158 research outputs found

    Complex Impedance Measurements on the Steady State Behaviors of a 10-cell PEFC Stack

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    Experimental studies on the behavior of a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC) stack were conducted by performing complex impedance measurements. Initially, the steady state characteristics of a 10-cell stack were measured, and the power function of the DC current was obtained to represent these characteristics. The frequency properties of the complex impedance apparatus were investigated in order to clarify the limitations of frequency measurement. The components of complex impedance, the real and imaginary parts, were rearranged into two vectors to analyze their frequency responses to power and output DC current

    Stimulation of CK2-dependent Grp94 phosphorylation by the nuclear localization signal peptide.

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    The nuclear localization signal sequence (NLS) of SV40 Large T antigen is essential and sufficient for the nuclear translocation of the protein. Phosphorylation often modulates the intracellular distribution of signaling proteins. In this study, we investigated effects of the NLS-peptide of Large T antigen on protein phosphorylation. When crude cell lysates were incubated with [γ-(32)P]ATP, phosphorylation of several endogenous substrates with molecular masses of 100, 80, 50, and 45 kDa by an endogenous kinase was stimulated by the addition of the wild type NLS-peptide (CPKKKRKVEDP). The mutated NLS-peptide (CPKTKRKVEDP) and the reversed NLS-peptide (PDEVKRKKKPC) are weak in the nuclear localization activity, and they only weakly stimulated phosphorylation of these substrates. The mobility of the 100 kDa phosphoprotein was indistinguishable with that of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident molecular chaperone glucose-regulated protein 94 (Grp94) belonging to the Hsp90 family, and purified Grp94 was phosphorylated by a kinase in cell lysates in an NLS-dependent fashion. The 100 kDa protein was identified as Grp94 by immunoprecipitation and reconstitution experiments. Purification of the NLS-dependent Grp94 kinase by sequential biochemical column chromatography steps resulted in isolation of two polypeptides with molecular masses of 42 and 27 kDa, which were identified as α and β subunit of protein kinase CK2, respectively, by western blotting analysis and biochemical characterization. Moreover, effect of an excess amount of GTP and V8 peptide mapping showed that the NLS-dependent Grp94 kinase in the cell lysate is identical with CK2. Surprisingly purified CK2 did phosphorylate Grp94 even without the NLS-peptide, suggesting that an additional suppressive factor is required for NLS-dependent phosphorylation of Grp94 by CK2. We suggest a possible general role for CK2-catalyzed phosphorylation in the regulation of NLS-dependent protein nuclear translocation

    The role of Importin-βs in the maintenance and lineage commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells

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    AbstractMembers of the Importin-β family recognize nuclear localization signals (NLS) and nuclear export signals (NES). These proteins play important roles in various nucleocytoplasmic transport processes in cells. Here, we examined the expression patterns of 21 identified Importin-β genes in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) and mESCs differentiated into neural ectoderm (NE) or mesoendoderm (ME). We observed striking differences in the Importin-β mRNA expression levels within these cell types. We also found that knockdown of selected Importin-β genes led to suppression of Nanog, and altered the balance of Oct4/Sox2 expression ratio, which is important for NE/ME lineage choice. Furthermore, we demonstrated that knockdown of XPO4, RanBP17, RanBP16, or IPO7 differentially affected the lineage selection of differentiating mESCs. More specifically, knockdown of XPO4 selectively stimulated the mESC differentiation towards definitive endoderm, while concomitantly inhibiting NE differentiation. RanBP17 knockdown also promoted endodermal differentiation with no effect on NE differentiation. RanBP16 knockdown caused differentiation into ME, while IPO7 knockdown inhibited NE differentiation, without obvious effects on the other lineages. Collectively, our results suggest that Importin-βs play important roles in cell fate determination processes of mESCs, such as in the maintenance of pluripotency or selection of lineage during differentiation

    Mutations in fission yeast Cut15, an importin α homolog, lead to mitotic progression without chromosome condensation

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    AbstractChromosome condensation is a major mitotic event [1]. Fission yeast mutations in topoisomerase II and condensin subunits produce the characteristic ‘cut’ phenotypes, in which the septum bisects the nuclear material in the absence of normal condensation and sister chromatid separation [2]. We show here that the same condensation defect is produced in cut15 temperature-sensitive mutants at the restrictive temperature (36 ° C). The gene product of cut15+ is, surprisingly, very similar to importin α[3,4], which binds proteins containing a nuclear localization signal (NLS) and forms the heterodimer with importin β that mediates translocation through the nuclear pore complex [5]. We show that in a nuclear import assay, purified Cut15 protein behaved identically to mammalian importin α but mutant Cut15 did not. Mutant Cut15 failed to bind an NLS-containing protein in vitro but could still bind importin β. Unexpectedly, however, NLS proteins were imported into the nucleus in cut15 mutants. Cut15 is thus essential for mitotic chromosome condensation, but its role in nuclear import might be dispensable. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Cut15 was enriched within the nucleus specifically during prometaphase–metaphase, so the interaction of Cut15 with nuclear NLS proteins during mitosis might be important for condensation

    Microscopic dissection of the process of stress granule assembly

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    AbstractStress granules (SGs) are mRNA triage sites that are formed in response to a variety of cellular stress. To study how SGs bring about the massive spatial compartmentalization, we monitored the localization of various RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) targeted to SGs upon exposure to stress. We discovered that concomitant with the onset of eIF2α phosphorylation, RBPs accumulate locally in the cytoplasm, which leads to increased inter-molecular interactions and the formation of robustly detergent-resistant foci. Subsequently, microtubules (MTs) mediate 1) the ordered spatial organization of SGs and 2) the recruitment of a set of nuclear-localized SG components to the cytoplasm. Meanwhile, MTs did not appear to be required for the maintenance of SG distribution after its assembly. Our data suggest that the process of SG formation is composed of MT-independent and -dependent pathways, which take place sequentially during stress response

    The 70-kD heat shock cognate protein (hsc70) facilitates the nuclear export of the import receptors

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    Transport receptors of the importin β family continuously shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm. We previously reported that the nuclear export of importin β involves energy-requiring step(s) in living cells. Here, we show that the in vitro nuclear export of importin β also requires energy input. Cytosol, depleted of ATP-binding proteins, did not support the sufficient nuclear export of importin β. Further purification revealed that the active component in the absorbed fraction was a 70-kD heat shock cognate protein (hsc70). The addition of recombinant hsc70, but not an ATPase-deficient hsc70 mutant, to the depleted cytosol restored the export activity. In living cells, depletion of hsc70 caused the significant nuclear accumulation of importin β. These effects of hsc70 were observed in the nuclear export of importin β, but also for other import receptors, transportin and importin α. These results suggest that hsc70 broadly modulates nucleocytoplasmic transport systems by regulating the nuclear export of receptor proteins

    Cell type-dependent gene regulation by Staufen2 in conjunction with Upf1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Staufen2 (Stau2), a double-stranded RNA-binding protein, is a component of neuronal RNA granules, which are dendritic mRNA transport machines. Although Stau2 is thought to be involved in the dendritic targeting of several mRNAs in neurons, the mechanism whereby Stau2 regulates these mRNAs is unknown. To elucidate the functions of Stau2, we screened for novel binding partners by affinity purification of GST-tagged Stau2 from 293F cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three RNA helicases, RNA helicase A, Upf1 and Mov10, were identified in Stau2-containing complexes. We focused our studies on Upf1, a key player in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Stau2 was found to bind directly to Upf1 in an RNA-independent manner <it>in vitro</it>. Tethering Stau2 to the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of a reporter gene had little effect on its expression in HeLa cells. In contrast, when the same tethering assay was performed in 293F cells, we observed an increase in reporter protein levels. This upregulation of protein expression by Stau2 turned out to be dependent on Upf1. Moreover, we found that in 293F cells, Stau2 upregulates the reporter mRNA level in an Upf1-independent manner.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results indicate that the recruitment of Stau2 alone or in combination with Upf1 differentially affects the fate of mRNAs. Moreover, the results suggest that Stau2-mediated fate determination could be executed in a cell type-specific manner.</p

    Exportin-5 orthologues are functionally divergent among species

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    Exportin-5, an evolutionarily conserved nuclear export factor belonging to the importin-β family of proteins, is known to play a role in the nuclear export of small noncoding RNAs such as precursors of microRNA, viral minihelix RNA and a subset of tRNAs in mammalian cells. In this study, we show that the exportin-5 orthologues from different species such as human, fruit fly and yeast exhibit diverged functions. We found that Msn5p, a yeast exportin-5 orthologue, binds double-stranded RNAs and that it prefers a shorter 22 nt, double-stranded RNA to ∼80 nt pre-miRNA, even though both of these RNAs share a similar terminal structure. Furthermore, we found that Drosophila exportin-5 binds pre-miRNAs and that amongst the exportin-5 orthologues tested, it shows the highest affinity for tRNAs. The knockdown of Drosophila exportin-5 in cultured cells decreased the amounts of tRNA as well as miRNA, whereas the knock down of human exportin-5 in cultured cells affected only miRNA but not tRNA levels. These results indicate that double-stranded RNA binding ability is an inherited functional characteristic of the exportin-5 orthologues and that Drosophila exportin-5 functions as an exporter of tRNAs as well as pre-miRNAs in the fruit fly that lacks the orthologous gene for exportin-t