3 research outputs found

    Le roman "L'île du jour d'avant" dans l'univers scientifique et littéraire d'Umberto Eco (voyage sémiotique vers "L'île du jour d'avant" d'Umberto Eco)

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    Visant la confrontation dialectique de la théorie sémiotique avec les créations littéraires d'Umberto Eco, nous avons procédé à l'analyse complète du roman "L'île du jour d'avant", considéré comme un corpus homogène de référence sur lequel mettre en œuvre l'ensemble des techniques interprétatives de l'académicien italien. Après l'examen approfondi des éléments paratextuels, nous avons procédé à la description du modèle schématique de la fabula du roman sous forme de macropropositions, dressant ainsi la typologie des mondes possibles de la fabula, de ceux des attitudes propositionnelles des personnages et du lecteur dans leur ensemble. Ces procédures de désambiguïsation, consistant à accomplir des inférences de scénarios intertextuels, ont révélé que l'organisation narrative du roman est centrée essentiellement sur le motif du voyage dont les formes extrêmement complexes et variées réapparaissent dans plusieurs portions de la fabula. La reconsidération de la structure syntaxique du roman comme un programme narratif (PN) complexe composé de plusieurs PN interdéfinis par leur disposition sur le parcours de l'actant nous a amené à soutenir que les PN d'usage du PN de base (le "journal" et les "lettres" de Roberto) correspondent à des formes de voyage dynamique, lesquelles sont reprises et reformulées dans les PN d'usage du PN annexe (le "roman" et les "rêves" de Roberto), désignés comme des formes de voyage statique. Nous avons ainsi pu affirmer que la fabula s'achève par la fusion entre les structures du PN de base et du PN annexe, exprimée par l'ultime décision de Roberto d'entrer dans son propre roman pour essayer de rejoindre Lilia sur l'îleWhen contextualising the dialectic confrontation of the semiotic theory with the literary creations of Umberto Eco, one can proceed to analyse the novel "The Island of the Day Befor" in its entirety, considered here as a homogenous corpus of reference over which one can make use of the interpretive techniques of the Italian academician. After a detailed examination of paratextuel elements of the work, further study has been made of the schematic model of the fabula states in the form of macro-propositions, which enables consecutive observation of connections between the structures of the fabula and the plot, as well as the fictional possible worlds of the characters and of the reader. This procedure of disambiguization consists of accomplishing these intertextual scenario inferences have proved that the narrative organisation of the novel is centred essentially on the motive of the journey of which the extremely complex and various forms resurface in several sections of the fabula. The reconsideration of the syntactic structure of the novel as a complex narrative programme composed of numerous narrative programmes (PN) inter-defined by their disposition of the actant process, allows one to support that the PN usage of the PN base (the diary and the letters of Roberto) correspond to the forms of the dynamic journey reused and reformulated in the PN usage of the PN annex (the novel and the dreams of Roberto), indicated as static forms of the journey. It can also be argued that the fabula ends through the fusion between the forms of the PN base and PN annex, expressed by the decision of Roberto to enter his own novel in the hope that he will join Lilia on the IslandPAU-BU Lettres (644452101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Burnout Syndrome in Physicians—Psychological Assessment and Biomarker Research

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    Background and objectives: Burnout is a syndrome typically occurring in work environments with continuous and chronic stress. Physicians are at increased risk for burnout, as a result of 24-h work, delayed work−life balance gratification, and the challenges associated with patient care. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the psychological parameters of burnout symptoms in relation to biomarkers of stress among physicians with different medical specialties. Materials and methods: A total of 303 physicians were contacted as potential participants. A comparison group of 111 individuals working outside medicine was used as a control to verify the results. The physicians were specialists in internal medicine, general surgery, pathology, and primary care. Serum cortisol, salivary cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), insulin (IRI), and prolactin levels were analyzed by chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay (Access 2, Beckman Coulter). Fasting glucose in serum and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) in whole blood were measured using the automatic analyzer AU 480 Beckman Coulter system. Symptoms of burnout were measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Results: The group with burnout presented significantly higher levels of serum and saliva cortisol, ACTH, prolactin, fasting glucose, and HbA1C compared with the control group. The correlation analysis between biomarkers showed a positive correlation with moderate strength between serum and saliva cortisol (r = 0.516, p = 0.01),as well as serum and saliva cortisol with ACTH (r = 0.418; r = 0.412, p = 0.01) and HbA1C (r = 0.382; r = 0.395, p = 0.01). A weak positive correlation was found between serum and saliva cortisol with prolactin (r = 0.236; r = 0.267, p < 0.01) and glucose (r = 0.271; r = 0.297, p < 0.01). In the multiple logistic regression model, saliva cortisol, HbA1C, and age were significantly associated with burnout (chi-square = 16.848, p < 0.032). Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated the interest of exploring biomarkers of stress related to burnout in health professionals

    Evaluation of Anxiety, Depression, and Biological Markers in Health Professionals with Burnout 

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    Introduction: Medical profession is a stress factor for the development of burnout, symptoms of anxiety and depression as a result of 24-hour work, delayed work-life balance gratification and challenges associated with patient care. Aim: This study aimed to verify the rates of burnout, anxiety, and depression presented by health professionals working 24-hour shifts under emergency conditions. Saliva cortisol and glycated hemoglobin were also studied as stress-related biomarkers. Materials and methods: Ninety-five medical professionals – physicians, biologists, chemists, and laboratory technicians were compared to a control group working outside medicine. Burnout was measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Anxiety and depression were measured by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Zung Depression Scale. Salivary cortisol and glycated hemoglobin were analyzed by the immunoassay methods. Results: The level of burnout in the subscale of emotional exhaustion was high in 95.6% of medical professionals. In the subscale of personal accomplishment, 100% had high scores. Regarding the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, 22.2% and 68.9% of the medical specialists showed a positive score (≥40) for S-anxiety and T-anxiety scale, respectively. 11.1% indicated greater anxiety (score ≥ 55) for T-anxiety. In relation to the depression scale, 31.1% had mildly depressive states and 8.9% had moderately depressive states. Participants with a high level of emotional exhaustion presented higher results for saliva cortisol and glycated hemoglobin compared to the control group. A significant positive correlation existed between the two dimensions - emotional exhaustion and depression (r=0.683, p<0.01).Conclusions: Our study may be relevant for further research in order to decrease the negative aspects of professional stress