184 research outputs found


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    キュウリュウチュウ(Martianus dermestaides)の成虫による卵の共食いと発育期の死亡率への密度効果および産卵曲線

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    1) The life-history of Martianus dermestoides Chevrolat bred in rice bran was presented briefly at the laboratory conditions of 30℃ and 61-75 per cent R. H. 2) Sexual difference in the pupal genital appendage was illustrated. 3) Mean rate of oviposition (age-specific net fecundity) was shown graphically. 4) Cannibalism of eggs by a male adult was investigated at different egg densities. Cannibalism occured intermittently, a beetle continued to eat eggs for 1-4 days and ceased eating for 1 or 2 days. The number of both beetles and days observed to cannibalize increased with density of eggs introduced. As the egg density increased, the average number of eggs eaten per male per day also increased. 5) Crowding a of the male effected on the egg cannibalism. As male density increased the average number of eggs eaten per male per day and the cannibalism rate, the fraction of eggs eaten per beetle per day, both decreased rapidly. 6) Effect of crowding on pre-adult mortality was investigated initiating at various degrees of egg density. The beetle was markedly tolerable to overcrowding

    Population Estimation of the Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium cataneum (HERBST) (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae), by Sampling and Capture-Recapture Mehtods

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    Techniques of population estimation with acceptable limits of percision were investigated for the adult beetle of Tribolium castaneum. Two techniques were tested : direct counting of insects on sample units of known size and method of capture, marking, release and recapture. About 1082 cm3 of whole-wheat flour together with 1095 adult beetles were placed into plastic cylindrical vessel, 21.5 cm in diameter and 12 cm in height. Each sample was taken filling 1.8 x 5 cm glass tube with flour together with beetles. The result of estimations in different sample sizes was shown in Table 1 . In the present study sample size calculated for 10 % admissible error was 54. The capture-recapture method was employed : one hundred of beetles were marked on the elytra with white lacquer and released. The result of estimations in different numbers of marked beetles recaptured was shown in Table 2. To increase degree of precision, it was recommended to increase number of beetles marked rather than that recaptured


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    The rates of predation by the adults of Tenebroides mauritanicus were determined for the three stored-product pests. The average number of completely or partially eaten insects per beetle per day was -2.5-2.7 for Rhyzopertha dominica, 0.5-0.7 for Sitophilus oryzae and 0.2-0.4 for Oryzaephilus surinamensis respectively., For the latter two species the number of insects consumed on the 1st day was greater than the latter days. For the rice weevil the greater numbers of dead and partially eaten weevils were left behind than the other two species. The relative preferences for the three species were examined. R. dominica was. most and O. surinamensis least attractive to the cadelle in the preference. The per cent insects eaten in the preference increased for R. dominica and S. oryzae and decreased for O. surinamensis as compard with preying on the single species. Using S. oryzae and O. surinamensis as prey, preying on dead body was tested. Both the rates of predation increased on the dead insects. The rate of predation on the dead S. oryzae did not differ from that on the living R. dominica. The relative preferences for the three species were attributed to the differences of vagility and palatability among the prey species. It was considered that the cadelle played an important role in natural control over the stored-product pests

    Effect of Sun-Drying on the Morality of Immature Rice Weevils, Sitophilus zeamais MOTSCH.(Coleoptera, Curculionidae)

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    In Japan farmers follow the custom of exposing grain to the sun's heat after passing of the rainy season to destroy insect infestation and to preserve it afterwards. The effect of this practice on the mortality was investigated for the various developmental stages of the rice weevil in kernels of naked barley. The mortality index (D per cent) was calculated as follows : D= C / C-Cx x 100 In this expression C and Cx represented the numbers of adult emerging from the untreated and treated samples respectively. The relationship between calculated percentage mortality index (y) and amount of insolation (x) received during the period of exposing was found to be expressed in the equation, y = axb, where a and b were calculated constants. First to third instar larvae were relatively sensitive to insolation and showed measurable mortality by the shortest exposing of ten minutes, while fourth instar larvae and pupae had no, effect of that exposing. All developmental stages of insect were killed by about 100 cal. amount of insolation. The effect of exposing to sun's heat on germination of naked barley was also investigated. There were no significant differences in gemination among control and experiments including five hours exposing


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    Effect of ozone on the adult mortalities was investigated in the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) and the saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surineamensis (L.). The insects were exposed to flow of ozone of amount ranged from 0.66 to 0.83 mg/min. The exposure periods were 10 to 300 minutes for the rice weevil and 1 to 18 hours for the saw-toothed grain beetle. Mortality counts were made at each of the ten days after exposure. The rice weevil was highly sensitive to ozone and temporarily fall into a state of coma after more than 90 minutes exposures. The LT50 and LT95 values at the tenth day after exposure were about 25 and 70 minutes for the rice weevil and about 10 and 100 hours for the saw-toothed grain beetle. The saw-toothed grain beetle was about 86-fold more tolerable to ozone than the rice weevil.残留農薬の毒性がひきおこす問題を回避して貯蔵害虫を防除する一つの方法として、CO2、N2、O2、He、Arの致死効果が調べられている。しかし、O3の致死効果についての研究は、あまり行われていない。O3発生量0.66~0.83mg/min、通気量3.5l/minの気体に、それぞれ100匹のココクゾウ成虫を10~300分間、ノコギリコクヌスト成虫を1~18時間さらし、その後の死亡率を10日間にわたって毎日調べた。ココクゾウはO3に弱く、90分以上さらすと多数が一時動かなくなる。2時間の暴露で9日後には100%が死亡する。ノコギリコクヌストはO3に対し極めて強い。ここでの18時間までの暴露では、その致死効果は6日後までに出尽くし、以降に効果は出ない。暴露後10日後のLT50、LT95の値はココクゾウで約25分、70分、ノコギリコクヌストで約10、100時間であった。LT95の値を基にして計算すると、ノコギリコクヌストはO3に対し、ココクゾウの86倍も強い

    The role of subunit epsilon in the catalysis and regulation of FOF1-ATP synthase

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    AbstractThe regulation of ATP synthase activity is complex and involves several distinct mechanisms. In bacteria and chloroplasts, subunit epsilon plays an important role in this regulation, (i) affecting the efficiency of coupling, (ii) influencing the catalytic pathway, and (iii) selectively inhibiting ATP hydrolysis activity. Several experimental studies indicate that the regulation is achieved through large conformational transitions of the α-helical C-terminal domain of subunit epsilon that occur in response to membrane energization, change in ATP/ADP ratio or addition of inhibitors. This review summarizes the experimental data obtained on different organisms that clarify some basic features as well as some molecular details of this regulatory mechanism. Multiple functions of subunit epsilon, its role in the difference between the catalytic pathways of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis and its influence on the inhibition of ATP hydrolysis by ADP are also discussed

    The Emergence of Insects from Dying Pine Trees

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    1977年5月初め実験室内に持ち帰ったマツの枯死木からの昆虫群集の羽化状況を調べた. 秋には枯れが目立たず,年を越してから枯死したマツからはマツノマダラカミキリは羽化してこなかった. シラホシゾウムシ一種,ヒメムツテンチャタテ,キイロホソナガクチキムシ,マツノマダラカミキリ,ヒゲナガモモブトカミキリ,ムナクボサビカミキリの6種の羽化曲線を示した. 1977年度の岡山のマツノマダラカミキリの羽化期は例年よりやや遅れていたと考えられる. マツノマダラカミキリの羽化虫数は,マツの樹幹の地上からの高さのちがいによって異なり,地上3~4mの高さの樹幹から最も多く羽化した

    Phototactic and Geotactic Responses of the Tea Red Mite, Tetranychus kanzawai (KISHIDA) (Acarina:Tetranychidae)

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    Phototactic and geotactic responses of the tea red spider mite, Tetranychus kanzawai (KISHIDA) were investigated at 25℃ and about 40 per cent R. H. Twenty adult females of the mite were placed in the middle of a test tube, 2 cm diameter and 20 cm height. The tube was set horizontally or vertically 50 cm apart from the light source putting on the side. The tube was divided into 9 sections putting a mark. The individual number of the mites in each section was counted 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes after switching on the light. Each test was replicated four times. The mites moved towards the brightest or the highest part of the tube actively at first and more slowly after ten minutes. It was demonstrated that the mites made photopositive and geonegative responses

    太陽熱による貯穀害虫の駆除 暴露時の豆の深さ

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    Temperature in layers of different thicknesses of Azuki beans was measured and it was found that layer thickness was a very important factor to consider when an attempt is made to disinfest grains using solar heat. Thin layers of up to 3.0 cm required 1.5 hours to reach the temperature of 55℃, that is fatal, if exposure is done for 4 to 5 hours, deduced from the literatures, while still a thinner layer of 1.5 cm required only 30 minutes and a 4.5 cm thick layer never reached that temperature. The 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 cm thick layers reached highest temperature of 78, 67 and 51℃ respectively. The 1.5 and 3.0 cm thick layers maintained temperature above 55℃ for 4 hours 50 minutes and 4 hours 20 minutes respectively. The 3.0 cm thick layer, therefore, seems the best and most practical. In general it is considered that very thick layers need a long time for the temperature to rise and do not reach so high, but keep the highest temperature attained for a fairly long time. On the contrary very thin layers have the temperature rise quickly but lose the heat rather rapidly. Therefore very thick or very thin layers being not convenient for solar heat disinfestation of insect pests, a suitable depth of grains need to be selected