204 research outputs found

    Studies on Salt Tolerance of Vegetables : Ⅱ.Sand Culture

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    野菜の耐塩性程度をみ,かつ耐塩性の高い野菜を選ぶ目的で以下の実験をおこなった.NaCl添加培養液を用いて,5科10品種の野菜を砂耕し,収穫時の生育状態や,体内Na,Cl,N,P,K,Ca,Mgの含量を分析した. 耐塩性の強いグループとしてホウレンソウ,シュンギク,体菜などの葉菜があり,8,000mg/l以上のNaCl処理で地上部重が半減した.中間的なグループとして二十日大根,ニンジンの根菜類があり,4,000mg/l-6,000mg/lで根部重が半減した.最も弱いグループとしてアスパラガス,ミツバ,レタスの柔菜類があり,2,000mg/l以下の処理で地上部重が半減した. 体内成分のうちNaとClは処理濃度が高まると共に増加したが,Kは拮抗的に減少する傾向がみられた.特にKは耐塩性の強い野菜に含量が高く,処理による減少も少なかった.N,P,Ca,Mgは処理による変動がほとんどみられなかった.耐塩性の強い野菜は,いずれもNaCl1,000-2,000mg/lで生体重が増加した

    Studies on Salt Tolerance of Vegetables : I. Germination Test

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    高濃度NaClに対する耐性又は非耐性の指標野菜を見出すこと,および或種の野菜の耐塩性程度をできるだけ早く見出す目的で,発芽試験の可能性をみた.7科21品種の野菜種子をシャーレにまき,NaClを0,2,500,5,000および10,000mg/lの水溶液として施与し,適温条件下での発芽率および実験終了時の胚軸長,根長を測定した. その結果根長が最も敏感に反応を示し,次いで胚軸長,発芽率の順であった.耐塩性の強さの順は大体変らなかったので,根長を基準にして3グループに分けた.10,000~5,000mg/lNaCl50%の根長を示す野菜として,ホウレンソウ(パイオニア)と,雪白体菜,縮緬大葉高菜,阿波晩生大根,愛知白菜,小松菜,国富大根などのアブラナ科野菜,およびやや次のグループに近いものとして滝野川大長ゴボウ,光3号P型キュウリ,新黒田五寸人参があげられた.5,000~2,500mg/lで50%になるものにホウレンソウ(ミンスターランド),大葉新菊,クレソン,美縞スイカ,千両ナス,アスパラガス(メリーワシントン500W),浅黄系九条ネギなどがあった.最も弱いグループとして,2,500mg/lで50%以下の根長になるものに,レタス2品種,赤丸二十日大根,強力米寿トマトがあり,特にトマトが弱かった

    Numerical analysis of the magnetic-field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition in two dimensions

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    Ground state of the two-dimensional hard-core-boson model subjected to external magnetic field and quenched random chemical potential is studied numerically. In experiments, magnetic-field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition has already come under through investigation, whereas in computer simulation, only randomness-driven localization (with zero magnetic field) has been studied so far: The external magnetic field brings about a difficulty that the hopping amplitude becomes complex number (through the gauge twist), for which the quantum Monte-Carlo simulation fails. Here, we employ the exact diagonalization method, with which we demonstrate that the model does exhibit field-tuned localization transition at a certain critical magnetic field. At the critical point, we found that the DC conductivity is not universal, but is substantially larger than that of the randomness-driven localization transition at zero magnetic field. Our result supports recent experiment by Markovi'c et al. reporting an increase of the critical conductivity with magnetic field strengthened

    Comparative antitumor activity of 5-fluorouracil and its prodrugs in combination with hyperthermia in vitro.

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    We investigated the antitumor activities of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5'-DFUR), 1-hexylcarbamoyl-5-fluorouracil (HCFU) and 1-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)-5-fluorouracil (FT-207) in combination with hyperthermia in vitro. The antitumor effect of 5-FU (10(-4) M) was slightly enhanced by combination with hyperthermia (42 degrees C) for 2h, and the effect was determined to be additive. Synergistic enhancement of antitumor activity was obtained by the concurrent use of hyperthermia (42 degrees C, 2h) and 5'-DFUR (10(-4) M) or HCFU (10(-5) M). However, the antitumor effect of FT-207 (10(-4) M) in combination with hyperthermia was comparable that of hyperthermia alone. The synergistic enhancement of antitumor activity was not obtained for all drugs when the cells were preheated at 42 degrees C for 2h. On the other hand, when cells were pretreated with drugs before heat exposure, weak interactions were obtained after 5-FU and 5'-DFUR treatment, and a synergistic interaction was obtained after HCFU treatment. It is speculated that the metabolites of 5'-DFUR and HCFU enhance the cytotoxicity of 5-FU, or might change the threshold concentration for a cytotoxic effect of 5-FU in cancer cells.</p

    Three minute, but not one minute, ischemia and nicorandil have a preconditioning effect in patients with coronary artery disease

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    AbstractOBJECTIVESThis study focused on 1) the determination of the optimal preconditioning (PC) duration, and 2) the protective effect of nicorandil (NC), a hybrid nitrate with a Katpchannel opening effect, during a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) model in humans.BACKGROUNDThe ischemic PC effect is induced in 180 s ischemia, but not in 120 s ischemia in rabbit hearts. However, the duration of ischemia that induces PC effect and the role of the Katpchannel in the PC effect in humans are still unclear.METHODSForty-six patients with stable angina were randomly allocated to four groups: the duration of the first inflation as PC ischemia was 60 s in the PC60 group (n = 12), and 180 s in the PC180 group (n = 12). In the other groups, NC (80 μg/kg) was intravenously given for 1 min in the NC group (n = 12), and isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) (40 μg/kg) was given in the ISDN group (n = 10). Five minutes after first inflation or drug administration, a second inflation was conducted for 120 s in each group. In the ECG, the lead with the largest shift in ST segment (deltaST max), and the sum of elevated ST levels in all leads (sigmaST) were determined.RESULTSIn the PC60 group, no significant difference was observed in either deltaST max or sigmaST between the first and second inflation. However, the second inflation in the PC180 group showed significantly lower levels of deltaST max and sigmaST compared with those of the first inflation. In the NC group, both deltaST max and sigmaST measured at 30 s and 60 s after balloon inflation were significantly lower than those of the first inflation in the PC60 and PC180 control groups. In the ISDN group, no significant difference was observed in deltaST max or sigmaST.CONCLUSIONIn human PTCA models, a PC effect is observed in 180 s ischemia, but not in 60 s ischemia. A pharmacological PC effect is induced by NC, a Katpchannel opener with a nitrate-like effect but not ISDN. This suggests that the opening of Katpchannels plays an important role in the protecting effect of NC

    Effects of Subconjunctival Injection of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Antibody on Oxygen-Induced Ischemic Retinopathy in a Neonatal Rat Model

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    The present study investigated the effects of subconjunctival injections of an anti-rat vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) antibody on oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) in a neonatal rat model. OIR was induced by daily cycles of 80% oxygen (20.5h), room air (0.5h), and a progressive return to 80% oxygen (3h) for 12 days [until postnatal day (P) 12]. On P12, rats received subconjunctival injections in their right eye of 0.1 or 1.0μg anti-VEGF antibody (or 1.0μg goat IgG as a control). No injections were made into the left eye. On P18, rats were killed and their retinas were removed and flat-mounted before being stained with adenosine diphosphatase. Retinal neovascularization (NV) was scored and the extent of avascular areas, as a percentage of total retinal area (%AVA), was determined using image analysis. Although there was a tendency for lower mean NV scores in eyes injected with 0.1 and 1.0μg anti-VEGF compared with control (4.3±1.1, 2.3±1.0, and 6.7±1.3, respectively; n=10-13), the difference failed to reach statistical significance. Similarly, although there was a tendency for mean %AVA to be lower in the injected eyes for both the 0.1 and 1.0μg anti-VEGF groups compared with control (15±3%, 13±3%, and 25±4%, respectively; n=10-13), the differences were not significant. Similar tendencies were observed in the contralateral eyes. Although further studies using larger numbers of rats are needed to obtain statistically significant results, the results of the present study suggest that the subconjunctival injection of anti-VEGF antibody may prove to be a useful route of administration in conjunction with intravitreal injections, which are the generally used method at present. However, careful attention should be paid to the possibility of systemic side effects

    HER2 G776S mutation promotes oncogenic potential in colorectal cancer cells when accompanied by loss of APC function

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    Clinical cancer genome sequencing detects oncogenic variants that are potential targets for cancer treatment, but it also detects variants of unknown significance. These variants may interact with each other to influence tumor pathophysiology, however, such interactions have not been fully elucidated. Additionally, the effect of target therapy for those variants also unclarified. In this study, we investigated the biological functions of a HER2 mutation (G776S mutation) of unknown pathological significance, which was detected together with APC mutation by cancer genome sequencing of samples from a colorectal cancer (CRC) patient. Transfection of the HER2 G776S mutation alone slightly increased the kinase activity and phosphorylation of HER2 protein, but did not activate HER2 downstream signaling or alter the cell phenotype. On the other hand, the HER2 G776S mutation was shown to have strong oncogenic potential when loss of APC function was accompanied. We revealed that loss of APC function increased Wnt pathway activity but also increased RAS-GTP, which increased ERK phosphorylation triggered by HER2 G776S transfection. In addition, afatinib, a pan-HER tyrosine kinase inhibitor, suppressed tumor growth in xenografts derived from HER2 G776S-transfected CRC cells. These findings suggest that this HER2 mutation in CRC may be a potential therapeutic target