37 research outputs found


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    Superconductivity protected by spin-valley locking in ion-gated MoS2

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    Symmetry-breaking has been known to play a key role in noncentrosymmetric superconductors with strong spin-orbit-interaction (SOI). The studies, however, have been so far mainly focused on a particular type of SOI, known as Rashba SOI, whereby the electron spin is locked to its momentum at a right-angle, thereby leading to an in-planar helical spin texture. Here we discuss electric-field-induced superconductivity in molybdenum disulphide (MoS2), which exhibits a fundamentally different type of intrinsic SOI manifested by an out-of-plane Zeeman-type spin polarization of energy valleys. We find an upper critical field of approximately 52 T at 1.5 K, which indicates an enhancement of the Pauli limit by a factor of four as compared to that in centrosymmetric conventional superconductors. Using realistic tight-binding calculations, we reveal that this unusual behaviour is due to an inter-valley pairing that is symmetrically protected by Zeeman-type spin-valley locking against external magnetic fields. Our study sheds a new light on the interplay of inversion asymmetry with SOI in confined geometries, and its unprecedented role in superconductivity.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures, http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/MAR15/Session/G11.1


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    キリスト教からイエスへ ― 芥川龍之介におけるキリスト教観の変遷 ―

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    小児期に膀胱拡大術を施行し,妊娠に伴い腎後性腎不全となった1 例

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    魚木 忠一編「木月遺稿」

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    背教の論理 ― 有島武郎の場合 ―

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