33 research outputs found

    Role of KIT-Positive Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Urinary Bladder and Possible Therapeutic Target for Overactive Bladder

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    In the gastrointestinal tract, interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) act as pacemaker cells to generate slow wave activity. Interstitial cells that resemble ICCs in the gastrointestinal tract have been identified by their morphological characteristics in the bladder. KIT is used as an identification marker of ICCs. ICCs in the bladder may be involved in signal transmission between smooth muscle bundles, from efferent nerves to smooth muscles, and from the urothelium to afferent nerves. Recent research has suggested that not only the disturbance of spontaneous contractility caused by altered detrusor ICC signal transduction between nerves and smooth muscle cells but also the disturbance of signal transduction between urothelial cells and sensory nerves via suburothelial ICC may induce overactive bladder (OAB). Recent reports have suggested that KIT is not only a detection marker of these cells, but also may play a crucial role in the control of bladder function. Research into the effect of a c-kit receptor inhibitor, imatinib mesylate, on bladder function implies that KIT-positive ICCs may be therapeutic target cells to reduce bladder overactivity and that the blockage of c-kit receptor may offer a new therapeutic strategy for OAB treatment, although further study will be needed

    日本-スウェーデン共同南極トラバース2007/2008 実施報告:I. 企画立案・事前準備と科学研究成果の概要

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    南極地域観測第Ⅶ期5か年計画に基づき,2007/2008 年の南極の夏期シーズンに,国立極地研究所を中心とした研究グループは,スウェーデンの研究者グループと共同で,東南極内陸域のドロンイングモードランド地域の内陸部の氷床環境調査を実施した.本報告は,現地調査前に5年間を費やした研究計画の企画検討の経過や行った事前準備と,現地野外観測を終了した後の6年間に得られた研究成果の概要をまとめるものである.本プロジェクトの調査により,南極内陸高原部の氷床環境の時空間分布について,多くの科学的知見が明らかになった.本報告はその概要を報告する.現地調査の実行の経過は別途の報告に記述する.In the seventh five-year plan of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, a group of Japanese scientists (led by the National Institute of Polar Research) together with a group of Swedish scientists, conducted field surveys to better understand the glaciology of the ice sheet in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, during the 2007/2008 austral summer season. This paper reports on the planning and field preparations, and outlines the scientific achievements of the field expedition. We have gained numerous new scientific insights on the spatio-temporal distribution of the ice sheet environment in the inland plateau. Here, we provide an overview of the new knowledge gained

    Distribution and Organization of Auxotrophic Genes on the Multichromosomal Genome of Burkholderia multivorans ATCC 17616

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    The Burkholderia multivorans strain ATCC 17616 carries three circular chromosomes with sizes of 3.4, 2.5, and 0.9 Mb. To determine the distribution and organization of the amino acid biosynthetic genes on the genome of this β-proteobacterium, various auxotrophic mutations were isolated using a Tn5 derivative that was convenient not only for the determination of its insertion site on the genome map but also for the structural analysis of the flanking regions. Analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed that 20 out of 23 insertion mutations were distributed on the 3.4-Mb chromosome. More detailed analysis of the his, trp, arg, and lys mutations and their flanking regions revealed the following properties of these auxotrophic genes: (i) all nine his genes were clustered on the 3.4-Mb chromosome; (ii) seven trp genes were organized within two distinct regions, i.e., a trpEGDC cluster on the 3.4-Mb chromosome and a trpFBA cluster on the 2.5-Mb chromosome; (iii) the leu gene cluster, leuCDB, was also located close to the trpFBA cluster; and (iv) lysA and argG genes were located on the 2.5-Mb chromosome, in contrast to the argH gene, which was located on the 3.4-Mb chromosome. Southern hybridization analysis, allelic exchange mutagenesis of ATCC 17616, and complementation tests demonstrated that all of the genes examined were functional and existed as a single copy within the genome. The present findings also indicated that the 2.5-Mb chromosome carried various auxotrophic genes with no structural or functional counterparts on the remaining two chromosomes