43 research outputs found


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    Scientific Researches about the Impact of Spirituality on Health (スピリチュアリティと健康をめぐる科学的研究)

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    Relation of dampness to sick building syndrome in Japanese public apartment houses(日本の公共共同住宅におけるシックビル症候群と湿気との関係)

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    http://www.springerlink.com/ 著者最終原稿版旭川の公共共同住宅の建物64棟とその住人480名を対象に標記について検討した。湿気の指標として、窓ガラスの結露、壁及び/又はクロゼットの結露、浴室のカビ、壁、窓枠及び/又はクロゼットのカビ、カビ臭、浴室における濡れたタオルの乾燥速度、水漏れ及び浴室の排水不良について調査した。その結果、浴室のカビ意外の全ての湿気指標は、シックビル症候群(SBS)の症状の全て又は一部に対し、有意に高いオッズ比(OR)を有していた。湿気指標の陽性数と、全てのSBS症状とには有意な相関が見られた。日本の公共住宅には湿気に関連する問題があり、居住者の健康に影響していることが示された。居住者に湿気とSBSとの関係について教育し、建物の問題を改善する必要があると考えられた

    Dampness, food habits, and sick building syndrome symptoms in elementary school pupils (小学生の湿度環境、食習慣、シックビル症候群の症状)

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    著者最終原稿版 http://www.springerlink.com/小学生の湿度環境と食習慣が自覚症状に与える影響を明らかにするため、学校と住居の湿度/カビ、および小学生の食習慣と自覚症状を調査した。児童1077人を対象としたアンケートを実施し、教室と住居における湿度が自覚症状に与える影響を調べた。1)カビ、2)カビ臭さ、3)水漏れ、4)窓ガラスの結露、という4つの湿度指標の合計を湿度指数とし、家庭と教室の湿度指数を調べた。またアンケートには、朝食を食べる頻度、学校給食が提供するエネルギーは充分か、スナックおよび/または菓子を多量に食べるかなど、食習慣に関する質問も含まれた。湿度と食習慣が自覚症状に関連するかどうかを、調整ロジスティック回帰を用いて判定した。その結果、完全に調整したモデルにおいて、家庭の湿度指数は、咳、全身症状、また少なくとも1つの症状の保有と有意に関連しており、教室の湿度指数は鼻症状と有意に関連していた。さらに、普段朝食を取らない習慣には、眼症状と有意な関係があり、スナックや菓子の過度の摂取は、眼、鼻、全身症状と有意に関連していた。家庭と教室の湿度は、児童の健康に影響を及ぼしていた。特に家庭の湿度は、咳および全身症状と有意に関連し、教室の湿度には鼻症状と有意な関連性があった。さらに、適切な食習慣は、児童の自覚症状に良い影響を与えていた


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    出版社版Recently we sometimes hear the word Health Science', but for many peopIe it is not so clear what health science means. The purpose of this Paper is to clarify the meaning and importance of this science in medicine. The definition of health is not so clear and we don't know the definite method to explore“health", which may be the reasons why it is difficult to discuss health science. As for the definition of health, some new concepts are developed:“subjective feeling of health' and “salutogenesis". According to Dr.Sukekata Kashiwa, health science belongs to the third sciences that set up the goal to realize and search the way to reach it rationalIy,Health is also an important goal for clinical medicine,but in this field health man mean setting the sick conditions back to the former states. Health science, however, intends to promote the individual and public health, therefore the health-scienctific approaches must be more pluralistic and comprehensive. In psychosomatic medicine,which is now regarded as the fundamental in clinical medicine,the biopsychosocioexistential medical model has been proposed. This model enables comprehensive medical practices but it does not mention the humanactivities. Dr.Kashiwa has proposed that the initiative and creative activities are principal in human beings.I believe that view of human being as biopsychosocioexistential medical model is indispensable for health science because people are not objects to be cured but main characters to pursue health by themselves through the consciousness of their death. Health science,there fore,means the birth of initiative medicine


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    雑誌掲載版Hisayuki Omodaka (1904-1995), a philosopher in Japan, started a lecture on Philosophy of Medicine in a medical school in 1941. Philosophy of Medicine is often interchanged with Introduction of Medicine, but Omodaka clearly declared that both fields were quite different from each other and that his Philosophy of Medicine comprised three crucial and closely-related philosophies: the philosophy of science, the philosophy of life and the philosophy of medicine. However, his doctrine does not seem to have yet been understood fully. One reason is that his three-volume doctrine is about 740 pages long and it might be difficult to read them through. Therefore, in this paper, I will now summarize Omodaka's doctrine briefly, which may enable people to have an overview of his study and understand the purpose of Philosophy of Medicine and the significance of this field. Omodaka attempted to accomplish two tasks. One was to establish Philosophy or Medicine as a doctrine, and the other was to set up a department for this study, for it is quite difficult to develop it without such research faculty. He could accomplish the former job successfully, but he could not realize the latter task. He claimed that all medical universities should have such department, but even now, only one medical university has such in Japan. Now, Medicine faces many significant and complicated problems, and I believe that Philosophical approaches as well as scientific ones are required to help address such issues. Philosophy of Medicine clarifies the principles of medicine, and aims to create a better medicine in the future


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    雑誌掲載版Department of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences has been established in Kyoto University since 1952. Suketaka Kashiwa (1907-2007), who was the first professor of this department, published a book entitled “Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences” in 1962, where he especially clarified the characteristics of “applied sciences” such as agricultural sciences, medicine, and so on. He insisted that applied sciences are not just the application of basic sciences, but they have their own purposes and methods used to unify them. For instance, applied sciences aim to clarify the rational human behaviors to realize some specific purposes (how to cure or prevent some diseases in a proper and best way). And, in order to realize such purposes, they utilize both natural sciences and social sciences, and examine whether their strategies are adequate to realize the purpose or not. Hisayuki Omodaka (1904-1997), on the other hand, was the founder of philosophy of medicine. In comparing these two types of philosophies, people came to know that both of them discussed two major issues: epistemologic one, such as philosophy of sciences, and ontological one, such as a view of a person or an essence of agriculture. On a view of a person, both Kashiwa and Omodaka have a similar perspective. For them, humans are not passive subjects who are completely determined by the external environments, but they have initiative and are self-determined. Both philosophy of agricultural sciences and philosophy of medicine reflect agricultural sciences and medicine respectively, and aim to establish better ones. In order to realize this goal, the continuous reflection of sciences and view of a person may be indispensable