3,352 research outputs found

    Top-charm associated production at hadron colliders in the standard model with large extra dimensions

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    The precise calculations are carried out on the flavor changing neutral current couplings in the process pp→gg→tcˉ(tˉc)pp \to gg \to t\bar{c}(\bar{t}c) at the large hadron collider(LHC) and very large hadron collider(VLHC) in both frameworks of the minimal standard model(MSM) and its extension with extra dimensions. We find that the effects from the large extra dimensions can enhance the total cross section up to about several hundred times as that in the MSM, quantitatively.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    WWΞ³/ZWW\gamma/Z production in the Randall-Sundrum model at LHC and CLIC

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    We study the W+Wβˆ’Ξ³(Z)W^+W^-\gamma(Z) productions at both the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) in the framework of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model. The impacts of the virtual RS Kaluza-Klein (KK) graviton on these processes are studied and compared with the standard model (SM) background. We present the integrated and differential cross sections in both the RS model and the SM. The results show that the relative RS discrepancies at the CLIC differ from those at the LHC, particularly in the transverse momentum and rapidity distributions. We also find that the RS signature performance, as a result of the resonance character of the RS KK-graviton spectrum, is distinctively unlike that in the large extra dimensions model. We conclude that the CLIC with unprecedented precision and high center-of-mass energy has a potential advantage over the LHC in exploring the effects of the RS KK graviton on the W+Wβˆ’Ξ³(Z)W^+W^-\gamma(Z) production processes.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figure

    Associated production of graviton with e+eβˆ’e^+e^- pair via photon-photon collisions at a linear collider

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    We investigate the process \rreeG at the future International Linear Collider(ILC), where G_n is the Kaluza-Klein graviton in the Large Extra Dimension Model. When the fundamental energy scale is of a few TeV{\rm TeV}, the cross section of this process can reach several hundred fb at a photon-photon collider with s=500∼1000GeV\sqrt{s}=500 \sim 1000 GeV, and the cross section in J=2 polarized photon collision mode is much larger than that in J=0 polarized photon collision mode. We present strategies to distinguish the graviton signal from numerous SM backgrounds, and find that the graviton signal with extra dimensions Ξ΄=3\delta=3 can be detected when MS≀2.67(1.40)TeV{\rm M_S} \le 2.67(1.40) {\rm TeV} and Ξ³Ξ³\gamma \gamma c.m.s. energy s=1000(500)GeV\sqrt{s}=1000(500) {\rm GeV} in unpolarized photon collision mode, while the detecting upper limit can be increased to 2.79(1.44) TeV{\rm TeV} in +βˆ’+ - (Ξ»1=1\lambda_1=1, Ξ»2=βˆ’1\lambda_2=-1) polarized photon collision mode(with photon polarization efficiency PΞ³=0.9P_{\gamma}=0.9).Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Double Higgs boson production and decay in Randall-Sundrum model at hadron colliders

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    We investigate the double Higgs production and decay at the 14 TeV14~ {\rm TeV} LHC and 33 TeV33~ {\rm TeV} HE-LHC in both the standard model and Randall-Sundrum (RS) model. In our calculation we consider reasonably only the contribution of the lightest two Kaluza-Klein (KK) gravitons. We present the integrated cross sections and some kinematic distributions in both models. Our results show that the RS effect in the vicinities of MHH∼M1M_{HH} \sim M_{1}, M2M_{2} (the masses of the lightest two KK gravitons) or in the central Higgs rapidity region is quite significant, and can be extracted from the heavy SM background by imposing proper kinematic cuts on final particles. We also study the dependence of the cross section on the RS model parameters, the first KK graviton mass M1M_1 and the effective coupling c0c_0, and find that the RS effect is reduced obviously with the increment of M1M_1 or decrement of c0c_0.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Topological phases of spinless pp-orbital fermions in zigzag optical lattices

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    Motivated by the experiment [St-Jean {\it et al}., Nature Photon. {\bf 11}, 651 (2017)] on topological phases with collective photon modes in a zigzag chain of polariton micropillars, we study spinless pp-orbital fermions with local interorbital hoppings and repulsive interactions between pxp_x and pyp_y bands in zigzag optical lattices. We show that spinless pp-band fermions in zigzag optical lattices can mimic the interacting Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model and the effective transverse field Ising model in the presence of local hoppings. We analytically and numerically discuss the ground-state phases and quantum phase transitions of the model. This work provides a simple scheme to simulate topological phases and the quench dynamics of many-body systems in optical lattices.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    NLO QCD and electroweak corrections to ZZ+jetZZ+{\rm jet} production with ZZ-boson leptonic decays at LHC

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    In this paper we present the full NLO QCD + NLO EW corrections to the ZZ-boson pair production in association with a hard jet at the LHC. The subsequent ZZ-boson leptonic decays are included by adopting both the naive NWA and MadSpin methods for comparison. Since the ZZ+jetZZ+{\rm jet} production is an important background for single Higgs boson production and new physics search at hadron colliders, the theoretical predictions with high accuracy for the hadronic production of ZZ+jetZZ+{\rm jet} are necessary. We present the numerical results of the integrated cross section and various kinematic distributions of final particles, and conclude that it is necessary to take into account the spin correlation and finite width effects from the ZZ-boson leptonic decays. We also find that the NLO EW correction is quantitatively nonnegligible in matching the experimental accuracy at the LHC, particularly is significant in high transverse momentum region.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Searching for Ο„β†’ΞΌΞ³\tau \rightarrow \mu \gamma lepton-flavor-violating decay at super charm-tau factory

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    We investigate the possibility of searching the lepton-flavor-violating (LFV) Ο„β†’ΞΌΞ³\tau\rightarrow \mu\gamma rare decay at the Super Charm-Tau Factory (CTF). By comparing the kinematic distributions of the LFV signal and the standard model (SM) background, we develop an optimized event selection criteria which can significantly reduce the background events. It is concluded that new 2Οƒ2 \sigma upper limit of about 1.9Γ—10βˆ’91.9 \times 10^{-9} on Br(Ο„β†’ΞΌΞ³)Br(\tau \rightarrow \mu \gamma) can be obtained at the CTF, which is beyond the capability of Super-B factory in searching Ο„\tau lepton rare decay. Within the framework of the scalar leptoquark model, a joint constraint on Ξ»1Ξ»2\lambda_1 \lambda_2 and MLQM_{LQ} can be derived from the upper bound on Br(Ο„β†’ΞΌΞ³)Br(\tau \rightarrow \mu \gamma). With 1000Β fbβˆ’11000~ fb^{-1} data expected at the CTF, we get Ξ»1Ξ»2<7.2Γ—10βˆ’2Β (MLQ=800Β GeV)\lambda_1\lambda_2 < 7.2 \times 10^{-2}~(M_{LQ} = 800~ {\rm GeV}) and MLQ>900Β GeVΒ (Ξ»1Ξ»2=9Γ—10βˆ’2)M_{LQ} > 900~{\rm GeV}~(\lambda_1 \lambda_2 = 9 \times 10^{-2}) at 95%95\% confidence level (C.L.).Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Triple Z0Z^0-boson production in large extra dimensions model at ILC

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    We investigate the effects induced by the interactions of the Kaluza-Klein (KK) graviton with the standard model (SM) particles on the triple Z0Z^0-boson production process at the ILC in the framework of the large extra dimension (LED) model. We present the dependence of the integrated cross sections on the electron-positron colliding energy s\sqrt{s}, and various kinematic distributions of final Z0Z^0 bosons and their subsequential decay products in both the SM and the LED model. We also provide the relationship between the integrated cross section and the fundamental scale MSM_S by taking the number of the extra dimensions (dd) as 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. The numerical results show that the LED effect can induce a observable relative discrepancy for the integrated cross section (Ξ΄LED\delta_{LED}), which can reach the value of 13.1113.11% (9.27%) when MS=3.5(3.8)TeVM_S = 3.5 (3.8) TeV and the colliding energy s=1TeV\sqrt{s} = 1 TeV. We find the relative discrepancy of LED effect can even reach few dozen percent in the high transverse momentum area or the central rapidity region of the final Z0Z^0-bosons and muons.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    WWZ/Ξ³WWZ/\gamma production in large extra dimensions model at LHC and ILC

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    We investigate the effect induced by the Kaluza-Klein (KK) graviton in the W+Wβˆ’Ξ³/ZW^+W^-\gamma/Z production in the framework of the large extra dimensions (LED) model at both the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC). The integrated cross sections and various kinematic distributions in the LED model are presented and compared with those in the standard model. The results show that the contributions from KK-graviton exchange remarkably affect the observables of the triple gauge boson (W+Wβˆ’Ξ³/ZW^+W^-\gamma/Z) production processes at both the ILC and the LHC, particularly either in the high transverse momentum region or in the central rapidity region. We also find that the relative LED discrepancy for the W+Wβˆ’Ξ³/ZW^+W^-\gamma/Z production at the LHC is generally larger than that at the ILC due to the additional LED contribution via gggg fusion subprocess and the KK-graviton exchanging resonant effect induced by the continuous large colliding energy in pppp collision. We conclude that the W+Wβˆ’Ξ³W^{+}W^{-}\gamma and W+Wβˆ’ZW^{+}W^{-}Z productions at the LHC could have the distinct advantage over at the ILC from the aspect of effectively exploring the LED signal in measuring W+Wβˆ’Ξ³/ZW^+W^-\gamma/Z production.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figure

    P-wave excited Bcβˆ—βˆ—B_c^{**} meson photoproduction at the LHeC

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    As an important sequential work of the S-wave Bc(βˆ—)B_c^{(*)} (1S0(3S1)^1S_0(^3S_1)) meson production at the large hadron electron collider (LHeC), we investigate the production of the P-wave excited Bcβˆ—βˆ—B_c^{**} states (1P1^1P_1 and 3PJ^3P_J with J=0,1,2J=0,1,2) via photoproduction mechanism within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD at the LHeC. Generally, the eβˆ’+Pβ†’Ξ³+gβ†’Bcβˆ—βˆ—+b+cΛ‰e^-+P \to \gamma+ g \rightarrow B_c^{**} +b+ \bar{c} process is considered as the main production mechanism at an electron-proton collider due to the large luminosity of the gluon. However, according to our experience on the S-wave Bc(βˆ—)B_c^{(*)} meson production at the LHeC, the extrinsic production mechanism, i.e., eβˆ’+Pβ†’Ξ³+cβ†’Bcβˆ—βˆ—+be^-+P \to\gamma+c \rightarrow B_c^{**} +b and eβˆ’+Pβ†’Ξ³+bΛ‰β†’Bcβˆ—βˆ—+cΛ‰e^-+P \to\gamma+\bar{b} \rightarrow B_c^{**}+\bar{c}, could also provide dominating contributions at low pTp_T region. A careful treatment between these channels is performed and the results on total and differential cross sections, together with main uncertainties are discussed. Taking the quark masses mb=4.90Β±0.40m_b=4.90\pm0.40 GeV and mc=1.50Β±0.20m_c=1.50\pm0.20 GeV into account and summing up all the production channels, we expect to accumulate (2.48βˆ’1.75+3.55)Γ—104(2.48^{+3.55}_{-1.75}) \times 10^4 Bcβˆ—βˆ—(1P1)B_c^{**}({^{1}P_1}), (1.14βˆ’0.82+1.49)Γ—104(1.14^{+1.49}_{-0.82}) \times 10^4 Bcβˆ—βˆ—(3P0)B_c^{**}({^{3}P_0}), (2.38βˆ’1.74+3.39)Γ—104(2.38^{+3.39}_{-1.74}) \times 10^4 Bcβˆ—βˆ—(3P1)B_c^{**}({^{3}P_1}) and (5.59βˆ’3.93+7.84)Γ—104(5.59^{+7.84}_{-3.93}) \times 10^4 Bcβˆ—βˆ—(3P2)B_c^{**}({^{3}P_2}) events at the S=1.30Β TeV\sqrt{S}=1.30~\rm{TeV} LHeC in one operation year with luminosity L=1033{\cal L}= 10^{33} cmβˆ’2^{-2}sβˆ’1^{-1}. With such sizable events, it is worth studying the properties of excited P-wave Bcβˆ—βˆ—B_c^{**} states at the LHeC
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