140 research outputs found

    Reverse Genetic Analysis of the Transcription Regulatory Sequence of the Coronavirus Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus

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    Coronavirus discontinuous transcription uses a highly conserved sequence (CS) in the joining of leader and body RNAs. Using a full-length infectious construct of transmissable gastroenteritis virus, the present study demonstrates that subgenomic transcription is heavily influenced by upstream flanking sequences and supports a mechanism of transcription attenuation that is regulated in part by a larger domain composed of primarily upstream flanking sequences which select appropriately positioned CS elements for synthesis of subgenomic RNAs

    SARS-CoV replication and pathogenesis in an in vitro model of the human conducting airway epithelium

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    SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) emerged in 2002 as an important cause of severe lower respiratory tract infection in humans and in vitro models of the lung are needed to elucidate cellular targets and the consequences of viral infection. The severe and sudden onset of symptoms, resulting in an atypical pneumonia with dry cough and persistent high fever in cases of severe acute respiratory virus brought to light the importance of coronaviruses as potentially lethal human pathogens and the identification of several zoonotic reservoirs has made the reemergence of new strains and future epidemics all the more possible. In this chapter, we describe the pathology of SARS-CoV infection in humans and explore the use of two models of the human conducting airway to develop a better understanding of the replication and pathogenesis of SARS-CoV in relevant in vitro systems. The first culture model is a human bronchial epithelial cell line Calu3 that can be inoculated by viruses either as a non-polarized monolayer of cells or polarized cells with tight junctions and microvilli. The second model system, derived from primary cells isolated from human airway epithelium and grown on Transwells, form a pseudostratified mucociliary epithelium that recapitulates the morphological and physiological features of the human conducting airway in vivo. Experimental results using these lung epithelial cell models demonstrate that in contrast to the pathology reported in late stage cases SARS-CoV replicates to high titers in epithelial cells of the conducting airway. The SARS-CoV receptor, human angiotensin 1 converting enzyme 2 (hACE2), was detected exclusively on the apical surface of cells in polarized Calu3 cells and human airway epithelial cultures (HAE), indicating that hACE2 was accessible by SARS-CoV after airway lumenal delivery. Furthermore, in HAE, hACE2 was exclusively localized to ciliated airway epithelial cells. In support of the hACE2 localization data, the most productive route of inoculation and progeny virion egress in both polarized Calu3 and ciliated cells of HAE was the apical surface suggesting mechanisms to release large quantities of virus into the lumen of the human lung. Preincubation of the apical surface of cultures with antisera directed against hACE2 reduced viral titers by 2 logs while antisera against DC-SIGN/DC-SIGNR did not reduce viral replication levels suggesting that hACE2 is the primary receptor for entry of SARS-CoV into the ciliated cells of HAE cultures. To assess infectivity in ciliated airway cultures derived from susceptible animal species we generated a recombinant SARS-CoV by deletion of open reading frame 7a/7b (ORF 7a/b) and insertion of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) resulting in SARS-CoV GFP. SARS-CoV GFP replicated to similar titers as wild type viruses in Vero E6, MA104, and CaCo2 cells. In addition, SARS-CoV replication in airway epithelial cultures generated from Golden Syrian hamster tracheas reached similar titers to the human cultures by 72 hours post infection. Efficient SARS-CoV infection of ciliated cell-types in HAE provides a useful in vitro model of human lung origin to study characteristics of SARS-CoV replication and pathogenesis

    Characterization of a Pathogenic Full-Length cDNA Clone and Transmission Model for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Strain PC22A

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    ABSTRACT Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is a highly pathogenic alphacoronavirus. In the United States, highly virulent PEDV strains cause between 80 and 100% mortality in suckling piglets and are rapidly transmitted between animals and farms. To study the genetic factors that regulate pathogenesis and transmission, we developed a molecular clone of PEDV strain PC22A. The infectious-clone-derived PEDV (icPEDV) replicated as efficiently as the parental virus in cell culture and in pigs, resulting in lethal disease in vivo . Importantly, recombinant PEDV was rapidly transmitted to uninoculated pigs via indirect contact, demonstrating virulence and efficient transmission while replicating phenotypes seen in the wild-type virus. Using reverse genetics, we removed open reading frame 3 (ORF3) and replaced this region with a red fluorescent protein (RFP) gene to generate icPEDV-ΔORF3-RFP. icPEDV-ΔORF3-RFP replicated efficiently in vitro and in vivo , was efficiently transmitted among pigs, and produced lethal disease outcomes. However, the diarrheic scores in icPEDV-ΔORF3-RFP-infected pigs were lower than those in wild-type-virus- or icPEDV-infected pigs, and the virus formed smaller plaques than those of PC22A. Together, these data describe the development of a robust reverse-genetics platform for identifying genetic factors that regulate pathogenic outcomes and transmission efficiency in vivo , providing key infrastructural developments for developing and evaluating the efficacy of live attenuated vaccines and therapeutics in a clinical setting. IMPORTANCE Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) emerged in the United States in 2013 and has since killed 10% of U.S. farm pigs. Though the disease has been circulating internationally for decades, the lack of a rapid reverse-genetics platform for manipulating PEDV and identifying genetic factors that impact transmission and virulence has hindered the study of this important agricultural disease. Here, we present a DNA-based infectious-clone system that replicates the pathogenesis of circulating U.S. strain PC22A both in vitro and in piglets. This infectious clone can be used both to study the genetics, virulence, and transmission of PEDV coronavirus and to inform the creation of a live attenuated PEDV vaccine

    Glycosylation of Mouse DPP4 Plays a Role in Inhibiting Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection

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    Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) utilizes dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) as an entry receptor. Mouse DPP4 (mDPP4) does not support MERS-CoV entry; however, changes at positions 288 and 330 can confer permissivity. Position 330 changes the charge and glycosylation state of mDPP4. We show that glycosylation is a major factor impacting DPP4 receptor function. These results provide insight into DPP4 species-specific differences impacting MERS-CoV host range and may inform MERS-CoV mouse model development

    A strong association between mefloquine and halofantrine resistance and amplification, overexpression, and mutation in the P-glycoprotein gene homolog (pfmdr) of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro

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    Stepwise selection for increased mefloquine resistance in a line of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro resulted in increased resistance to halofantrine and quinine, increased sensitivity to chloroquine, and amplification and overexpression of the P-glycoprotein gene homolog (pfmdr1). A point mutation (tyrosine to phenylalanine) noted at amino acid 86 in pfmdr1 in the mefloquine-resistant line W2mef was amplified in more resistant lines derived from it by in vitro selection pressure with mefloquine. Conversely, lines selected for increased chloroquine resistance exhibited a revertant phenotype that was sensitive to mefloquine and halofantrine. These lines also demonstrated increased sensitivity to quinine, loss of amplification of pfmdr1, loss of the mefloquine/halofantrine phenylalanine-86 mutation, and selection for a tyrosine-86 mutation previously associated with chloroquine resistance. These findings provide strong evidence for pfmdr1 mediating cross-resistance to halofantrine and mefloquine in P. falciparum in vitro

    Attenuation and Restoration of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Mutant Lacking 2'-O-Methyltransferase Activity

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    The sudden emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002 and, more recently, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome CoV (MERS-CoV) underscores the importance of understanding critical aspects of CoV infection and pathogenesis. Despite significant insights into CoV cross-species transmission, replication, and virus-host interactions, successful therapeutic options for CoVs do not yet exist. Recent identification of SARS-CoV NSP16 as a viral 2′-O-methyltransferase (2′-O-MTase) led to the possibility of utilizing this pathway to both attenuate SARS-CoV infection and develop novel therapeutic treatment options. Mutations were introduced into SARS-CoV NSP16 within the conserved KDKE motif and effectively attenuated the resulting SARS-CoV mutant viruses both in vitro and in vivo. While viruses lacking 2′-O-MTase activity had enhanced sensitivity to type I interferon (IFN), they were not completely restored in their absence in vivo. However, the absence of either MDA5 or IFIT1, IFN-responsive genes that recognize unmethylated 2′-O RNA, resulted in restored replication and virulence of the dNSP16 mutant virus. Finally, using the mutant as a live-attenuated vaccine showed significant promise for possible therapeutic development against SARS-CoV. Together, the data underscore the necessity of 2′-O-MTase activity for SARS-CoV pathogenesis and identify host immune pathways that mediate this attenuation. In addition, we describe novel treatment avenues that exploit this pathway and could potentially be used against a diverse range of viral pathogens that utilize 2′-O-MTase activity to subvert the immune system

    The nsp1, nsp13, and M Proteins Contribute to the Hepatotropism of Murine Coronavirus JHM.WU

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    ABSTRACT Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) isolates JHM.WU and JHM.SD promote severe central nervous system disease. However, while JHM.WU replicates robustly and induces hepatitis, JHM.SD fails to replicate or induce pathology in the liver. These two JHM variants encode homologous proteins with few polymorphisms, and little is known about which viral proteins(s) is responsible for the liver tropism of JHM.WU. We constructed reverse genetic systems for JHM.SD and JHM.WU and, utilizing these full-length cDNA clones, constructed chimeric viruses and mapped the virulence factors involved in liver tropism. Exchanging the spike proteins of the two viruses neither increased replication of JHM.SD in the liver nor attenuated JHM.WU. By further mapping, we found that polymorphisms in JHM.WU structural protein M and nonstructural replicase proteins nsp1 and nsp13 are essential for liver pathogenesis. M protein and nsp13, the helicase, of JHM.WU are required for efficient replication in vitro and in the liver in vivo . The JHM.SD nsp1 protein contains a K194R substitution of Lys194, a residue conserved among all other MHV strains. The K194R polymorphism has no effect on in vitro replication but influences hepatotropism, and introduction of R194K into JHM.SD promotes replication in the liver. Conversely, a K194R substitution in nsp1 of JHM.WU or A59, another hepatotropic strain, significantly attenuates replication of each strain in the liver and increases IFN-β expression in macrophages in culture. Our data indicate that both structural and nonstructural proteins contribute to MHV liver pathogenesis and support previous reports that nsp1 is a Betacoronavirus virulence factor. IMPORTANCE The Betacoronavirus genus includes human pathogens, some of which cause severe respiratory disease. The spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) into human populations demonstrates the zoonotic potential of emerging coronaviruses, and there are currently no vaccines or effective antivirals for human coronaviruses. Thus, it is important to understand the virus-host interaction that regulates coronavirus pathogenesis. Murine coronavirus infection of mice provides a useful model for the study of coronavirus-host interactions, including the determinants of tropism and virulence. We found that very small changes in coronavirus proteins can profoundly affect tropism and virulence. Furthermore, the hepatotropism of MHV-JHM depends not on the spike protein and viral entry but rather on a combination of the structural protein M and nonstructural replicase-associated proteins nsp1 and nsp13, which are conserved among betacoronaviruses. Understanding virulence determinants will aid in the design of vaccines and antiviral strategies

    Molecular Determinants of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Pathogenesis and Virulence in Young and Aged Mouse Models of Human Disease

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    SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) causes severe acute respiratory tract disease characterized by diffuse alveolar damage and hyaline membrane formation. This pathology often progresses to acute respiratory distress (such as acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]) and atypical pneumonia in humans, with characteristic age-related mortality rates approaching 50% or more in immunosenescent populations. The molecular basis for the extreme virulence of SARS-CoV remains elusive. Since young and aged (1-year-old) mice do not develop severe clinical disease following infection with wild-type SARS-CoV, a mouse-adapted strain of SARS-CoV (called MA15) was developed and was shown to cause lethal infection in these animals. To understand the genetic contributions to the increased pathogenesis of MA15 in rodents, we used reverse genetics and evaluated the virulence of panels of derivative viruses encoding various combinations of mouse-adapted mutations. We found that mutations in the viral spike (S) glycoprotein and, to a much less rigorous extent, in the nsp9 nonstructural protein, were primarily associated with the acquisition of virulence in young animals. The mutations in S likely increase recognition of the mouse angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor not only in MA15 but also in two additional, independently isolated mouse-adapted SARS-CoVs. In contrast to the findings for young animals, mutations to revert to the wild-type sequence in nsp9 and the S glycoprotein were not sufficient to significantly attenuate the virus compared to other combinations of mouse-adapted mutations in 12-month-old mice. This panel of SARS-CoVs provides novel reagents that we have used to further our understanding of differential, age-related pathogenic mechanisms in mouse models of human disease

    Mouse Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Is Not a Functional Receptor for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Infection

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    Human dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (hDPP4) was recently identified as the receptor for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection, suggesting that other mammalian DPP4 orthologs may also support infection. We demonstrate that mouse DPP4 cannot support MERS-CoV infection. However, employing mouse DPP4 as a scaffold, we identified two critical amino acids (A288L and T330R) that regulate species specificity in the mouse. This knowledge can support the rational design of a mouse-adapted MERS-CoV for rapid assessment of therapeutics

    Resolution of diarrhea in an immunocompromised patient with chronic norovirus gastroenteritis correlates with constitution of specific antibody blockade titer

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    Norovirus gastroenteritis in immunocompromised hosts can result in a serious and prolonged diarrheal illness. We present a case of chronic norovirus disease during rituximab-bendamustine chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. We show for the first time a correlation between norovirus strain-specific antibody blockade titers and symptom improvement in an immunocompromised host
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