1,465 research outputs found

    JWST reveals a high fraction of disk breaks at 1≤z≤31\leq z\leq 3

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    We analyzed the deconvolved surface brightness profiles of 247 massive and angularly large disk galaxies at 1≤z≤31\leq z\leq 3 to study high-redshift disk breaks, using F356W-band images from the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science survey (CEERS). We found that 12.6% of these galaxies exhibit type I (exponential) profiles, 56.7% exhibit type II (down-bending) profiles, and 34.8% exhibit type III (up-bending) profiles. Moreover, we showed that galaxies that are more massive, centrally concentrated, or redder, tend to show fewer type II and more type III breaks. These fractions and the detected dependencies on galaxy properties are in good agreement with those observed in the Local Universe. In particular, the ratio of the type II disk break radius to the bar radius in barred galaxies typically peaks at a value of 2.25, perhaps due to bar-induced radial migration. However, the timescale for secular evolution may be too lengthy to explain the observed breaks at such high redshifts. Instead, violent disk instabilities may be responsible, where spiral arms and clumps torque fling out the material, leading to the formation of outer exponential disks. Our results provide further evidence for the assertion that the Hubble Sequence was already in place during these early periods.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; published in A&

    Redshifting galaxies from DESI to JWST CEERS: Correction of biases and uncertainties in quantifying morphology

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    Observations of high-redshift galaxies with unprecedented detail have now been rendered possible with JWST. However, accurately quantifying their morphology remains uncertain due to potential biases and uncertainties. To address this issue, we used a sample of 1816 nearby DESI galaxies, with a mass range of 109.75−11.25M⊙10^{9.75-11.25}M_{\odot}, to compute artificial images of galaxies of the same mass located at 0.75≤z≤30.75\leq z\leq 3 and observed at rest-frame optical wavelength in CEERS. We analyzed the effects of cosmological redshift on the measurements of Petrosian radius (RpR_p), half-light radius (R50R_{50}), asymmetry (AA), concentration (CC), axis ratio (qq), and S\'ersic index (nn). Our results show that RpR_p and R50R_{50}, calculated using non-parametric methods, are slightly overestimated due to PSF smoothing, while R50R_{50}, qq, and nn obtained through model fitting does not exhibit significant biases. We improve the computation of AA by incorporating a more accurate noise effect removal procedure. Due to PSF asymmetry, there is a minor overestimation of AA for intrinsically symmetric galaxies. However, for intrinsically asymmetric galaxies, PSF smoothing dominates and results in an underestimation of AA, an effect that becomes more significant with higher intrinsic AA or at lower resolutions. Moreover, PSF smoothing also leads to an underestimation of CC, which is notably more pronounced in galaxies with higher intrinsic CC or at lower resolutions. We developed functions based on resolution level, defined as Rp/R_p/FWHM, for correcting these biases and the associated statistical uncertainties. Applying these corrections, we measured the bias-corrected morphology for the simulated CEERS images and we find that the derived quantities are in good agreement with their intrinsic values -- except for AA, which is robust only for angularly large galaxies where Rp/FWHM≥5R_p/{\rm FWHM}\geq 5.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures; A&A in pres

    Multiwavelength Bulge-Disk Decomposition for the Galaxy M81 (NGC 3031). I. Morphology

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    A panchromatic investigation of morphology for the early-type spiral galaxy M81 is presented in this paper. We perform bulge-disk decomposition in M81 images at totally 20 wavebands from FUV to NIR obtained with GALEX, Swift, SDSS, WIYN, 2MASS, WISE, and Spitzer. Morphological parameters such as Sersic index, effective radius, position angle, and axis ratio for the bulge and the disk are thus derived at all the wavebands, which enables quantifying the morphological K-correction for M81 and makes it possible to reproduce images for the bulge and the disk in the galaxy at any waveband. The morphology as a function of wavelength appears as a variable-slope trend of the Sersic index and the effective radius, in which the variations are steep at UV--optical and shallow at optical--NIR bands; the position angle and the axis ratio keep invariable at least at optical--NIR bands. It is worth noting that, the Sersic index for the bulge reaches to about 4--5 at optical and NIR bands, but drops to about 1 at UV bands. This difference brings forward a caveat that, a classical bulge is likely misidentified for a pseudo-bulge or no bulge at high redshifts where galaxies are observed through rest-frame UV channels with optical telescopes. The next work of this series is planned to study spatially resolved SEDs for the bulge and the disk, respectively, and thereby explore stellar population properties and star formation/quenching history for the the galaxy composed of the subsystems.Comment: 48 Pages, 38 Figures, 5 Tables; Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie
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