10,867 research outputs found

    Variational study of the one dimensional t-J model

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    We find the Gutzwiller projected Fermi sea wave function(GWF) has the correct phase structure to describe the kink nature of the doped holes in the ground state of the one dimensional t−Jt-J model. We find the failure of the GWF for general value of J/tJ/t and electron density nn can be attributed to the residual charge correlation in the ground state. We find such residual charge correlation is well described by a XXZ-type effective Hamiltonian. Based on these observations, a Pfaffian-type variational wave function is proposed and is found to reproduce correctly the global phase diagram and corresponding correlation functions of the one dimensional t−Jt-J model, including the Luther-Emery phase in the low electron density and large J/tJ/t region.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Spin Charge Recombination in Projected Wave Functions

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    We find spin charge recombination is a generic feature of projected wave functions. We find this effect is responsible for a series of differences between mean field theory prediction and the result from projected wave functions. We also find spin charge recombination plays an important role in determining the dissipation of supercurrent, the quasiparticle properties and the hole - hole correlation.Comment: 13 pages,7 figure

    Topological Order in Projected Wave Functions and Effective Theories of Quantum Antiferromagnets

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    We study the topological order in RVB state derived from Gutzwiller projection of BCS-like mean field state. We propose to construct the topological excitation on the projected RVB state through Gutzwiller projection of mean field state with inserted Z2Z_{2} flux tube. We prove that all projected RVB states derived from bipartite effective theories, no matter the gauge structure in the mean field ansatz, are positive definite in the sense of the Marshall sign rule, which provides a universal origin for the absence of topological order in such RVB state.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure

    The Hellberg-Mele Jastrow factor as a variational wave function for the one dimensional XXZ model

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    We find the Jastrow factor introduced by Hellberg and Mele in their study of the one dimensional t-J model provides an exceedingly good variational description of the one dimensional XXZ model.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    On the Origin of the Tunneling Asymmetry in the Cuprate Superconductors: a variational perspective

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    Through variational Monte Carlo calculation on Gutzwiller projected wave functions, we study the quasiparticle(qp) weight for adding and removing an electron from a high temperature superconductor. We find the qp weight is particle-hole symmetric at sufficiently low energy. We propose to use the tunneling asymmetry as a tool to study the mechanism of electron incoherence in high temperature superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 4figure

    Influence of a uniform magnetic field on dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in QED3_3

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    We study dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB) in an effective QED3_{3} theory of d-wave high temperature cuprate superconductors under a uniform magnetic field. At zero temperature, the external magnetic field induces a mixed state by generating vortices in the condensate of charged holons. The growing magnetic field suppresses the superfluid density and thus reduces the gauge field mass which is opened via the Anderson-Higgs mechanism. By numerically solving the Dyson-Schwinger gap equation, we show that the massless fermions acquires a dynamical gap through DCSB mechanism when the magnetic field strength HH is above a critical value HcH_{c} and the fermion flavors NN is below a critical value NcN_{c}. Further, it is found that both NcN_{c} and the dynamical fermion gap increase as the magnetic field HH grows. It is expected that our result can be tested in phenomena in high temperature cuprate superconductors.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Calculation of the staggered spin correlation in the framework of the Dyson-Schwinger approach

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    Based on the linear response of the fermion propagator with respect to an external field, we first derive a model-independent expression for the staggered spin susceptibility in which the influence of the full pseudoscalar vertex function is included. This expression for the staggered spin susceptibility is quite different from that given in the previous literature. The numerical values of the staggered spin susceptibility are calculated within the framework of the Dyson-Schwinger approach. Our numerical result shows that the nonperturbative dressing effects on the fermion propagator is very important when one studies the staggered spin susceptibility which corresponding to antiferromagnetic correlation in both Nambu phase and Winger phase.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Kondo spin liquid in Kondo necklace model: Classical disordered phase versus symmetry-protected topological state

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    We study possible topological features of Kondo spin liquid phase in terms of the one- and two-dimensional Kondo necklace models within the frame work of quantum O(N) non-liner sigma model (NLSM). In the one-dimensional case, it is found that the bulk properties of the Kodno spin liquid phase are similar to the well-known Haldane phase at strong coupling fixed point. The difference between them mainly comes from their boundaries due to the effect of the topological term. In the two-dimensional case, the system can be mapped onto an O(4)-like NLSM with some O(3) anisotropy. Interestingly, we find that if hedgehog-like point defects are included together with the restoration of the full O(4) symmetry, our model is identical to a kind of SU(2) symmetry-protected topological (SPT) state. Additionally, if the system has the O(5) symmetry instead, the effective NLSM with Wess-Zumino-Witten term is just a description of the surface modes of a three-dimensional SPT state, though such O(5) NLSM could not be a proper description of Kondo spin liquid phase due to its gaplessness. We expect that the discussions might provide useful threads to identify certain microscopic bilayer antiferromagnet models (and related materials), which can support the desirable SPT states.Comment: 8pages,3 figures, we have added an coauthor with achknowledgement updated. This version is heavily revise

    Topological quantum phase transition in Kane-Mele-Kondo lattice model

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    We systematically explore the ground-state phase diagram of the Kane-Mele-Kondo lattice model on the honeycomb lattice, in particular, we focus on its magnetic properties which has not been studied in the previous publication[Feng, Dai, Chung, and Si, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{111}, 016402 (2013)]. Beside the Kondo insulator found in that paper, two kinds of antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave phases are identified. One is the normal antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave state and the other is a nontrivial topological antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave state with a quantized spin Hall conductance and a helical edge-state. The quantum spin Hall insulator is found to be absent since it is always unstable to antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave states at least at the mean-field level in our model. Furthermore, the transition between the two spin-density-wave phases are topological quantum phase transition described by the three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics, in which conduction electrons contribute to the low-energy Dirac fermions while the spin-wave fluctuation of local spins gives rise to an effective dynamic U(1) gauge-field. Such nontrivial transition shows radical critical thermodynamic, transport and single-particle behaviors, which provide a fingerprint for this transition. Additionally, the transition of antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave states to the Kondo insulator is found to be first-order. The introduction of two novel magnetic phases and their topological quantum phase transition show rich and intrinsic physics involving in the Kane-Mele-Kondo lattice model.Comment: 17 pages,5 figure

    The Affine Hidden Symmetry and Integrability of Type IIB Superstring in AdS5×S5AdS_{5} \times S^{5}

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    In this paper, we motivate how the Hodge dual related with S-duality gives the hidden symmetry in the moduli space of IIB string. Utilizing the static κ% \kappa -symmetric Killing gauge, if we take the Hodge dual of the vierbeins keeping the connection invariant, the duality of Maure-Cartan equations and the equations of motion becomes manifest. Thus by twistly transforming the vierbein, we can express the BPR currents as the Lax connections by a unique spectral parameter. Then we construct the generators of the infinitesimal dressing symmetry, the related symmetric algebra becomes the affine gl(2,2∣4)(1)% gl(2,2|4)^{(1)}, which can be used to find the classical rr matrix.Comment: 16 pages, no figures,typo crrected and references adde
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