4,721 research outputs found

    Imaging slow failure in triaxially deformed Etna basalt using 3D acoustic-emission location and X-ray computed tomography

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    We have deformed basalt from Mount Etna (Italy) in triaxial compression tests under an effective confining pressure representative of conditions under a volcanic edifice (40 MPa), and at a constant strain rate of 5 similar to 10(-6) s(-1). Despite containing a high level of pre-existing microcrack damage, Etna basalt retains a high strength of 475 MPa. We have monitored the complete deformation cycle through contemporaneous measurements of axial strain, pore volume change, compressional wave velocity change and acoustic emission (AE) output. We have been able to follow the complete evolution of the throughgoing shear fault without recourse to any artificial means of slowing the deformation. Locations of AE events over time yields an estimate of the fault propagation velocity of between 2 and 4 mm. s(-1). We also find excellent agreement between AE locations and post-test images from X-ray microtomography scanning that delineates deformation zone architecture

    Imaging compaction band propagation in Diemelstadt sandstone using acoustic emission locations

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    We report results from a conventional triaxial test performed on a specimen of Diemelstadt sandstone under an effective confining pressure of 110 MPa; a value sufficient to induce compaction bands. The maximum principal stress was applied normal to the visible bedding so that compaction bands propagated parallel to bedding. The spatio-temporal distribution of acoustic emission events greater than 40 dB in amplitude, and associated with the propagation of the first compaction band, were located in 3D, to within +/- 2 mm, using a Hyperion Giga-RAM recorder. Event magnitudes were used to calculate the seismic b- value at intervals during band growth. Results show that compaction bands nucleate at the specimen edge and propagate across the sample at approximately 0.08 mm s(-1). The seismic b-value does not vary significantly during deformation, suggesting that compaction band growth is characterized by small scale cracking that does not change significantly in scale

    Laboratory simulation of fluid-driven seismic sequences in shallow crustal conditions

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    [1] We report new laboratory simulations of fluid‐induced seismicity on pre‐existing faults in sandstone. By introducing pore pressure oscillations, faults were activated or reactivated to generate seismic sequences. These sequences were analysed using a slip‐forecast model. Furthermore, field data from the Monticello reservoir was used to verify the model. Our results suggest that short‐term forecasting is reliant upon the final stages when crack communication begins, limiting reservoir‐induced seismicity (RIS) forecasting strategies to short periods. In addition, our laboratory data confirms the general accuracy and robustness of short‐term forecast techniques dealing with natural crack‐linkage processes, whether strain driven or fluid driven, ranging from volcanic hazard mitigation to episodic tremors and slips. Finally, oscillating pore pressure can prolong the period of fluid‐induced seismicity, and the aftershock decay rate is slower than that without oscillations

    Laboratory simulation of fluid-driven seismic sequences in shallow crustal conditions

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    [1] We report new laboratory simulations of fluid‐induced seismicity on pre‐existing faults in sandstone. By introducing pore pressure oscillations, faults were activated or reactivated to generate seismic sequences. These sequences were analysed using a slip‐forecast model. Furthermore, field data from the Monticello reservoir was used to verify the model. Our results suggest that short‐term forecasting is reliant upon the final stages when crack communication begins, limiting reservoir‐induced seismicity (RIS) forecasting strategies to short periods. In addition, our laboratory data confirms the general accuracy and robustness of short‐term forecast techniques dealing with natural crack‐linkage processes, whether strain driven or fluid driven, ranging from volcanic hazard mitigation to episodic tremors and slips. Finally, oscillating pore pressure can prolong the period of fluid‐induced seismicity, and the aftershock decay rate is slower than that without oscillations

    Laboratory Simulation of Volcano Seismicity

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    The physical processes generating seismicity within volcanic edifices are highly complex and not fully understood. We report results from a laboratory experiment in which basalt from Mount Etna volcano (Italy) was deformed and fractured. The experiment was monitored with an array of transducers around the sample to permit full-waveform capture, location, and analysis of microseismic events. Rapid post-failure decompression of the water-filled pore volume and damage zone triggered many low-frequency events, analogous to volcanic long-period seismicity. The low frequencies were associated with pore fluid decompression and were located in the damage zone in the fractured sample; these events exhibited a weak component of shear (double-couple) slip, consistent with fluid-driven events occurring beneath active volcanoes

    Laboratory simulations of fluid/gas induced micro-earthquakes: application to volcano seismology

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    Understanding different seismic signals recorded in active volcanic regions allows geoscientists to derive insight into the processes that generate them. A key type is known as Low Frequency or Long Period (LP) event, generally understood to be generated by different fluid types resonating in cracks and faults. The physical mechanisms of these signals have been linked to either resonance/turbulence within fluids, or as a result of fluids “sloshing” due to a mixture of gas and fluid being present in the system. Less well understood, however, is the effect of the fluid type (phase) on the measured signal. To explore this, we designed an experiment in which we generated a precisely controlled liquid to gas transition in a closed system by inducing rapid decompression of fluid-filled fault zones in a sample of basalt from Mt. Etna Volcano, Italy. We find that fluid phase transition is accompanied by a marked frequency shift in the accompanying microseismic dataset that can be compared to volcano seismic data. Moreover, our induced seismic activity occurs at pressure conditions equivalent to hydrostatic depths of 200–750 m. This is consistent with recently measured dominant frequencies of LP events and with numerous models

    Observation of the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Microscopic Acoustic Crackling Noises

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    Characterizing the fast evolution of microstructural defects is key to understanding “crackling” phenomena during the deformation of solid materials. For example, it has been proposed using atomistic simulations of crack propagation in elastic materials that the formation of a nonlinear hyperelastic or plastic zone around moving crack tips controls crack velocity. To date, progress in understanding the physics of this critical zone has been limited due to the lack of data describing the complex physical processes that operate near microscopic crack tips. We show, by analyzing many acoustic emission events during rock deformation experiments, that the signature of this nonlinear zone maps directly to crackling noises. In particular, we characterize a weakening zone that forms near the moving crack tips using functional networks and we determine the scaling law between the formation of damages (defects) and the traversal rate across the critical point of transition. Moreover, we show that the correlation length near the transition remains effectively frozen. This is the main underlying hypothesis behind the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) and the obtained power-law scaling verifies the main prediction of KZM

    Street trees reduce the negative effects of urbanization on birds

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    The effects of streets on biodiversity is an important aspect of urban ecology, but it has been neglected worldwide. Several vegetation attributes (e.g. street tree density and diversity) have important effects on biodiversity and ecological processes. In this study, we evaluated the influences of urban vegetationÐrepresented by characteristics of street trees (canopy size, proportion of native tree species and tree species richness)Ðand characteristics of the landscape (distance to parks and vegetation quantity), and human impacts (human population size and exposure to noise) on taxonomic data and functional diversity indices of the bird community inhabiting streets. The study area was the southern region of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil), a largely urbanized city in the understudied Neotropical region. Bird data were collected on 60 point count locations distributed across the streets of the landscape. We used a series of competing GLM models (using Akaike's information criterion for small sample sizes) to assess the relative contribution of the different sets of variables to explain the observed patterns. Seventy-three bird species were observed exploiting the streets: native species were the most abundant and frequent throughout this landscape. The bird community's functional richness and Rao's Quadratic Entropy presented values lower than 0.5. Therefore, this landscape was favoring few functional traits. Exposure to noise was the most limiting factor for this bird community. However, the average size of arboreal patches and, especially the characteristics of street trees, were able to reduce the negative effects of noise on the bird community. These results show the importance of adequately planning the urban afforestation process: increasing tree species richness, preserving large trees and planting more native trees species in the streets are management practices that will increase bird species richness, abundance and community functional aspects and consequently improve human wellbeing and quality of life

    Modeling the permeability evolution of microcracked rocks from elastic wave velocity inversion at elevated isostatic pressure

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    [1] A key consequence of the presence of microcracks within rock is their significant influence upon elastic anisotropy and transport properties. Here two rock types (a basalt and a granite) with contrasting microstructures, dominated by microcracks, have been investigated using an advanced experimental arrangement capable of measuring porosity, P wave velocity, S wave velocity, and permeability contemporaneously at effective pressures up to 100 MPa. Using the Kachanov (1994) noninteractive effective medium theory, the measured elastic wave velocities are inverted using a least squares fit, permitting the recovery of the evolution of crack density and aspect ratio with increasing isostatic pressure. Overall, the agreement between measured and predicted velocities is good, with average error less than 0.05 km/s. At larger scales and above the percolation threshold, macroscopic fluid flow also depends on the crack density and aspect ratio. Using the permeability model of Guéguen and Dienes (1989) and the crack density and aspect ratio recovered from the elastic wave velocity inversion, we successfully predict the evolution of permeability with pressure for direct comparison with the laboratory measurements. We also calculate the evolution of the crack porosity with increasing isostatic pressure, on the basis of the calculated crack density, and compare this directly with the experimentally measured porosity. These combined experimental and modeling results illustrate the importance of understanding the details of how rock microstructures change in response to an external stimulus when predicting the simultaneous evolution of rock physical properties
