15 research outputs found

    Estimating the Concentration of Cadmium in the Qayyarah and Kasak Sites and its Impact on the Environment

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    Cadmium recorded a significant superiority in the soil of the Qayyarah site with a peak of (491.744) mg/kg compared to the Kasak site, which showed its highest concentration in the soil of (D1) at (0) metres. The highest value was recorded at (520.217) mg/kg, which indicates high pollution. Compared to the rest of the dimensions, the lowest concentration of cadmium was in the soil (D2) at a distance of (50) meters, amounting to (428,050) mg/kg. While we note that the Qayyarah site recorded the lowest values of cadmium at the distance (S2D2) (50 metres), with a concentration rate of (450.867) mg/kg. As for cadmium, its highest concentration was at the distance (S2D3) (100 metres) and (S2D5). It reached (521.867) mg/kg. While the Kasak site recorded the highest value of cadmium at a distance of (S1D1) (0 metres) with a concentration of (527.667) mg/kg, while the lowest concentration of cadmium was at point (S1D2) (50 metres) with a value of (405.233) mg/kg


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    Contaminated soil samples were collected from the Al-Kasak refinery and Al-Qayyarah refinery in western and southern Nineveh, at specific distances in six dimensions (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300) meters from the source of pollution, to study the concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd and the effect of oil refinery pollutants on some soil pollution standards, in addition to some physical and chemical properties of the soil and their concentrations. The results showed an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the soil near the sources of pollution, with cadmium significantly superior to the Al-Qayyarah site over Al-Kasak site (491.744 mg kg-1) and lead, nickel and manganese recorded a higher concentration at Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah site (166.356, 114.687, 36.487 mg kg-1), respectively. The order of mineral elements in the two study sites was Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. As for the Contamination Factor (CF), it was Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn with values of 684.50, 9.91, 5.13, and 0.1701, where the concentration factor was highly polluted for cadmium and lead, and with significant contamination for nickel, while manganese was low in contamination, cadmium recorded severe pollution at Al-Qayyarah site compared to Al-Kasak site. In contrast, lead, nickel, and manganese were significantly contaminated at the Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah. In addition, the pollution load index (PLI) was at the level of 5.81, 4.67, highly polluted at D1 and D2, while the rest of the percentages were at the level of 2, moderate pollution, Al-Kasak site had the highest pollution (PLI) value of (6.28). At the same time, the ecological risk (ER) averaged (20534.88, 16896.71, 19867.11, 19063.14, 18721.07, 18888.61), which indicates that all the sites had very high pollution. The ecological risk index was also within the limits of very high pollution, with the highest value on D1 recorded (20568.45). The potential ecological risk of cadmium was very high at the Al-Qayyarah site, with a value of (19410.95) compared to the Al-Kasak site, where the ecological risk of lead, nickel, and manganese was very high. The ecological risk indices for the Al-Qayyarah site were higher than the Al-Kasak site. The study aims to estimate the concentration of heavy metals according to environmental indices and the impact of oil refineries on the ecosystem in raising the level of heavy metal concentration. Keywords: soil pollution; contamination factor; pollution load index; ecological risk.   Concentração de metais pesados em solo contaminado com petróleo bruto em duas localidades iraquianas de acordo com índices ambientais de poluição   RESUMO: Amostras de solo contaminado foram coletadas da refinaria Al-Kasak e da refinaria Al-Qayyarah no oeste e sul de Nínive, nas distâncias específicas de 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 300 metros da fonte de poluição. Estudou-se as concentrações dos metais pesados Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd e os seus efeitos em alguns padrões de poluição do solo e em propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na concentração de metais pesados no solo próximo às fontes de poluição, com cádmio significativamente superior em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak (491.744 mg kg-1); chumbo, níquel e manganês apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas em Al-Kasak (166,356, 114,687, 36,487 mg kg-1, respectivamente). A ordem dos elementos minerais nos dois locais de estudo foi Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. Quanto ao Fator de Contaminação (FC), a ordem observada foi Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn com valores de 684,50, 9,91, 5,13 e 0,1701; o fator de concentração indica alta poluição para cádmio e chumbo, e com contaminação significativa para níquel; manganês apresentou baixos fatores de contaminação, e, cádmio gerou o grau de poluição severa em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak. Em contraste, chumbo, níquel e manganês foram significativamente contaminados no local de Al-Kasak em comparação com Al-Qayyarah. Além disso, o índice de carga poluente (PLI) ficou no nível 5,81, 4,67, altamente poluído em D1 e D2, enquanto o restante dos percentuais ficou no nível 2, poluição moderada, o local de Al-Kasak teve a maior poluição (PLI) valor de (6,28). Ao mesmo tempo, o risco ecológico (ER) foi médio (20.534,88, 16.896,71, 19.867,11, 19.063,14, 18.721,07, 18.888,61), o que indica que todos os locais apresentavam poluição muito elevada. O índice de risco ecológico também esteve dentro dos limites de poluição muito elevada, tendo sido registado o valor mais elevado no D1 (20568,45). O risco ecológico potencial do cádmio era muito elevado no local de Al-Qayyarah, com um valor de (19410,95) em comparação com o local de Al-Kasak, onde o risco ecológico de chumbo, níquel e manganês era muito elevado. Os índices de risco ecológico para o sítio Al-Qayyarah foram mais elevados do que para o sítio Al-Kasak. O estudo tem como objetivo estimar a concentração de metais pesados de acordo com índices ambientais e o impacto das refinarias de petróleo no ecossistema na elevação do nível de concentração de metais pesados. Palavras-chave: poluição do solo; fator de contaminação; índice de carga poluente; risco ecológico.Contaminated soil samples were collected from the Al-Kasak refinery and Al-Qayyarah refinery in western and southern Nineveh, at specific distances in six dimensions (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300) meters from the source of pollution, to study the concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd and the effect of oil refinery pollutants on some soil pollution standards, in addition to some physical and chemical properties of the soil and their concentrations. The results showed an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the soil near the sources of pollution, with cadmium significantly superior to the Al-Qayyarah site over Al-Kasak site (491.744 mg kg-1) and lead, nickel and manganese recorded a higher concentration at Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah site (166.356, 114.687, 36.487 mg kg-1), respectively. The order of mineral elements in the two study sites was Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. As for the Contamination Factor (CF), it was Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn with values of 684.50, 9.91, 5.13, and 0.1701, where the concentration factor was highly polluted for cadmium and lead, and with significant contamination for nickel, while manganese was low in contamination, cadmium recorded severe pollution at Al-Qayyarah site compared to Al-Kasak site. In contrast, lead, nickel, and manganese were significantly contaminated at the Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah. In addition, the pollution load index (PLI) was at the level of 5.81, 4.67, highly polluted at D1 and D2, while the rest of the percentages were at the level of 2, moderate pollution, Al-Kasak site had the highest pollution (PLI) value of (6.28). At the same time, the ecological risk (ER) averaged (20534.88, 16896.71, 19867.11, 19063.14, 18721.07, 18888.61), which indicates that all the sites had very high pollution. The ecological risk index was also within the limits of very high pollution, with the highest value on D1 recorded (20568.45). The potential ecological risk of cadmium was very high at the Al-Qayyarah site, with a value of (19410.95) compared to the Al-Kasak site, where the ecological risk of lead, nickel, and manganese was very high. The ecological risk indices for the Al-Qayyarah site were higher than the Al-Kasak site. The study aims to estimate the concentration of heavy metals according to environmental indices and the impact of oil refineries on the ecosystem in raising the level of heavy metal concentration. Keywords: soil pollution; contamination factor; pollution load index; ecological risk.   Concentração de metais pesados em solo contaminado com petróleo bruto em duas localidades iraquianas de acordo com índices ambientais de poluição   RESUMO: Amostras de solo contaminado foram coletadas da refinaria Al-Kasak e da refinaria Al-Qayyarah no oeste e sul de Nínive, nas distâncias específicas de 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 300 metros da fonte de poluição. Estudou-se as concentrações dos metais pesados Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd e os seus efeitos em alguns padrões de poluição do solo e em propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na concentração de metais pesados no solo próximo às fontes de poluição, com cádmio significativamente superior em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak (491.744 mg kg-1); chumbo, níquel e manganês apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas em Al-Kasak (166,356, 114,687, 36,487 mg kg-1, respectivamente). A ordem dos elementos minerais nos dois locais de estudo foi Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. Quanto ao Fator de Contaminação (FC), a ordem observada foi Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn com valores de 684,50, 9,91, 5,13 e 0,1701; o fator de concentração indica alta poluição para cádmio e chumbo, e com contaminação significativa para níquel; manganês apresentou baixos fatores de contaminação, e, cádmio gerou o grau de poluição severa em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak. Em contraste, chumbo, níquel e manganês foram significativamente contaminados no local de Al-Kasak em comparação com Al-Qayyarah. Além disso, o índice de carga poluente (PLI) ficou no nível 5,81, 4,67, altamente poluído em D1 e D2, enquanto o restante dos percentuais ficou no nível 2, poluição moderada, o local de Al-Kasak teve a maior poluição (PLI) valor de (6,28). Ao mesmo tempo, o risco ecológico (ER) foi médio (20.534,88, 16.896,71, 19.867,11, 19.063,14, 18.721,07, 18.888,61), o que indica que todos os locais apresentavam poluição muito elevada. O índice de risco ecológico também esteve dentro dos limites de poluição muito elevada, tendo sido registado o valor mais elevado no D1 (20568,45). O risco ecológico potencial do cádmio era muito elevado no local de Al-Qayyarah, com um valor de (19410,95) em comparação com o local de Al-Kasak, onde o risco ecológico de chumbo, níquel e manganês era muito elevado. Os índices de risco ecológico para o sítio Al-Qayyarah foram mais elevados do que para o sítio Al-Kasak. O estudo tem como objetivo estimar a concentração de metais pesados de acordo com índices ambientais e o impacto das refinarias de petróleo no ecossistema na elevação do nível de concentração de metais pesados. Palavras-chave: poluição do solo; fator de contaminação; índice de carga poluente; risco ecológico

    Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Gaza Strip, Palestine: a Case-Control Study

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the main common cause of cancer mortality among women in the world. This study aims at investigating BC epidemiology and identifying the different risk factors associated and the most affecting ones among women in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. This study was a hospital-based case-control (1: 2), as the study was carried out over the period of October 2014 to February 2015. A total of 105 BC patients, chosen from Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City and European hospital for the south governorate, were the case and compared to 209 women as a control group who matched the cases in age, residence, and with no history of breast problems. The age of the enrolled cases and controlled ranged between 18 to 60 years. The face-to-face interview was conducted during the patient visit to the oncology department and the control visit in their home. The result illustrated that women who had late pregnancy (> 35 years)(odds ratio [OR], 11.56; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.64–81.35), or high body mass index (BMI;≥ 30 kg/m 2)(OR, 4.70; 95% CI, 1.62–13.69), or first-degree family history of BC (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.04–7.20), or hypertensive patients (OR, 12.13; 95% CI, 1.93–76.10), or diabetic (OR, 6.84; 95% CI, 1.77–26.36) were more likely to have increased BC risk. The findings of the present study suggest that positive family history of BC, high BMI, and some common diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus) may be the epigenetic factors promoting the occurrence of BC

    Efficacy and safety of the second in-hospital dose of tranexamic acid after receiving the prehospital dose: double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial in a level 1 trauma center

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    Background: Prehospital administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) to injured patients is increasing worldwide. However, optimal TXA dose and need of a second infusion on hospital arrival remain undetermined. We investigated the efficacy and safety of the second in-hospital dose of TXA in injured patients receiving 1 g of TXA in the prehospital setting. We hypothesized that a second in-hospital dose of TXA improves survival of trauma patients. Methods: A prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized, clinical trial included adult trauma patients receiving 1 g of TXA in the prehospital settings. Patients were then blindly randomized to Group I (second 1-g TXA) and Group II (placebo) on hospital arrival. The primary outcome was 24-h (early) and 28-day (late) mortality. Secondary outcomes were thromboembolic events, blood transfusions, hospital length of stay (HLOS) and organs failure (MOF). Results: A total of 220 patients were enrolled, 110 in each group. The TXA and placebo groups had a similar early [OR 1.000 (0.062–16.192); p = 0.47] and late mortality [OR 0.476 (95% CI 0.157–1.442), p = 0.18].The cause of death (n = 15) was traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 12 patients and MOF in 3 patients. The need for blood transfusions in the first 24 h, number of transfused blood units, HLOS, thromboembolic events and multiorgan failure were comparable in the TXA and placebo groups. In seriously injured patients (injury severity score > 24), the MTP activation was higher in the placebo group (31.3% vs 11.10%, p = 0.13), whereas pulmonary embolism (6.9% vs 2.9%, p = 0.44) and late mortality (27.6% vs 14.3%, p = 0.17) were higher in the TXA group but did not reach statistical significance. Conclusion: The second TXA dose did not change the mortality rate, need for blood transfusion, thromboembolic complications, organ failure and HLOS compared to a single prehospital dose and thus its routine administration should be revisited in larger and multicenter studies. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03846973

    London Trauma Conference 2015

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    Dietary and Lifestyles assessment among Obese Women in Gaza City, Palestine

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    Background: The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Aim: To clarify and figure out food habits and different lifestyle pattern among a sample of Palestinian women attending the nutrition center in the Gaza Strip. Methods: A cross-sectional study involved 116 women were randomly chosen by purposive census sampling. They aged 25 to 60 years with a diagnosis of obesity. The data collected by interview questionnaire that included social factors, lifestyle habits, and health/disease history. Results: Age group variable has distributed significantly (p=0.024), (31.0%) of morbid obese were ≥35 years group compared to (13.5%) of morbid obese amongst the younger group. The higher intakes of legumes (OR: 2.134, P=0.003), nuts (OR: 3.917, P=0.019), eggs (OR: 6.840, P=0.009), fast foods (OR: 4.461, P=0.005), and soda drinks (OR: 2.230, P=0.004) were the risk factors linked to the increased risk of morbid obesity. Moreover, the higher intakes of legumes (OR: 8.439, P=0.011), eggs (OR: 6.900, P=0.041), chips (OR: 5.049, P=0.012), sugar (OR: 2.068, P=0.011), and fast foods (OR: 3.029, P=0.025) are risk factors of chronic diseases. Conclusion: The study identified several lifestyle factors and improper dietary habits associated with obesity among women in Gaza city. There is a great need to change these habits to avoid the increased risk of obesity. Gene-environment interaction can explain the high incidence of obesity. A national plan of action to overcome obesity is urgently needed to reduce its economic and health burde

    Epidemiology of acute diarrheal diseases among Children under five in Gaza Strip: Post war community based study

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    Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old, and is responsible for killing around 760 000 children every year. To study the determinants and the magnitude of acute diarrheal diseases one month after the cessation of the third Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip and to assess its burden among the children under five. This is cross sectional design study. Data has been collected throughout Gaza Strip. The sample size included 705 women from three governorates were surveyed out of five. Eligible women were interviewed using a pre designed, pre tested interview questionnaire. The period ( last month and the point ( 24 hours prevalence rates of diarrheal diseases among children under five years were 46.1% and 17.7% respectively. The Sex of the child had no significant effect on both point and period prevalence of diarrhea. More than sixty percent ( 63.3% of period prevalence of diarrhea was recorded among children that have no exclusive breastfeeding before. There are no significant differences for the point prevalence as a result of introducing the complementary feeding. Period and point prevalence rates of diarrhea were not significantly related to the room number. Both rates were higher for children in homes without refrigerators but only significant for point prevalence. It was found that 62.1% of the mother increased fluid intake, 54% of them used ORS. Drugs like anti diarrhea and herbal drugs were used by ( 61.4% and 40.3% respectively of the participating mothers. Cleaning of drinking water tanks and the domestic tanks have played a role in reducing the occurrence of diarrhea among children under five with highly statistically significant between both of them. It is concluded that there was high point and period prevalence of diarrhoea still exists among children in Gaza Strip. It is recommended to start to search for diarrhoea causes to reduce its incidence

    Epidemiology of acute diarrheal diseases among Children under five in Gaza Strip: Post war community based study

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    Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years old, and is responsible for killing around 760 000 children every year. To study the determinants and the magnitude of acute diarrheal diseases one month after the cessation of the third Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip and to assess its burden among the children under five. This is cross sectional design study. Data has been collected throughout Gaza Strip. The sample size included 705 women from three governorates were surveyed out of five. Eligible women were interviewed using a pre designed, pre tested interview questionnaire. The period (last month) and the point (24 hours) prevalence rates of diarrheal diseases among children under five years were 46.1% and 17.7% respectively. The Sex of the child had no significant effect on both point and period prevalence of diarrhea. More than sixty percent (63.3%) of period prevalence of diarrhea was recorded among children that have no exclusive breastfeeding before. There are no significant differences for the point prevalence as a result of introducing the complementary feeding. Period and point prevalence rates of diarrhea were not significantly related to the room number. Both rates were higher for children in homes without refrigerators but only significant for point prevalence. It was found that 62.1% of the mother increased fluid intake, 54% of them used ORS. Drugs like anti diarrhea and herbal drugs were used by (61.4% and 40.3%) respectively of the participating mothers. Cleaning of drinking water tanks and the domestic tanks have played a role in reducing the occurrence of diarrhea among children under five with highly statistically significant between both of them. It is concluded that there was high point and period prevalence of diarrhoea still exists among children in Gaza Strip. It is recommended to start to search for diarrhoea causes to reduce its incidence