36 research outputs found

    Investigation of symmetric relationship between evaluation of smoothness and roughness in fabric surface images

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the symmetry relationship between evaluation of smoothness and roughness of fabrics and the physical factors related to the evaluations, using a set of images obtained by photographing the surfaces of eight fabrics. These fabric surface images were created by setting the distance between the fabric and the camera at approximately 1 m and gradually reducing the distance for each of the eight fabrics. Based on these images, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the smoothness and roughness of fabrics on a seven-level unipolar scale. Results showed that the evaluation characteristics of fabric smoothness and roughness with consideration of the shooting distance of the fabric surface images differed for each fabric. Furthermore, analysis of the correlation between evaluation of smoothness and roughness of fabrics indicated that symmetry was not established between evaluation of smoothness and roughness of some fabrics

    Drastic shift in flowering phenology of F₁ hybrids causing rapid reproductive isolation in Imperata cylindrica in Japan

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    1. Hybridization is a major source of phenotypic variation and a driving force for evolution. Although novel hybrid traits can often disrupt adaptive relationships between the parental phenotypes and their environments, how new hybrid traits disrupt local adaptation remains unclear. Here, we report how a new phenotype of hybrids between two Imperata cylindrica ecotypes contributes to rapid reproductive isolation from their parents and affects hybrid fitness. 2. We analysed 350 accessions of I. cylindrica collected from the 1980s to the 2010s throughout Japan to explore the genetic population structure of the hybrids. We surveyed the flowering periods, seed set, and germination of two ecotypes and their hybrids in both natural habitats and common gardens. 3. Genetic analyses of population structure revealed that the hybrid populations consisted of only F1 individuals, without advanced generation hybrids. The flowering phenology of the F1 plants was delayed until autumn, 5–6 months later than the parental ecotypes. The drastic shift in flowering phenology prevents F1s from backcrossing. In addition, it changes their seed dispersal time to winter. Germination is inhibited by low temperatures, and the seeds likely decay before the next spring, resulting in the absence of an F2 generation. We identified the environmental mismatch of the F1 population as a specific mechanism for the maintenance of an only F1 population. 4. Synthesis. We have demonstrated that this flowering phenology mismatch promotes reproductive isolation between the parents and F1s and affects various temporal components of the hybrids, resulting in a unique hybrid population consisting only of F1s. This system sheds light on the importance of hybrid traits in driving rapid reproductive isolation

    精神障害者社会復帰施設における精神看護実習の学びの分析 : 地域看護学実習展開の可能性の検討

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    本研究の目的は、看護学生の精神障害者社会復帰施設実習での学びを分析し、そこでの地域看護学実習の展開の可能性を明らかにすることである。看護学生の精神障害者社会復帰施設実習での学びを示す文脈を実習後レポートから抽出し、KJ法により質的に分析した。その結果、学生は支援に必要な対象者・集団の捉え方や自立的な問題解決への支援の必要性、連携に必要不可欠な他職種・他機関の役割・機能、さらには、地域支援における地区組織活動や政策化への提言の必要性についても学んでいた。社会復帰施設での地域看護学実習が保健師教育において有意義であることが示唆された。The purpose of this study was to clarify the learning outcomes of psychiatric nursing practicums in residential care facilities for rehabilitation of the mentally handicapped, and to examine possibilities and problems of community nursing work placement. Post-practicum, self-reported learning outcomes of nursing students were analyzed qualitatively by the KJ-method, revealing that students came to understand the need for interacting with clients in compassionate and encouraging ways and for providing support that enables clients to resolve problems on their own. They also gained an understanding of the essential roles and functions of both specialists and facilities from related fields and an appreciation of the need for cooperation. Additionally, nursing students learned of the need for systematization and policy-making in community care. This suggests that community nursing practicums in residential care facilities for rehabilitation of thementally handicapped have significant benefits for the education of community health nurses


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    本研究では、家庭での養護者による虐待に着目して近年の我が国における高齢者虐待に関する研究の動向を明らかにし、高齢者虐待に関する今後の研究課題について検討した。分析対象とした研究のうち、事例を対象に質的分析を行った研究では具体的な支援や介入の方法が提言されると同時に、対象者との契約にもとづいたサービスを提供する在宅医療・福祉専門職の支援および研究の限界も明らかにされていた。高齢者虐待に関する研究の今後の課題は、1.地域住民の高齢者虐待に対する意識の高揚化および普及啓発2.保健師・精神保健福祉・心理臨床職による支援および介入3.地域支援システムやネットワーク構築の実践、さらにこれらの理論化であることが示唆された。The purpose of this study is to clarify the present state of research on elder abuse in Japan, especially abuse by families. Qualitative studies on cases of abuse suggested concrete methods for support and intervention. Also, limitations of current support and research efforts by home-nurses and social workers were clarified. One of the issues related to research on abuse of the elderly is the need to increase public awareness and provide education about the problem. Another is the implementation of theoretical and practical foundations for the intervention by public health nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists, and for the development and networking of community-based support systems


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    EDTAキレート化合物の理論的研究[安島,三次] 種々のパーフルオロカーボン陽イオンの構造と反応性 [古屋] エネルギー変換と分子認識に関する計算超分子化学の展開[杉本] Elongation method for large systems[Gu,Makowski,Korchowiec,青木] ポリフェノールデンドリマーの化学発光特性及び計算化学による分子構造解析[中園,阿川,南部,財津] 非経験的分子軌道法に基づくN-ドメイン特異的ACE阻害ペプチドの理論的予測とその評価[浦崎,益田] 非経験的分子軌道法による活性アルキル基の反応性の検討Ⅸ溶媒効果を考慮したAljyl NitriteによるIsovalerophenoneのニトロソ化反応機構[池田

    基礎看護学実習I における学生の学び : 実習アンケートの分析から

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    基礎看護学実習Iにおける学生の学びや気づき、達成感などを把握するために実習終了後にアンケート調査を行っており、2年間の調査から以下のような結果を得た。実習到達度には年度差がみられたが、患者とかかわる体験を通して「看護への学びを深めていく動機づけとなる」目的は達成されていた。実習に対する満足感は看護あるいは看護師に対する関心を強化し、学習への動機づけを促進していた。今後の課題として(1).基礎看護学実習1での学生の状況を教員が共有し、次の段階の教育に生かすことができるようにすること(2).演習の効果を向上させるために、グループワークのルールや役割についての指導を行い、グループワークの作業過程を評価すること(3).初めて行う看護体験の個人差を少なくすること(4).体験が成功体験となるような支援の必要性が示唆された。In order to better understand what students learn and perceive, and the sense of achievement they gain from Basic Nursing Practicum I, a yearly study is conducted in the form of a self-reported questionnaire of nursing students after completion of this course. This paper looks at results from the past two years. Although there were differences in course achievement levels between the two years, through their experience of interacting with patients, students were able to achieve the goal of "motivation to learn more about nursing". Students found satisfaction in experiential learning in a clinical situation, which reinforced their interest in nursing and nurses, and strengthened their motivation to learn. The results of the present study suggest as follows: 1) All teachers should share student\u27s state of the basic nursing practicum I, and use it to next stages of various education. 2) In order to improve the effectiveness of nursing practice, it is necessary to give students more guidance about the rules of group work and their individual roles, and to assess group work tasks. 3) Efforts should be made to reduce initial disparities in individual performance due to in experience. 4) It is important to provide enough support so that students have a successful first experience in nursing practice