18 research outputs found

    好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 1 自動分析装置による全血からのヒスタミン遊離の測定

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    Histamine released from whole blood was determined by an automated fiuorometric histamine analysis system. The increased release of histamine from basophils by anti-IgE was observed in ten healthy subjects and 12 extrinsic asthma patients, while the release in 11 intrinsic asthma patients was significantly less as compared to that in healthy and extrinsic asthma subjects. House dust extract caused a significant increase in the histamine release from basophils of the extrinsic asthma patients who are sensitive to house dust. It was concluded from this study that histamine released from basophils could be easily determined by an automated analysis system and that the method is useful for the diagnosis and study of allergy.ヒスタミン自動分析装置により,健康人10名,気管支喘息23例の全血からのヒスタミン遊離を測定した. 抗ヒトIgEを添加した際のヒスタミン遊離は,健康人および外因性気管支喘息症例では有意の増加傾向を示したが,一方内因性喘息症例では遊離増加はほとんどみられなかった. ハウスダスト抗原添加では,ハウスダストが抗原である気管支喘息症例においてのみ全血からの有意のヒスタミン遊離の増加が観察された. 以上の結果より,ヒスタミン自動分析装置による全血からの遊離ヒスタミンの測定は,気管支喘息の病態解明の1手段として極めて有用であると考えられる

    好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 2. ハウスダスト抗原および抗ヒトIgEによるヒスタミン遊離

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    IgE-mediated release of histamine from whole blood was examined in two healthy and four asthmatic subjects by dose-dependent fashion. The significantly increased amount of histamine was released from basophils of both healthy and asthmatic subjects by a limited concentration of anti-IgE. Antigen (house dust) caused histamine release only from basophils of asthmatics who are sensitive to house dust. Basophils from one patients with asthma released no significant amount of histamine by anti-IgE.好塩基球からのIgE-mediated histamine releaseの機序を,健康人(2名)および気管支喘息(4例)それぞれの代表例で比較検討した. 抗ヒトIgEの添加濃度別検討では,健康人および外因性喘息例いずれも有意のヒスタミン遊離の増加をしめしたが,Max. % histamine releaseをひきおこす抗ヒトIgEの濃度は比較的限られた範囲内にある傾向がみられた. 一方内因性喘息例では,いずれの抗ヒトIgE濃度でも有意のヒスタミン遊離はみられなかった. ハウスダスト抗原の添加濃度別検討では,ハウスダストが抗原である気管支喘息症例においてdose-dependentなヒスタミン遊離が観察されたが,使用された抗原濃度の範囲ではMax. % releaseをひきおこす至適濃度は明らかでなかった

    Clinical effects of HC 20-511 (ketotifen) in bronchial asthma and its inhibitory effect on antigen-induced morphological changes of basophils

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    Sixty-four patients with confirmed bronchial asthma were treated with HC 20-511 (Ketotifen). HC20-511 was evaluated to be very effective in 6.3%, effective in 50.0% and slightly effective in 10.9% of these patients. The appearance of reactive basophils was inhibited by HC 20-511 in 5 out of 6 cases of reaction to house dust, in all three cases with buckwheat allergy to their allergen and in 7 out of 11 cases to anti-IgE. These results confirm that HC 20-511 inhibits type I allergic reactions induced by specific allergen and IgE.</p

    Numerical changes in blood monocytes in bronchial asthma.

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    Numerical changes in peripheral blood monocytes were examined in 125 patients with bronchial asthma using a new direct method of counting blood monocytes. The number of monocytes in non-attack stages of bronchial asthma was similar to that of healthy controls. The monocyte count observed in overall cases showed a significantly higher value both in pre-attack and attack stages than in non-attack stages. Changes in the number of monocytes in an individual spontaneous asthmatic cycle tended to increase in pre-attack stages, increase more markedly during asthma attacks, then to decrease after the attack was alleviated. Monocytes in cases with a positive test for bronchial challenge to house dust extract changed in almost the same manner as for spontaneous asthma attacks. The number of monocytes did not change during bronchospasm provoked by inhalation of acetylcholine. Exercise-induced asthma patients exhibited indefinite changes of monocytes; that is, some cases showed a significant increase in the number of monocytes related to the asthma cycle, but other cases did not show any appreciable change. These findings suggest that the number of monocytes in the peripheral blood may change in close relation to asthma attacks elicited by allergic reactions.</p

    Clinical problems of long-term steroid regimen for bronchial asthma, with reference to steroid-dependent cases

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    Adverse side effects of steroid therapy were investigated in 32 asthmatic patients. Thirty-two patients were classified into three groups according to steroid therapy for the past five years; group 1 has been treated with continuous steroid therapy, group 2 with occasional steroid therapy and group 3 without steroid therapy. The results were as follows. 1. Group 1 showed a low level of serum cortisol at 8-9 a. m. The serum concentration of cortisol in patients with daily steroid regimen was lower as compared to that in patients with alternateday steroid therapy. 2. The daily profile of serum cortisol was low in the steroid dependent asthmatic patients, and little increase of serum cortisol level after the administration of prednisolone was shown in group 1. 3. Serum IgG and IgM levels were significantly low in steroid dependent asthmatic patients. 4. The level of serum potassium was low in group 1

    A case of anti - neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody-associated vasculitis: Resolution after early diagnosis

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    症例は76歳男性03年前肺気腫と診断された。今回呼吸器リハビリテーション目的で当院に入院の運びとなった。入院時より37-38'Cの発熱を認め,下気道感染を疑い抗生剤で加療したが改善しなかった.入院時の検尿検査で蛋白・潜血陽性であり,血清MPO-ANCAが307U/mlと高値を示した。血清クレアチニン値も徐々に上昇してきたため,MPO-ANCA関連血管炎と診断した.プレドニゾロン投与を開始したところ,症状及び検査所見は速やかに改善した.A 76-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for pulmonary rehabilitation. Three years before admission he was diagnosed as pulmonary emphysema. On the day of admission the patient was febrile[37-38°C]. Initially lower respiratory infection was suspected and antibiotics was given to the patient, but his fever sustained. On admission he presented proteinuria and hematuria and the following examination revealed the high titer [307U/ml] of myeloperoxidase specific anti -neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (MPO-ANCA). A gradual rise in serum creatinine levels after admission was also observed. He was diagnosed as MPO-ANCA associated vasculitis. Prednisolone therapy was started, which improved his symptoms and laboratory data rapidly