372 research outputs found

    Photonic Crystal Nanocavities and Waveguides

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    Fabrication of optical structures has evolved to a precision which allows us to control light within etched nanostructures. Nano-optic cavities can be used for efficient and flexible concentration of light in small volumes, and control over both emission wavelength and frequency. Conversely, if a periodic pattern is defined in the top semitransparent metal layer by lithography, it is possible to efficiently couple out the light out of a semiconductor and to simultaneously enhance the spontaneous emission rate. Here we demonstrate the use of photonic crystals for efficient light localization and light extraction

    Photonic Crystals and their Applications to Efficient Light Emitters

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    When combined with high index contrast slabs in which light can be efficiently guided, microfabricated two-dimensional photonic bandgap mirrors provide us with the geometries needed to confine and concentrate light into extremely small volumes and to obtain very high field intensities. Fabrication of optical structures has now evolved to a precision which allows us to control light within such etched nanostructures. Sub-wavelength nano-optic cavities can be used for efficient and flexible control over both emission wavelength and frequency, and nanofabricated optical waveguides can be used for efficient coupling of light between devices. The reduction of the size of optical components leads to their integration in large numbers and the possibility to combine different functionalities on a single chip. We show uses of such crystals in functional nonlinear optical devices, such as lasers, modulators, add/drop filters, polarizers and detectors

    Quantum dot photonic crystal lasers

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    Coupled cavity designs on two-dimensional square lattice photonic crystal slabs were used to demonstrate optically pumped indium arsenide quantum dot photonic crystal lasers at room temperature. Threshold pump powers of 120 and 370 μW were observed for coupled cavities including two and four defect cavities defined in optimised photonic crystals

    Photonic Crystal Cavities and Waveguides

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    Recently, it has also become possible to microfabricate high reflectivity mirrors by creating two- and three-dimensional periodic structures. These periodic "photonic crystals" can be designed to open up frequency bands within which the propagation of electromagnetic waves is forbidden irrespective of the propagation direction in space and define photonic bandgaps. When combined with high index contrast slabs in which light can be efficiently guided, microfabricated two-dimensional photonic bandgap mirrors provide us with the geometries needed to confine and concentrate light into extremely small volumes and to obtain very high field intensities. Here we show the use of these "artificially" microfabricated crystals in functional nonlinear optical devices, such as lasers, modulators, and waveguides

    Surgical treatment of sporadic vestibular schwannoma in a series of 1006 patients. Trattamento chirurgico degli schwannomi vestibolari: risultati su una serie di 1006 pazienti

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    La gestione dello schwannoma vestibolare (SV) sporadico si è gradualmente evoluta negli ultimi decenni. Lo scopo di questo studio è di analizzare l’evoluzione negli esiti chirurgici dell’exeresi di queste lesioni, realizzata da un team neurotologico tra il 1990 e il 2006, attraverso differenti approcci. È stata eseguita una revisione retrospettica monocentrica dei dati clinici di 1006 pazienti. Al fine di valutare eventuali modifiche e progressi, il periodo di 17 anni è stato diviso in tre periodi, ciascuno comprendente rispettivamente 268 SV (1990- 1996), 299 SV (1997-2001), e 439 SV (2002-2006). Il follow-up medio è stato di 5,9 ± 2,4 anni. Complessivamente l’asportazione totale è stata ottenuta nel 99,4% dei casi. Il tasso di mortalità è stato dello 0,3%, la meningite e la perdita di liquido cefalo rachidiano (LCR) sono stati osservati nel 1,2% e il 9% dei casi, rispettivamente. La frequenza della perdita di LCR è diminuita dal 11,6% al 7,1% tra il primo e dell’ultimo periodo (p < 0,01) e la revisione chirurgica dal 3,4% al 0,9% (p < 0,05). Il nervo facciale è stato anatomicamente conservato nel 97,7% dei casi. Ad un anno, una buona funzione del nervo facciale è stata osservata nel 85,1% dei pazienti (I e II grado HouseBrackmann), con una variazione tra il primo e l’ultimo periodo che andava dal 78,4% al 87,6% (p < 0,05). Ad un anno post-operatorio la conservazione dell’udito è stata ottenuta nel 61,6% dei pazienti, passando dal 50,9% del primo periodo, al 69,0% del periodo piú recente (p < 0,05) (classe A + B + C dalla classificazione AAO-HNS). L’udito utile (classe A + B) è stato conservato nel 33,5% dei casi complessivamente, con percentuali comprese tra il 21,8% e 42% nel primo e nell’ultimo periodo rispettivamente (p < 0,01). Gli esiti chirurgici dell’asportazion dello schwannoma vestibolare sporadico sono migliorati negli anni per quanto riguarda i risultati funzionali del nervo facciale, la conservazione dell’udito, le perdite di liquido cefalorachidiano, principalmente grazie all’esperienza del team neurotologico. I risultati funzionali dopo la rimozione microchirurgica completa SV di grandi dimensioni dipendono dall’ esperienza maturata sulle lesioni di piccole dimensioniThe management of sporadic vestibular schwannoma (VS) has evolved in the last decades. The aim of this study was to analyse the evolution in surgical outcomes of VSs operated by a neurotological team between 1990 and 2006 by different approaches. A monocentric retrospective review of medical charts of 1006 patients was performed. In order to assess eventual changes and progress, the 17-years period was divided in three periods, each one comprehending 268 VS (1990-1996), 299 VS (1997-2001), and 439 VS (2002-2006). Mean follow-up was 5.9 ± 2.4 years. Overall, complete VS removal was achieved in 99.4% of cases. Mortality rate was 0.3%, meningitis and CSF leaks were observed in 1.2 % and 9 % of the cases, respectively. CSF leakage decreased from 11.6% to 7.1% between the first and last period (p < 0.01) as well as revision surgery from 3.4 % to 0.9 % (p < 0.05). Facial nerve was anatomically preserved in 97.7% of cases. At one year, a good facial nerve function was observed in 85.1% of patients (grade I and II of House-Brackmann grading scale), which ranged between the first and last period from 78.4% to 87.6% (p <0.05). At one year, hearing preservation was obtained in 61.6% of patients, which increased from the first period to the last one from 50.9% to 69.0% (p < 0.05) (class A+B+C from the AAO-HNS classification). Useful hearing (class A+B) was observed in 33.5% of cases overall, with 21.8% and 42% in the first and last period, respectively (p < 0.01). Surgical outcomes of sporadic vestibular schwannoma have improved concerning facial nerve function outcomes, hearing preservation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks, mainly due to the neuro-otological team's experience. Functional results after complete microsurgical removal of large VS depend on experience gained on small VS removal

    CCR9 (chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 9)

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    Review on CCR9 (chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 9), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    High spontaneous emission coupling factor in photonic crystal nanolasers

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    We have demonstrated high spontaneous emission coupling factor ~ 0.1 from photonic crystal nanolasers with quantum dots. This high coupling resulted from narrow homogenous broadening of the quantum dots and the small number of resonances

    Scanning a photonic crystal slab nanocavity by condensation of xenon

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    Allowing xenon or nitrogen gas to condense onto a photonic crystal slab nanocavity maintained at 10–20 K results in shifts of the nanocavity mode wavelength by as much as 5 nm (~=4 meV). This occurs in spite of the fact that the mode defect is achieved by omitting three holes to form the spacer. This technique should be useful in changing the detuning between a single quantum dot transition and the nanocavity mode for cavity quantum electrodynamics experiments, such as mapping out a strong coupling anticrossing curve. Compared with temperature scanning, it has a much larger scan range and avoids phonon broadening
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