tickets: Improve Invariant Learning by Exploring Variant Parameters for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

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    Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Generalization aims to learn robust models that generalize well to various environments without fitting to distribution-specific features. Recent studies based on Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) address this problem by minimizing the learning target to find some of the parameters that are critical to the task. However, in OOD problems, such solutions are suboptimal as the learning task contains severe distribution noises, which can mislead the optimization process. Therefore, apart from finding the task-related parameters (i.e., invariant parameters), we propose Exploring Variant parameters for Invariant Learning (EVIL) which also leverages the distribution knowledge to find the parameters that are sensitive to distribution shift (i.e., variant parameters). Once the variant parameters are left out of invariant learning, a robust subnetwork that is resistant to distribution shift can be found. Additionally, the parameters that are relatively stable across distributions can be considered invariant ones to improve invariant learning. By fully exploring both variant and invariant parameters, our EVIL can effectively identify a robust subnetwork to improve OOD generalization. In extensive experiments on integrated testbed: DomainBed, EVIL can effectively and efficiently enhance many popular methods, such as ERM, IRM, SAM, etc.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Strength-Adaptive Adversarial Training

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    Adversarial training (AT) is proved to reliably improve network's robustness against adversarial data. However, current AT with a pre-specified perturbation budget has limitations in learning a robust network. Firstly, applying a pre-specified perturbation budget on networks of various model capacities will yield divergent degree of robustness disparity between natural and robust accuracies, which deviates from robust network's desideratum. Secondly, the attack strength of adversarial training data constrained by the pre-specified perturbation budget fails to upgrade as the growth of network robustness, which leads to robust overfitting and further degrades the adversarial robustness. To overcome these limitations, we propose \emph{Strength-Adaptive Adversarial Training} (SAAT). Specifically, the adversary employs an adversarial loss constraint to generate adversarial training data. Under this constraint, the perturbation budget will be adaptively adjusted according to the training state of adversarial data, which can effectively avoid robust overfitting. Besides, SAAT explicitly constrains the attack strength of training data through the adversarial loss, which manipulates model capacity scheduling during training, and thereby can flexibly control the degree of robustness disparity and adjust the tradeoff between natural accuracy and robustness. Extensive experiments show that our proposal boosts the robustness of adversarial training

    Diversified Outlier Exposure for Out-of-Distribution Detection via Informative Extrapolation

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    Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is important for deploying reliable machine learning models on real-world applications. Recent advances in outlier exposure have shown promising results on OOD detection via fine-tuning model with informatively sampled auxiliary outliers. However, previous methods assume that the collected outliers can be sufficiently large and representative to cover the boundary between ID and OOD data, which might be impractical and challenging. In this work, we propose a novel framework, namely, Diversified Outlier Exposure (DivOE), for effective OOD detection via informative extrapolation based on the given auxiliary outliers. Specifically, DivOE introduces a new learning objective, which diversifies the auxiliary distribution by explicitly synthesizing more informative outliers for extrapolation during training. It leverages a multi-step optimization method to generate novel outliers beyond the original ones, which is compatible with many variants of outlier exposure. Extensive experiments and analyses have been conducted to characterize and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DivOE. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/tmlr-group/DivOE.Comment: accepted by NeurIPS 202

    Unleashing the Potential of Regularization Strategies in Learning with Noisy Labels

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    In recent years, research on learning with noisy labels has focused on devising novel algorithms that can achieve robustness to noisy training labels while generalizing to clean data. These algorithms often incorporate sophisticated techniques, such as noise modeling, label correction, and co-training. In this study, we demonstrate that a simple baseline using cross-entropy loss, combined with widely used regularization strategies like learning rate decay, model weights average, and data augmentations, can outperform state-of-the-art methods. Our findings suggest that employing a combination of regularization strategies can be more effective than intricate algorithms in tackling the challenges of learning with noisy labels. While some of these regularization strategies have been utilized in previous noisy label learning research, their full potential has not been thoroughly explored. Our results encourage a reevaluation of benchmarks for learning with noisy labels and prompt reconsideration of the role of specialized learning algorithms designed for training with noisy labels