85 research outputs found

    The influence of interest in tasks on the autonomic nervous system

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    Although prior studies have indicated the relationships among decreased parasympathetic activity, schizophrenia, and depression, the physiological effects of psychiatric occupational therapy tasks have not been adequately explored. Therefore, it is necessary to quantitatively examine the physiological changes in the autonomic nervous system when performing such tasks to devise more individualized therapies. Accordingly, we examined the influence of task interest and its relationship with psychological characteristics. The participants included in this study were 22 healthy individuals. They completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, and the Social Phobia Scale. Participants selected the most and least interesting bookmarks from a set of 19 different color options, and indicated their degree of interest on a visual analog scale. An electrocardiogram was used during each task to record participants' cardiac sympathetic index (CSI) and cardiac vagal index (CVI) as they performed two tasks (interesting and uninteresting). The correlations between the degree of interest and CSI/CVI, and between the scores of the questionnaires and CSI/CVI were examined. There was a negative correlation between the degree of interest and CSI during the uninteresting task. Task interest may have contributed to suppressing sympathetic dominance and reducing mental and physiological loads, even if the tasks differed only color-wise. Physiological effects emerged from participants’ degree of task interest. Further identification of objective and therapeutic mechanisms may lead to wider applications of activities in different areas

    IgE受容体を介する刺激に対する好塩基球の形態的変化の顕微鏡的観察. 抗原と抗IgE刺激の特徴とその相違点

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    Differences in morphological changes of basophils between antigen and anti-IgE stimulation were examined in atopic subjects in relation to histamine release. 1. Antigen- induced release of histamine was remarkably more rapid and larger at any incubation time than the release by anit-IgE, and a significant difference was found at 3 to 9 min. 2. Decrease in number of basophils induced by antigen was significantly higher for 12 to 15 min incubation time than that by anti-IgE. 3. Morphological changes of basophils representing increased motility such as an increased ratio of short to long axis diameter (L/S ratio) and an increased incidence of basophils with localized granules (LG) were more often observed in antigen stimulation compared with anti-IgE, and the L/S ratio of the cells was significantly more increased in antigen stimulation at 6 and 15 min. 4. There was no difference in morphological changes of basophils showimg swollen type (degranulation) such as an increased mean diameter (MD) of the cells between antigen and anti-IgE. These results suggest that antigen activates basophils and induces increased motility more strongly than anti-IgE, but the action on degranulation was not different between the two agents.抗原および抗IgE刺激時の好塩基球の形態変化の特徴について,ヒスタミン遊離との関連のもとに,顕微鏡下に経時的に観察した。1.抗原刺激時のヒスタミン遊離は,15分間のincubationのいずれの時期においても,抗IgE刺激に比べ有意に多く,incubation時間3分と9分では両者間に有意の差が見られた。2.抗原刺激時の好塩基球数の減少も抗IgE刺激に比べより高度であった。3.運動亢進により洋梨型を示す抗塩基球では,長径/短径比の増大が見られた。この長径/短径比の増大を示す好塩基球は,抗原刺激時に抗IgE刺激に比べより高頻度に見られ,特にincubation6分と15分では両者間に有意の差が見られた。4.膨化型を示す好塩基球ではその平均直径の増大が見られるが,この平均直径の増大については,抗原と抗lgE刺激との間に差は見られなかった。以上の結果より,抗原刺激では,好塩基球のactivate,運動亢進へ の過程が抗IgE刺激時と比べより高度であるが,膨化への過程には両者間に差が見られないことが示唆された

    Spa therapy for patients with chronic obstructive lung disease

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    Histamine releasse from basophils induced by house dust and C. albicans was examined in 30 patients with bronchial asthma. House dust and C. albicans caused a significant amount of histamine release in subjects with a RAST score to corresponding allergen. A close correlation was found between house dust- and anti-IgE-induced histamine release. However, histamine release induced by C. albicans was considerably different from the release induced by anti-IgE.ハウスダストあるいはカンジダが特異抗原である気管支喘息30例を対象に,それぞれの抗原刺激時の好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離を,抗ヒトIgEによる遊離と比較検討した. 1. ハウスダストが原因抗原である症例の好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離は,抗原刺激時41.8%,抗ヒトIgE刺激時40.8%であった. 2. カンジダが原因抗原である症例の好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離は,抗原刺激時27.1%,抗ヒトIgE刺激時32.2%であった. 3. ハウスダストと抗ヒトIgEによる好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離は,ほぼ同様の値を示した. 一方カンジダと抗ヒトIgEによるヒスタミン遊離の間には有意の 相関関係はみられなかった

    VLBI Astrometry of the Semiregular Variable RX Bootis

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    We present distance measurement of the semiregular variable RX Bootis (RX Boo) with its annual parallax. Using the unique dual-beam system of the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) telescope, we conducted astrometric observations of a water maser spot accompanying RX Boo referred to the quasar J1419+2706 separated by 1.69 degrees from RX Boo. We have measured the annual parallax of RX Boo to be 7.31 +/- 0.50 mas, corresponding to a distance of 136 +10/-9 pc, from the one-year monitoring observation data of one maser spot at VLSR = 3.2 km/s. The distance itself is consistent with the one obtained with Hipparcos. The distance uncertainty is reduced by a factor of two, allowing us to determine the stellar properties more accurately. Using our distance, we discuss the location of RX Boo in various sequences of Period-Luminosity (PL) relations. We found RX Boo is located in the Mira sequence of PL relation. In addition, we calculated the radius of photosphere and the mass limitation of RX Boo and discussed its evolutionary status.Comment: 8 pages, 4figure

    Effect of a serum factor on IgE-mediated histamine release from whole blood.

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    IgE-mediated histamine release from whole blood was analyzed in 44 patients with bronchial asthma by observing maximum present release and dose-response curves of histamine release induced by anti-IgE and house dust extract. The maximum histamine release from whole blood induced by anti-IgE correlated with total serum IgE levels. There was a close correlation between allergen-induced release from whole blood and the serum levels of specific IgE antibodies. In the maximum histamine release from whole blood induced by both anti-IgE and allergen, the interaction with a serum factor was not clearly recognized. Effect of a serum factor was shown in the dose-response curves of anti-IgE-induced histamine release, but not in those of allergen-induced histamine release. The dose-response curves caused by anti-IgE showed that basophils from cases with a high serum IgE level require much more anti-IgE to produce maximum histamine release than basophils from cases with a low serum IgE level. The results showed that IgE molecules contained in the serum participate in anti-IgE-induced histamine release from whole blood.</p

    抗原および Ca ionophore A23187 刺激時におけるアトピー型気管支喘息末梢血好塩基球の運動能

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    We examined histamine release and morphological changes in basophilic granulocytes from atopic subjects, in response to stimulation with antigen and Ca ionophore A23187. 1. Histamine release and a reduction in the rumber of basophils were more rapid and greater in extent at an early stage of antigen stimulation compared with Ca ionophore A23187 stimulation. 2. Morphological changes in basophils, represented by increased motility, in terms of an increased ratio of short to long axis diameter (L/S ratio), as well as the increased frequency of basophils with localized granules and those with pseudopods, were more often observed antigen stimulation than with Ca ionophore A23187 stimulation. In contrast, morphogical changes in which basophils appeared swollen, showing an increased mean cell diameter and an increased frequency of cells with 5 vacuoles or more were more predominant with Ca ionophore A23187 than with antigen stimulation. The results obtained here show that bridging of IgE receptors is essential to activate basophils and induce increased motility in these cells.アトピー型気管支喘息末梢血好塩基球を用い,抗原および Ca ionophore A23187 刺激時のヒスタミン遊離およびその形態的変化について比較検討した。1.抗原刺激時には, Ca ionophore A23187 刺激時に比べ,好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離および好塩基球数の減少の程度は,より急激でかつ高度であった。2.好塩基球の形態的変化,すなわち,長経/短経比の増大,限局性顆粒あるいは偽足を有する好塩基球の出現頻度の増加などの運動能の亢進を示唆する好塩基球の形態的変化は, Ca ionophore A23187 に比べ抗原刺激時により高度であった。一方,平均直径の増大,5個以上の空砲を有する好塩基球の出現頻度の増加などの,むしろ膨化傾向を示唆する好塩基球の形態的変化は,抗原刺激時に比べ, Co ionophore A23187 刺激時により高度であった。これらの結果より,抗原刺激によるIgE受容体のbridgingが,好塩基球を活性化し,運動能の亢進をひき起こすものと判断された

    イデンセイ ニュウガン ニツイテ

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    Hereditary breast cancer and/or ovarian cancer (HBOC) has been closed up in Japan. But few were known about the disease. HBOC is known as a syndrome that causes breast and ovarian cancer at exceptionally high rate in patients who have genetic mutations in BRCA 1 or 2. The population of the Genetic/familial high risk breast and/or ovarian cancer is not low rate even in Japan if compared with the Western population. Important thing is recognize the fact that HBOC is not rare in Japan and perform a screening detailed family history if the patient has family history. We can evaluate the risk by genetic test and offer the preventive strategies like an intensive screening with MRI, chemoprevention and prophylactic mastectomy before the occurrence of cancer for the carrier. Genetic counseling service by the authorized doctor and counselor has been started in our institute. Genetic screening of BRCA1/2 mutation can be taken in Tokushima University Hospital

    好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 3. 抗ヒトIgE に対する好塩基球の反応性と末梢血好酸球増多

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    Histamine release from basophils induced by anti-IgE was examined in 14 asthmatic subjects with blood eosinophilia. The subjects were divided into two groups; group I (with blood eosinophilia, positive skin test and positive RAST to house dust) and group II (with blood eosinophilia, negative skin test to various allergens and negative RAST to house dust). 1. Serum IgE levels in group I were much higher than those in group II. 2. Maximum percent histamine release induced by anti-IgE was much higher in group I than in group II. 3. Dose-response curve of anti-IgE-induced histamine release in group I showed consistent increase as anti-IgE concentrations increased. while, dose-response curve in group II was very low. These findings suggested that blood eosinophilia in group I might be elicited relating to IgE-mediated reaction. However, mechanism causing eosinophilia in group II was not clear in the present study.末梢血好酸球増多を示す気管支喘息14症例について,抗ヒトIgE による好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離を検討した. ハウスダストに対する皮内反応およびRASTが陽性を示す症例群(groupI)では,血清IgE値が高く,また抗ヒトIgEによるMax. % ヒスタミン遊離も高く(50.7士5.0%),そのdoseresponse curveは抗ヒトIgE添加濃度が高くなるにつれて上昇する傾向を示した.一方種々のアレルゲンエキスに対する皮内反応が陰性で,かつRAST も陰性を示す症例群(group II)では,血清IgE値が低く,また抗ヒトIgEによるMax. % ヒスタミン遊離も低く(10.5士1.7%),そのdose-response curveは全般的に低く,抗ヒトIgE添加濃度が高いところではむしろ抑制される傾向を示した

    Efficacy and safety of endoscopic submucosal dissection for gastric tube cancer: A multicenter retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND Recent improvements in the prognosis of patients with esophageal cancer have led to the increased occurrence of gastric tube cancer (GTC) in the reconstructed gastric tube. However, there are few reports on the treatment results of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for GTC. AIM To evaluate the efficacy and safety of ESD for GTC after esophagectomy in a multicenter trial. METHODS We retrospectively investigated 48 GTC lesions in 38 consecutive patients with GTC in the reconstructed gastric tube after esophagectomy who had undergone ESD between January 2005 and December 2019 at 8 institutions participating in the Okayama Gut Study group. The clinical indications of ESD for early gastric cancer were similarly applied for GTC after esophagectomy. ESD specimens were evaluated in 2-mm slices according to the Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma with curability assessments divided into curative and non-curative resection based on the Gastric Cancer Treatment Guidelines. Patient characteristics, treatment results, clinical course, and treatment outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS The median age of patients was 71.5 years (range, 57-84years), and there were 34 men and 4 women. The median observation period after ESD was 884 d (range, 8-4040 d). The median procedure time was 81 min (range, 29-334 min), the en bloc resection rate was 91.7% (44/48), and the curative resection rate was 79% (38/48). Complications during ESD were seen in 4% (2/48) of case, and those after ESD were seen in 10% (5/48) of case. The survival rate at 5 years was 59.5%. During the observation period after ESD, 10 patients died of other diseases. Although there were differences in the procedure time between institutions, a multivariate analysis showed that tumor size was the only factor associated with prolonged procedure time. CONCLUSION ESD for GTC after esophagectomy was shown to be safe and effective