527 research outputs found

    Global classical solutions and large-time behavior of the two-phase fluid model

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    We study the global existence of a unique strong solution and its large-time behavior of a two-phase fluid system consisting of the compressible isothermal Euler equations coupled with compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations through a drag forcing term. The coupled system can be derived as the hydrodynamic limit of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck/isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with strong local alignment forces. When the initial data is sufficiently small and regular, we establish the unique existence of the global HsH^s-solutions in a perturbation framework. We also provide the large-time behavior of classical solutions showing the alignment between two fluid velocities exponentially fast as time evolves. For this, we construct a Lyapunov function measuring the fluctuations of momentum and mass from its averaged quantities

    Finite-time blow-up phenomena of Vlasov/Navier-Stokes equations and related systems

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    This paper deals with the finite-time blow-up phenomena of classical solutions for Vlasov/Navier-Stokes equations under suitable assumptions on the initial configurations. We show that a solution to the coupled kinetic-fluid system may be initially smooth, however, it can become singular in a finite period of time. We provide a simple idea of showing the finite time blow up of classical solutions to the coupled system which has not been studied so far. We also obtain analogous results for related systems, such as isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations, two-phase fluid equations consisting of pressureless Euler equations and Navier-Stokes equations, and thick sprays model

    Global classical solutions of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation with local alignment forces

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    In this paper, we are concerned with the global well-posedness and time-asymptotic decay of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation with local alignment forces. The equation can be formally derived from an agent-based model for self-organized dynamics which is called Motsch-Tadmor model with noises. We present the global existence and uniqueness of classical solutions to the equation around the global Maxwellian in the whole space. For the large-time behavior, we show the algebraic decay rate of solutions towards the equilibrium under suitable assumptions on the initial data. We also remark that the rate of convergence is exponential when the spatial domain is periodic. The main methods used in this paper are the classical energy estimates combined with hyperbolic-parabolic dissipation arguments

    A sharp error analysis for the discontinuous Galerkin method of optimal control problems

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    In this paper, we are concerned with a nonlinear optimal control problem of ordinary differential equations. We consider a discretization of the problem with the discontinuous Galerkin method with arbitrary order r∈Nβˆͺ{0}r \in \mathbb{N}\cup \{0\}. Under suitable regularity assumptions on the cost functional and solutions of the state equations, we provide sharp estimates for the error of the approximate solutions. Numerical experiments are presented supporting the theoretical results

    Cucker-Smale flocking particles with multiplicative noises: stochastic mean-field limit and phase transition

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    In this paper, we consider the Cucker-Smale flocking particles which are subject to the same velocity-dependent noise, which exhibits a phase change phenomenon occurs bringing the system from a "non flocking" to a "flocking" state as the strength of noises decreases. We rigorously show the stochastic mean-field limit from the many-particle Cucker-Smale system with multiplicative noises to the Vlasov-type stochastic partial differential equation as the number of particles goes to infinity. More precisely, we provide a quantitative error estimate between solutions to the stochastic particle system and measure-valued solutions to the expected limiting stochastic partial differential equation by using the Wasserstein distance. For the limiting equation, we construct global-in-time measure-valued solutions and study the stability and large-time behavior showing the convergence of velocities to their mean exponentially fast almost surely

    A hydrodynamic model for synchronization phenomena

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    We present a new hydrodynamic model for synchronization phenomena which is a type of pressureless Euler system with nonlocal interaction forces. This system can be formally derived from the Kuramoto model with inertia, which is a classical model of interacting phase oscillators widely used to investigate synchronization phenomena, through a kinetic description under the mono-kinetic closure assumption. For the proposed system, we first establish local-in-time existence and uniqueness of classical solutions. For the case of identical natural frequencies, we provide synchronization estimates under suitable assumptions on the initial configurations. We also analyze critical thresholds leading to finite-time blow-up or global-in-time existence of classical solutions. In particular, our proposed model exhibits the finite-time blow-up phenomenon, which is not observed in the classical Kuramoto models, even with a smooth distribution function for natural frequencies. Finally, we numerically investigate synchronization, finite-time blow-up, phase transitions, and hysteresis phenomena.Comment: 40 pages, 37 figure

    Collective behavior models with vision geometrical constraints: truncated noises and propagation of chaos

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    We consider large systems of stochastic interacting particles through discontinuous kernels which has vision geometrical constrains. We rigorously derive a Vlasov-Fokker-Planck type of kinetic mean-field equation from the corresponding stochastic integral inclusion system. More specifically, we construct a global-in-time weak solution to the stochastic integral inclusion system and derive the kinetic equation with the discontinuous kernels and the inhomogeneous noise strength by employing the 1-Wasserstein distance

    Hydrodynamic Cucker-Smale model with normalized communication weights and time delay

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    We study a hydrodynamic Cucker-Smale-type model with time delay in communication and information processing, in which agents interact with each other through normalized communication weights. The model consists of a pressureless Euler system with time delayed non-local alignment forces. We resort to its Lagrangian formulation and prove the existence of its global in time classical solutions. Moreover, we derive a sufficient condition for the asymptotic flocking behavior of the solutions. Finally, we show the presence of a critical phenomenon for the Eulerian system posed in the spatially one-dimensional setting

    Global existence of weak solutions for Navier-Stokes-BGK system

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    In this paper, we study the global well-posedness of a coupled system of kinetic and fluid equations. More precisely, we establish the global existence of weak solutions for Navier-Stokes-BGK system consisting of the BGK model of Boltzmann equation and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled through a drag forcing term. This is achieved by combining weak compactness of the particle interaction operator based on Dunford-Pettis theorem, strong compactness of macroscopic fields of the kinetic part relied on velocity averaging lemma and a high order moment estimate, and strong compactness of the fluid part by Aubin-Lions lemma

    Large friction limit of pressureless Euler equations with nonlocal forces

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    We rigorously show a large friction limit of hydrodynamic models with alignment, attractive, and repulsive effects. More precisely, we consider pressureless Euler equations with nonlocal forces and provide a quantitative estimate of large friction limit to a continuity equation with nonlocal velocity fields, which is often called an aggregation equation. Our main strategy relies on the relative entropy argument combined with the estimate of pp-Wasserstein distance between densities
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