32 research outputs found


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    われわれはS-1の反応が悪くなった胃癌腹膜転移の1例に2nd-line chemotherapyとしてpaclitaxelを併用して有効であったことを報告する.投与方法はS-1 80mg/日3週連日経口投与+paclitaxel 40mg/m^2をday 1, 8, 15に点滴静脈注射し, 2週休薬する5週間1コースの併用である.主に外来化学療法として行った.症例の腹膜転移を有する4型胃癌に対し,胃全摘+脾合併切除術, D2郭清を施行した.術後S-1を12コース投与した. CTで右横隔膜下に腹膜転移の増強と肝門部に再発の増大を認めたため, paclitaxelを併用した.併用11コース後,肝門部再発が徐々に軽度増大したが,腹膜転移は不変で,長期間にわたって全身状態は良好であった.腹膜転移診断後3年7ヵ月でご永眠された. S-1の反応が悪くなった胃癌腹膜転移例に2nd-line chemotherapyとしてpaclitaxelを併用して生存期間をさらに延長したと考えられる.この化学療法は重症な副作用がなく,外来で頻用できる有効な治療である.We describe a patient with peritoneal metastasis from gastric cancer treated with S-1 (TS-1^) in whom survival was further prolonged by concomitant treatment with paclitaxel (Taxol^), given as second-line chemotherapy. S-1 (80mg/day) was given orally for 21 days, and paclitaxel (40mg/m^2) was given by intravenous infusion on days 1, 8, and 15 of a 5-week cycle, administered primarily on an outpatient basis. A 61-year-old man presented with body weight loss. Type 4 gastric cancer was diagnosed on endoscopic examination. The patient underwent total gastrectomy for gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis. Twelve cycles of S-1 were given postoperatively. A computed tomographic scan revealed increased peritoneal metastasis and disease recurrence. Paclitaxel was therefore given concomitantly with S-1. After 11 cycles of combination chemotherapy, peritoneal metastasis remained unchanged. The patient died 3 years 7 months after the diagnosis of peritoneal metastasis. In the patient with gastric cancer and peritoneal metastasis relatively refractory to S-1 therapy, the combination of a low weekly dose of paclitaxel and S-1 prolonged survival further without severe toxicity. We conclude that this regimen can be given for many cycles on an outpatient basis and prolong survival


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    われわれはS-1の反応が悪くなった胃癌腹膜転移の1例に2nd-line chemotherapyとしてpaclitaxelを併用して有効であったことを報告する.投与方法はS-1 80mg/日3週連日経口投与+paclitaxel 40mg/m^2をday 1, 8, 15に点滴静脈注射し, 2週休薬する5週間1コースの併用である.主に外来化学療法として行った.症例の腹膜転移を有する4型胃癌に対し,胃全摘+脾合併切除術, D2郭清を施行した.術後S-1を12コース投与した. CTで右横隔膜下に腹膜転移の増強と肝門部に再発の増大を認めたため, paclitaxelを併用した.併用11コース後,肝門部再発が徐々に軽度増大したが,腹膜転移は不変で,長期間にわたって全身状態は良好であった.腹膜転移診断後3年7ヵ月でご永眠された. S-1の反応が悪くなった胃癌腹膜転移例に2nd-line chemotherapyとしてpaclitaxelを併用して生存期間をさらに延長したと考えられる.この化学療法は重症な副作用がなく,外来で頻用できる有効な治療である.We describe a patient with peritoneal metastasis from gastric cancer treated with S-1 (TS-1^<[○!R]>) in whom survival was further prolonged by concomitant treatment with paclitaxel (Taxol^<[○!R]>), given as second-line chemotherapy. S-1 (80mg/day) was given orally for 21 days, and paclitaxel (40mg/m^2) was given by intravenous infusion on days 1, 8, and 15 of a 5-week cycle, administered primarily on an outpatient basis. A 61-year-old man presented with body weight loss. Type 4 gastric cancer was diagnosed on endoscopic examination. The patient underwent total gastrectomy for gastric cancer with peritoneal metastasis. Twelve cycles of S-1 were given postoperatively. A computed tomographic scan revealed increased peritoneal metastasis and disease recurrence. Paclitaxel was therefore given concomitantly with S-1. After 11 cycles of combination chemotherapy, peritoneal metastasis remained unchanged. The patient died 3 years 7 months after the diagnosis of peritoneal metastasis. In the patient with gastric cancer and peritoneal metastasis relatively refractory to S-1 therapy, the combination of a low weekly dose of paclitaxel and S-1 prolonged survival further without severe toxicity. We conclude that this regimen can be given for many cycles on an outpatient basis and prolong survival

    Vertical distribution of tree fine roots in the tephra profile with two buried humic soil layers

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    Surface humic soils, where fine roots are mainly distributed, can be accidentally buried due to coverage by deposits such as volcanic ash. This buried humic soil may influence the vertical distribution of fine roots because soil organic matter strongly affects soil functions. However, fine root distributions in buried humic soils are little understood. In order to elucidate the effects of buried humic soils on fine root distribution, we investigated fine root biomass and soil characteristics in a soil profile down to 3.3 m with two buried humic soils formed by tephra in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan. In this profile, fine root biomass decreased with soil depth, but increased in buried humic soils that had higher soil total carbon (C) content and higher fine soil ratio than buried nonhumic soils. These results lead us to surmise a preferential development of active fine roots in buried humic soils rich in organic C rather than nonhumic soils